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If I ever offer any of you advice on relationships, always remember to smack me, bitchslap me and poke me with red hot needles until I die.

Today has been one of the most miserable of my life I can remember. I gave up on my girlf and went for Ms. Unattainable, because I couldn't cope with the guilt any longer. She treated me like I was a retarded piece of gum she got her £80 Gucci's stuck in.

I have also hurt someone I care about, and I've realised that I have also lost the one person who comforted me when shit happened in teh process. It had to be, but it is truly awful, a travesty, plain and simple.

I have made myslef look a prat at my uni, and all I can see ahead of me now is a bleak, single existence.

Don't ever base your happiness on one thing people, if it fails, you've fuckstarted yourslef before the first hurdle.

that is all. fuck it, just fuck it. :-<

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Just learn from your mistakes...there's gotta be someone else out there for you other than your ex.

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I was a retarded piece of gum she got her £80 Gucci's stuck in.

Awww that's friggin' unbelieveable...where the hell can you get Gucci's for £80?
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The sooner you have a real life the sooner you screw it up.But the sooner you get over it,the sooner you screw it up again etc.etc.BUT eventually you will start to learn how not to screw it up and what your own real worth is and the fact that if the other person can't see this they're not worthy of your attention anyway.You could never be happy with them.The bottom line is the sooner you start the sooner you get there.

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The sooner you have a real life the sooner you screw it up.But the sooner you get over it,the sooner you screw it up again etc.etc.BUT eventually you will start to learn how not to screw it up and what your own real worth is and the fact that if the other person can't see this they're not worthy of your attention anyway.You could never be happy with them.The bottom line is the sooner you start the sooner you get there.

Eww... then I prefer skipping the hard parts

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Eww... then I prefer skipping the hard parts

Nice pun.
Yeah me too... but eventually if you want something,and your natural instincts take over its difficult to have a choice in the matter.

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sucks to be you.

it's great to be me, specially now that my life has sky rocketed and is still only getting better.

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I KNEW that you should've sticked with your g/f!
Hm, it's usually my experience that pretty girls are too self-centered in general.

pritch my friend, this really sucks..ucks...ucks :-(
You have my deepfelt sympathy.

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See guys Pritch's problem wasn't trying to get the unattainable, it was giving up too soon, after

I gave up on my girlf and went for Ms. Unattainable, because I couldn't cope with the guilt any longer. She treated me like I was a retarded piece of gum she got her £80 Gucci's stuck in.

, his next words should have been "I suppose a fuck's out of the question?"

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I suppose a fuck's outa the question then?

ROFLMAO! heh, I might just try that one yet, my final words of defiance!

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I suppose a fuck's outa the question then?

It's too rhetorical a statement,it invites a negative answer almost automatically.Better to make a straight statement that you would love to fuck her.Even if she refuses she'll think about it and more she thinks the more she'll get excited by the idea.So therefore the greater possibility of an eventual yes.

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Pritch, try to get back with your ex. I mean, it seems like you really liked her and liked the relationship, until you saw Ms. Hot. Am I right? Dude, just go back to her and explain how you feel about the whole thing. Appologize and let her know that you understand what you did wrong and realize why it was wrong to begin with. Just show her that you love her, if in fact you do. It may be difficult, but it's worth the trouble if you can get your woman back...

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I say fuck both of them. Don't go crawling back like scum to your old gf, just go out of the house and find the hottest chick you can. If you're not happy with the relationship don't wait till it get's too serious, just dump her as soon as you can and keep looking for someone else, someone that's perfect for you. It seems like your old gf wasn't enough to cut it.

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pritch, I know exactly how you feel. Right now I'm in the process of getting back with my girl. Of course, she's making me work my ass off for it, and I don't know what on earth I'll do about her parents, but it's definitely worth it to have someone special in your life.

I know that sounds hokey, but hokey doesn't necessarily mean wrong. If there's any shot, I'd go for it, but that's just me.


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::reads in disgust::

I say fuck both of them. Don't go crawling back like scum to your old gf, just go out of the house and find the hottest chick you can. If you're not happy with the relationship don't wait till it get's too serious, just dump her as soon as you can and keep looking for someone else, someone that's perfect for you. It seems like your old gf wasn't enough to cut it.

::still disgusted::

Way to give good advice, Orion. So where exactly do YOU stand in terms of relationships?

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Bah, all you people need to learn how to be loners. The only times I ever bothered with girlfriends is when they came to me, not the other way around. I'd sure never go looking for one on my own.

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Bah, all you people need to learn how to be loners. The only times I ever bothered with girlfriends is when they came to me, not the other way around. I'd sure never go looking for one on my own.

I think that's the best way. At least you won't be eternally worried about hitting on someone as soon as there is a chance.

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I have treated all my GFs with respect and got the same back. But hey, shit happens, you learn that in life.

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Bah, all you people need to learn how to be loners. The only times I ever bothered with girlfriends is when they came to me, not the other way around. I'd sure never go looking for one on my own.

I don't know what it's like to have a g/f, but I would think that after having a g/f it's extremely difficult to get back to the lonely life. I think pritch should at least try and get his g/f back (you ought to treat her particularly well after having broken her heart like this IF you get her back pritch).

But I do feel more or less the same as you Lüt. I don't want ta bother about huntin' for a g/f. I usually get the impression that guys have to go through some pretty embarassing scenes to get a g/f and there is NO WAY that I would subject myself to something like that.

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Bah, all you people need to learn how to be loners. The only times I ever bothered with girlfriends is when they came to me, not the other way around. I'd sure never go looking for one on my own.

I don't know what it's like to have a g/f, but I would think that after having a g/f it's extremely difficult to get back to the lonely life. I think pritch should at least try and get his g/f back (you ought to treat her particularly well after having broken her heart like this IF you get her back pritch).

But I do feel more or less the same as you Lüt. I don't want ta bother about huntin' for a g/f. I usually get the impression that guys have to go through some pretty embarassing scenes to get a g/f and there is NO WAY that I would subject myself to something like that.

This is my opinion, fodders may have better advice, but I never go back out when I break up with a girl. Its just to weird IMO. Pritch, sorry dude, do you have AIM? Bother me on there dude.

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be a loner(no g/f) for a while and spend more time with your real life friends.take the advice from real life friends who both know about you and your girl.they might help you solve this situation.

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heh, thanks y'all. My real life friends didn't really know my ex so that's a no, no.

I can't get back with her, because I simply don't have the right sort of feelings, and it wouldn't be fair on her, and it wouldn't be fair on me.

And there's an end it to it, but once again, thanks.

Bah, I might finally concede to getting AIM, but only if someone urls me, I refuse to go to AOL's site directly.

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