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Best WADs of this year?


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What's the best and already relased WAD in 2010? I joined the community in August only and I want to see the best WADs, which relased in 2010.

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speed of doom. by so much it's not even funny. i don't understand people saying anything else, especially one map "ubercool" projects.

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In no particular order : UAC Ultra, Claustrophobia 1024 2, Speed of Doom, Unloved, Curse of D'Sparil, the Sunder demo and Stronghold are really enjoyable to me. Hopefully Plutonia Revisited and Community Chest 4 will add to the list.

Drip Feed, No Rest For The Living and Arcadia Demade were very nice as well. I've yet to try Awakening.

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UAC Ultra
Claustrophobia 1024 2
Speed of Doom
Stronghold: on the Edge of Chaos

I already tried these WADs previously :) and anything other megaWAD except Clau1024 2 and SoD?

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UnholyMessias said:

Speed of Doom has been the best wad by far this year. Nothing else stood out for me, really looking forward to CC4 though.

CC4 is pretty much one of the WADs I'm highly anticipating, considering how much I enjoyed the previous releases. It could very well win me over.

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I'm surprised Speed of Doom has been mentioned so many times. Not to discredit it, because the maps look fabulous. I was particularly impressed with the abundance of mountainous outdoor scenes. Very impressive! But I had a really hard time enjoying it. I was already fed up with the gameplay by MAP02. After reading the anonymous reviews, all of which offered nothing but positive feedback, and with all the suggestions in this thread, I'm giving it another shot. I'm up to MAP10 by now on UV, though I had to load my game after dying like 300 times up to that point.

The maps, while looking great (with the exception of MAP07 which was waaayy too symmetrical), don't really offer much to desire as far as how they will play. There's a lot of long narrow hallways that get clogged up with monster spam or archviles, and are too tight to circle strafe around, lots of random teleport ambushes that are simply impossible to survive improvisationally without knowing they are coming ahead of time, wide open areas with some deadly traps including monsters like arachnatrons and chaingun guys but absolutely no indents in the walls or pillars or crates or anything to hide behind. Anything that can be used to hide behind is so far out of the way that you have to dash across the room to get to it, then dash back to get within a good range to actually damage them with your weapons. Every time I set foot in another room I get intimidated by the layout. I can rarely map out an efficient strategy to handle any number or type of monsters and can rarely locate any "safe zones" that I can use to avoid taking hits from but still be within a good fighting distance. I hate to say it but I'm really not enjoying this wad so far.

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Katamori said:


Definitely. Unloved is by far one of the most amazing wads I've seen for Gzdoom. The way the levels just kind of warp the main hub really blows me away.

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Craigs said:

Definitely. Unloved is by far one of the most amazing wads I've seen for Gzdoom. The way the levels just kind of warp the main hub really blows me away.

This comment. I have to say that "Unloved" remains the only Doom WAD to ever give me the creeps--and it takes a lot to spook me. Not to mention that the game play was entirely engaging and bizarre. I couldn't stop playing it...even if I got startled on occassion :p.

Much love to "Speed of Doom" (my favorite non-joke megaWAD), "UAC Ultra," "Drip Feed," "Arcadia Demade," and "Brood of Hatred." They're all great 2010 releases, but "Unloved" pretty much takes the cake for me.

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I find it's only logical to judge for WADs on the last week of the year as we still have 3 months and 3 weeks before 2011.

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The maps, while looking great (with the exception of MAP07 which was waaayy too symmetrical), don't really offer much to desire as far as how they will play. There's a lot of long narrow hallways that get clogged up with monster spam or archviles, and are too tight to circle strafe around, lots of random teleport ambushes that are simply impossible to survive improvisationally without knowing they are coming ahead of time, wide open areas with some deadly traps including monsters like arachnatrons and chaingun guys but absolutely no indents in the walls or pillars or crates or anything to hide behind. Anything that can be used to hide behind is so far out of the way that you have to dash across the room to get to it, then dash back to get within a good range to actually damage them with your weapons. Every time I set foot in another room I get intimidated by the layout. I can rarely map out an efficient strategy to handle any number or type of monsters and can rarely locate any "safe zones" that I can use to avoid taking hits from but still be within a good fighting distance. I hate to say it but I'm really not enjoying this wad so far.


I played SOD on UV even though I really shouldn't have and was too stubborn to lower the difficulty.

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A layout problem on a lower skill level is still a layout problem, just with less monsters and HP loss involved.

I'd still need to play the wad to figure out if I agree or not, though. Judging from the name, I'm sure the "run like hell" gameplay style is intentional. :P

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Well, comparing 40oz's maps to those in Speed of Doom, you can tell they obviously have very different gameplay. Anyway, while I do think that SoD is a great wad and that it has some really nice maps, it's not really revolutionary and some of the maps fall short (then again, that's only to be expected from any megawad). For example map14, map20 and map31 are all great IMO, but map21 makes me wonder was it even tested on a port that doesn't fix the hitbox glitch.

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