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JENESIS - done and on /idgames.

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Added you to my Buddy List. :D Hold tight for a little while as I prepare the beta for upload. ;)

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That's a rather interesting meld of the E2 and E4 skies you have going on there. Looking forward to the final release. A lot.

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Jimmy91 said:

Part 2 is about ready for private testing. I'll need about three or four testers and I'm opening up the slots anew. Please post if you're interested. :D

I'll be quite busy till the end of the week, but I'd still be glad to help on playtesting this wad, provided all playtester slots aren't taken already :)

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I should really play through all of part 1 someday. I think I played through like...half of it or something and never got around to the other half.

In the meantime, I'd be willing to playtest part 2 if there's still space available. It'll give me something to do in the mornings, that's for sure.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, thanks for everything so far, testers. Part 2 Beta 2 has now been sent to you all. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watch this space for a public beta, hopefully soon. :D

[Don't worry MegaDoomer, I've got time - I'll wait for ya. ;)]

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It's finished!

Download! (4.08MB)

(Click the above image for screenshot gallery.)


  • Ten new maps: MAP02, MAP08, MAP09, MAP10, MAP11, MAP13, MAP15, MAP17, MAP19 and MAP20.
  • Map order has been switcheroo'd slightly. The Garden Terminal II is now MAP04 and comes after its former successor, Oasis Facility. Radioactive Ocean (now Poisoned Ocean) is now MAP12 and comes WAY after its former successor, Dead Center.
  • New exit rooms for MAP01, MAP07 and MAP12, and an extension to the starting area of MAP14 (Into the Gate).
  • MAP05 (Submerged Refinery) has had a major thematic and spatial overhaul in its early areas.
  • Old MAP11 (Putrid Cathedral) has been turned into MAP19 (The Vulcanum).
  • MAP14's exit now kills.
  • Some extra secrets have been added to the previous maps.
  • The new final map (MAP20) is rather different from your typical Icon of Sin. It's not brilliantly set up at the moment, but still I think it has a fairly unique method of play. Hope you enjoy it. :)
  • Four all-new songs by me: "Crush" by Pendulum (MAP09), "Pathogen" (MAP12), "Voyage I" (MAP13) and "Sunset Over Babylon" (MAP17). That last one is still largely WIP and will be extended/modified for the final release.
  • General bugfixes/extensions to the already-existing maps.
Still to do
  • Wait on MegaDoomer's feedback, who due to real-life issues he has forewarned me about, has yet to give a full report on the latest private beta.
  • Write a text file.
  • Create a CREDITS page.
  • Set par times correctly.
So yeah, this is still considered to be a beta of the WAD. Any and all feedback on the new maps will be appreciated! :D

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Finally :P! Been a blast playing through these levels. Can't wait to see what you cook up for the last part.

Considering this is still a beta, should people hold off on recording demos on the levels for now? I'm itching to record some runs for at least a couple levels.

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Yeah, it might be an idea to hold off on demos until I release it to /idgames. Hopefully it won't be long until then, but of course I'd like some extensive feedback from the community first, so that the release is as flawless and as demo-friendly as it can be. :)

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I'll be sure to download this when I can. it looks pretty badass. The map name "Putrid Cathedral" screams Nurgle.

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My "Doom attention span" these days is usually about 15 minutes before I get annoyed with the map author and quit. But last night I blew at least 2 hours on this mapset, a lot of fun.

The first few maps I had the same... "feeling" that I had playing HR for the first time ~1998 (before it turns into the slaughter fest it is known for in later maps). Then to find a tribute at map04 I find this was intentional, which is sortof amazing to me as I can't put my finger on what it is about those early HR maps that makes them unique, but you've managed to recreate that same feeling.

I haven't played any maps from start to finish yet, aside from map01. Didn't encounter any bugs when I was just idclev'ing through though... I hope to provide more useful comments later when I sink my teeth into this mapset.

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Me and my brother just played co-op on this, which was rather fun, I must say. xP I discovered a few more aesthetic and gameplay bugs (including some obvious texturing errors in MAP09, MAP10, MAP11 and MAP12), however, so improvements are still being made. :P

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Wow I've been out of the loop, completely missed out on testing this time. Looks like wonderful work, give this a run anyway.

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Thanks a lot, all. :)

As proof that Part 3 is in the works, here are some preliminary screenshots of what will soon be MAP25, The Carcass Pit. The map is about 50% done so far, mainly because I started late today, and then kept distracting myself, so the map will likely be finished tomorrow. :P

I went a bit more nutso on the detail than I usually do, but what the hey. :P

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Map 10 suggestion ...

Instead of blocking lines 2013 and 2014 etc, why not place here some "rocks" ? It would look better and make more sense than "invisible blocking".

Keep up the good work. Looking forward to testing pt 3.

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Cool beans. :)

The Carcass Pit is done. I just need to make some adjustments to the item placement and monster ambushes and I can call it finished for the time being. The next map I will start will be called Ruins.

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Regarding the last pic, I think the contrast between light and dark areas is too great, since there are many "lights" on the walls.

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It's not clear at all, but those bars of light flicker randomly and it kind of works. Though you're probably right about there being a bit too much contrast between the two light levels. :P

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I ran a bit low on steam with Ruins but it's virtually done. Even so, here's a new map which was worked on over the last two days - Mineshaft.

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