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The third one, except replace "have the CD" with "have all the songs from the CD off of AudioGalaxy."

(plz no filesharing app flames, thx)

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ID hasn't done anything that good lately.

I heard RTCW wasn't half bad. I haven't played it yet, but my friend is sending me his copy, so....

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Well, they ARE my favorite game producing company even though they let me down with Q3A and, to an extent, Quake1.

But I don't all sorts of fancy collectibles.

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I own the id anthology, but that doesn't make me a given.

I like id, they're one of my preferred manufacturers, but it's fair to say they've been quietly lately.

Eidos are also normally very good, but I respect id becasue the founders had teh guts to up and leave Apogee and go it alone.

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HAHA i have a doom shirt and you dont!

well, let's look at the price

$16 + tax% + S&H to Sweeden = ???

well, it cost me around $50 in the end.

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[quote]HAHA i have a doom shirt and you dont![quote]Tsk, tsk.

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latest good game id made is Qukae2 IMO.

You either haven't tried RtCW or you're one of the people who for some reason don't like RtCW.
Sure, Graymatter developed the game, but it WAS an Id game and Id actually took an active part developing the game, giving the Graymatter guys advice and feedback.

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well i'm on the way on mission 4-2 (the mission to steal venom plan).before that i have fun so far.but i haven't completed it yet .so i don't want to give the conclusion about it.however bad framerate keep making me annoyed.maybe i may play it again when i upgrade my com for DOOM(that is a far far future)

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well i'm on the way on mission 4-2 (the mission to steal venom plan).before that i have fun so far.but i haven't completed it yet .so i don't want to give the conclusion about it.however bad framerate keep making me annoyed.maybe i may play it again when i upgrade my com for DOOM(that is a far far future)

Yeah, I've got framerate problems too - kinda funny, the old wolf3d didn't run particularly either well when I first got it, but then I upgraded my computer...

I know that I'm havin' a good time playing RtCW now, despite the framerate probs. I'm gonna really enjoy this game when I upgrade my computer some time within the next three years when "Doom 3" comes out.
/Me gets excited

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The second one, except replace "shirt" with "poster".

RTCW is a great game, but I keep getting my ass kicked by those l33t chicks or whatever.

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RTCW is a great game, but I keep getting my ass kicked by those l33t chicks or whatever.

You're kidding, right? At least these chicks are easy to hit and reel in pain when you hit them unlike those annoyin' assasins in Half-Life.

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I've been incredibly pleased with all id games in some way or another. They're not my favorite games, not at all, but it's like the only company except Raven that makes stuff I *always* like.

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They're not my favorite games, not at all, but it's like the only company except Raven that makes stuff I *always* like.

The reason why they are my fav game developer AND because I kinda like their goals.

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They're not my favorite games, not at all, but it's like the only company except Raven that makes stuff I *always* like.

The reason why they are my fav game developer AND because I kinda like their goals.

Same here. Well, I have to leave SOME of my loyalties to Blizzard Entertainment. I mean, they have high goals for themsleves, as well, and so far I haven't played a Blizzard title that I didn't like, so...

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I was about to say the same thing...the only Blizzard program I don't really like is Starcraft, but thats just because its so newbielicious.

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Well, I used to like Blizzard too, but their patching Diablo 2 to death has lowered my respect towards them as I find that the game was more fun BEFORE I bought the expansion.
After upgrading to the expansion pack, I find that I spend far too much time going back and forth between the town and the battlefield, getting rid of all the objects I collected on the battlefield. They just put too many damn items in the game - you don't even need to conserve anything anymore.

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i once lost my real-life by spending the time playing diablo2 on battle.net.i had make some friends there and have a good time with them.however,because of the character unbalance,tons of patching,the selfishness of many players (the reason the people team together coz they will get more exp,but they still keeps stealing other people's item),and cheating(my lvl 91 necro account was stolen by my own stupidity)so that make me stop playing the game.well that was not completely bad thing.at least i got my real-life back.

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