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Question about a certain themed wad... (no it's not the X rated ones)

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Hmm... I've recently been browsing around ftp.sunet and I've recently noticed something. There hasn't been any school-themed WADs lately. The last one that was released was either back in 95 or 97... It's probably because of all of those school shootings, but is there any other reasons why school-themed wads haven't been released lately?

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BECAUSE ONLY COMPLETE TOTAL MORONS WHO CAN'T EDIT WORTH SHIT BOTHER TO WRITE SCHOOL-THEMED WADS and fortunately such morons are rare in the doom community today.

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Why the fuck would anyone want to make a school Doom WAD anyway? Isn't it every kid's dream to get as far away from school as possible?

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BECAUSE ONLY COMPLETE TOTAL MORONS WHO CAN'T EDIT WORTH SHIT BOTHER TO WRITE SCHOOL-THEMED WADS and fortunately such morons are rare in the doom community today.

Then again, there are always people who come up with something great like Trinity or Sjc.
Not all school doom wads are made by little psycho's or motards... get with the program.

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Almost all wads based on real locations suck, that's why. The real world doesn't make for the most entertaining levels, and you don't get a whole lot out of the level unless you know what the place is like in real life. It's a novelty thing.

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Well then I strongly suggest you check out the St. Johns university wad. It's different o'right...

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BECAUSE ONLY COMPLETE TOTAL MORONS WHO CAN'T EDIT WORTH SHIT BOTHER TO WRITE SCHOOL-THEMED WADS and fortunately such morons are rare in the doom community today.

Wow, ok, hold on a sec. Just calm down. I downloaded a bunch of school-themed ones a long time ago, and yes they do suck. But the only I liked was that St. Johns wad, even though it's old. And about Real World themed wads, some of them are OK, like that Hoover dam one. That one is pretty cool.

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