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Prboom + not working..


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When ever i try to play or watch demos on prboom kit works for like one sec and then it says prboom.exe has stopped working. why is this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since you do not give any information to go by, I will just guess that you have found demos that are incompatible with prboom.
I have no trouble with demos, using prboom, on Linux.

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wesleyjohnson said:
Since you do not give any information to go by, I will just guess that you have found demos that are incompatible with prboom.

Doubtful; if the version is unsupported PrBoom says "G_ReadDemoHeader: Unknown demo format ?" (with the version instead of the question mark.) Maybe a demo using a regular header with very different data could cause weird issues, but I'm not aware of any and he says he gets this all the time.

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  • 7 years later...

*please delete*

Edited by Scotty

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  • 2 months later...

I Don't really like PRboom to much. It only reads doom 2 on my system, Sounds do not work well at all...

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That was an unnecessary bump, Equinox. Please check the dates of a thread before making a post in it unless your bump contributes something to the conversation at hand. It looks like this one died out eight years ago.

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