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!!Spectacular Inedit Missions!!


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Hello everyone!
I am very happy to be part of your group;
if you can help, I will be happy to give you and the whole world what I can do better!!

I joined because a few years ago,
release of Doom and Doom II was fighting on the front line.

I spent about 16,000 hours to build personal levels of Doom,
I created new textures, new weapons, new monsters,
I studied architecture with breathtaking levels,
I have designed at least 6 complete missions .

All this is on my DVDs and no one has ever seen,
with the disappearance of the DOS
also I can no longer play for years. :°(

I forgot the codes to get into my own levels
I forgot the codes to associate the images drawn by me in levels.
I've become a little rusty on computer.

I have all the pieces, if anyone knows how to put the pieces together can benefit all!!

I await news!

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Glue all the pieces back together.

Now carefully lay it in the disk tray.

Close the tray.

Let me know what happens. I'll be waiting behind the couch.

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What you mean by "codes" isn't very clear. I suppose you mean command line stuff. There are simpler tools now, you don't have to use DeuTex anymore to build the files.

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I Await News, the groundbreaking new album by Vins Castello! Featuring the smash hits "Fighting on the Front Line", "Show the World (What I Can Do Better)", "Play For Years", and "I Await News"! Also featuring guest singer Maes with the bonus tracks "Big Butts Don't Lie", and "I Can't Wait (For the Fun to Begin)".

I Await News. In stores now!

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Thank you very much for answers,
I dusted off my old notebooks,
codes were to see the level as I created it
and to insert my images instead of original images;
I used different programs to add sound and pictures and construct levels: doomcad, doomedit, doomut.

I guess now everything is different..
and I do not think I can do something good.
I need substantial help from someone who knows where to get your hands on programs today!

I can not publish images on the forum.
but I can describe some details of my work.

The final monster was designed by me, is half the above cyberdemon
and half below Spider Mastermind.. ;-D

Instead of the chainsaw, the Doomguy rides a pink demon, that attacks enemies with his mouth,
Instead of the sound of the chainsaw I entered her roar.
the heads lost souls, are small yellow cacodemon. :-)

I do not speak English and I use a translator
my language is Italian.

if anyone knows how to help let me know.
work together, I will send you the material and we will make a Christmas gift to all web users!!

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Vins said:

I used different programs to add sound and pictures and construct levels: doomcad, doomedit, doomut.

Times have changed, most of us now use Doom Builder 2 for map editing (or Doom Builder 1.68 on older/slower computers) and SLumpEd or XWE for wad editing.

I can not publish images on the forum.

Upload the images to a hosting service - like ImageShack or Photobucket - and add links to them in your posts.

instead of mortosega, the Doomguy rides a pink demon, that attacks enemies with his mouth,
Instead of the sound of the chainsaw I entered her roar.

Moto sega? Sounds like an interesting chainsaw substitute.

if anyone knows how to help let me know.
work together, I will send you the material and we will make a Christmas gift to all web users!!

There's plenty of people here who know how to help, the fun job is keeping them motivated. I could help with wad assembly.

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GreyGhost said:

Moto sega? Sounds like an interesting chainsaw substitute.

Only that it would look exactly like a chainsaw - motosega means "chainsaw" in Italian :-p

Let's also throw some Pistola, Fucile a pallettoni, Doppietta, Lupara, Mitra, Lanciarazzi, e Grande Cannone Inculante 9000 :-p

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You can upload your completed works to the /idgames archives so we can see what your maps are like and provide feedback.

..or if you want to show it immediately, upload it to mediafire.com and link us.

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maybe like this:

I can not send photos or maps in the levels because I do not know how to open them.

So if I understand, the official site of the IDGames
you can upload your own personal levels,
But my all individuals and are open individually, and must be made in the missions grouped.
all personal images designed to be exchanged with the original and inserted in the levels..

I have everything saved and well cataloged,
I do not know how much work a computer expert is,,
if it is a breeze, or it takes time,
if its a difficult thing, I could select the best 4-5levels
to have at least a small souvenir of all my work.

Who can help me add your name to on missions, you can put the logo doomworld, I do not want the glory, I would like to play to my level and let us play the others.

if anyone knows how to do this and it is seriously interested in collaborating can contact me on e-mail!

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Vins said:

I can not send photos or maps in the levels because I do not know how to open them.

I don't quite follow - are you having trouble saving screenshots or linking to photos and maps in your posts? If it's the latter (and you're using MediaFire) click on the "Share" button and copy/paste the Forum Embed Code into your post.

(770x475 - 36k)

You can share images, files and folders that way.

So if I understand, the official site of the IDGames you can upload your own personal levels

Yes, that's the community archive, though Ty Halderman (who maintains the archive) tends to reject unfinished projects.

But my all individuals and are open individually, and must be made in the missions grouped.
all personal images designed to be exchanged with the original and inserted in the levels..

I have everything saved and well cataloged,

Sounds like a fun job and shouldn't be too difficult if we don't miss-translate the catalogue entries.

if anyone knows how to do this and it is seriously interested in collaborating can contact me on e-mail!

So long as we can cope with the language barrier - I'm interested.

Maes said:

Only that it would look exactly like a chainsaw - motosega means "chainsaw" in Italian :-p

Yep - that's what I thought Vins meant when I read "mortoseka" in his previous post, though I might be wrong.

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Hellbent said:



Is it just me or this is the first Hellbent post in a while? Go back to your submissive leatherman lifestyle, you!!!

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Okay Grey!
Give me a few days to arrange my work commitments,
for October 1 will send the material of the DVD,
For example, using megaupload. Then it will all be in your hands!

the demon pink works extremely well,
taking advantage of all the designs of the chainsaw
I have created several movements, walking swings,
when someone attacks it seems that gored,
when doomguy on the invisibility Pill, the demon becomes ghost.
is very funny attack on the enemy, especially demon against demon ;-)

However apart from the drawings, the most powerful thing is the architecture.

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Looking in your site, (trying to translate the best)
I seemed to see that there are competitions,
for example Cacowards;
there are races construction levels
or more players are fighting?

I was 10 years away from the world of doom, let me know the news!
what it can do all of these layers that I created!?

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Intanto puoi zipparli e metterli su megaupload/rapidshare cosi' possiamo darci un occhiata, se ti va bene ;-)

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Vins said:

Okay Grey!
Give me a few days to arrange my work commitments,
for October 1 will send the material of the DVD,
For example, using megaupload. Then it will all be in your hands!

Thanks. I'm looking forward to seeing your handiwork and hope I can do it justice. <grabs a big stick to beat off Maes> :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! Sorry for the delay!

sent files, now it's up to you!

I preferred not to put the link of the upload,
not to distribute these files too decomposed;

Grey it seemed the right type for this mission ;-)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I have not yet received a reply.

The first three missions available
are called


then I put together from two other missions


but where are they? :( ....

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