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Doom 4 should have...


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sniffgriff said:

2. Dead bodies:

I know its a strange request, but Doom is still one of the only games that technically gave almost every monster the ability to leave a dead body. Fighting a huge room of demons and finally killing them all let you wade through their one sided carcass sprites. It felt like you left your mark in their world with the sign of the battle that took place. I would be awesome to allow at least the major chunks of a dead demon's carcass stay indefinitely, or leave some kind of long lasting mark in the level. I dont want sanitary fade outs or sinking dissolving of bodies. I want their to be dead stinking corpses, pushable by living entities, maybe even some flies. I want them to be the sign of your dominance over the demons. Coming from a game designer/developer/artist background, I fully understand that increasing dead bodies drive up the visible polycount which can slow down the game to a degree. But there has got to be a clever way (hide carcasses not visible, Level Of Detail, imposters etc)

3. Increase the Gore:

Every ballistic weapon you posses should have the ability to visibly open flesh of the demons, and or dismember limbs. Blood is the short term instant gratification you get when your weapon connects with the enemy, it validates your playstyle, and lets you know youre doing the right thing. Let blood splatter all over the walls and stay there. Let the blood of one demon splatter onto the demon next to him. Unload into a melee demon and let us see his insides twitching, his spinal cord exposed. DooM is violence incarnate. I want this game to be at that forefront once again. This is a game where the lines of good and evil are black and white, you arent shooting other soldiers with their own morals and emotions. These are heartless demons with nothing but perfect hatred for humanity. It is easier on the conscience to see them splatter.

yes. Yes. YES!!!

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I am with Nomad. I thoroughly agree with everything you have said except for your last point about Doomguy's speed. In fact, I think the OP should be read by the guys at id as a reference point when designing Doom 4.

I was thinking about this just today. The ability to move very quickly can get you out of trouble really well. But consider, it can also get you into trouble as well. Say you come across a room full of pinky's and revenants and you lack the firepower to deal with them. So you flee, and as you flee you take a wrong turn and trigger more monsters. Your speed has helped you now totally lose your way. And now even more of them are coming for you.

Picture how fast you can run in real life. Now picture other things moving even faster than you. Speed Kills. Speed has the potential to make Doom 4 much scarier and harder than if the player can only move slowly.

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Radon said:

Overwhelming enemies, bigger guns, more blood, more gore and heavy metal music.

This is exactly the kind of thing I'm hoping they DON'T do. There's already enough games and movies out with the adolescent "whoa cool dude!" feel to them. Reminds me when the Doom movie started and you already have a chick's arm getting cut off in a freakin door. I'm not 12 anymore, that isn't impressive, scary, exciting, or anything else good. It was gimmicky. Give me something more real. I'm not saying don't have blood and gore, how the hell could you make a game like this without it? But keep it at a realistic level. And for christ's sake enough with the PLZ METULLLLLLLLLLLLLL! Next they'll be begging for vampires and werewolves to be included, and all the zombies are overly feminine "guys" with black dyed hair and makeup.

Edit: Dead Space was fantastic. Next to Doom, it is my favorite game series. Silent Hill is a close 3rd. I don't see how anyone got stuck, the game wasn't confusing. Some people like to blame games for the fact that they just suck at games.
And if you didn't like the feature that showed you where to go, don't hit the button that activates it.

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Nothing will make us happy with a Doom name for a game that will be 20 years old when #4 comes out. That's why it should be called Space Marine Hell Mars

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ok here's another DOOM 4 idea...

A 'screamer' enemy.

There's nothing around a complex for half a minute. Everything is dead. Then you find one enemy. You shoot it and it screams or you see it and it screams. Its scream either wakes up other enemies or spawns them into the area.

Good idea? Bad idea? Chances are its been used in other games, but I don't play that many FPS.

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geo said:

ok here's another DOOM 4 idea...

A 'screamer' enemy.

A banshee? Whose wail can kill you if you fail a save vs death? Works for me...

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geo said:

ok here's another DOOM 4 idea...

A 'screamer' enemy.

There's nothing around a complex for half a minute. Everything is dead. Then you find one enemy. You shoot it and it screams or you see it and it screams. Its scream either wakes up other enemies or spawns them into the area.

Good idea? Bad idea? Chances are its been used in other games, but I don't play that many FPS.

It's been used in other games.

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Eh doesn't archvile ressurect enemies 1 by 1. Sorry. I was meaning like an alarm. I had no doubts that it was done before.

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Yeah, in Quake for example the monster sight shouts have the same effect as your gun making noise (but in that game it's much weaker than in Wolf or Doom).

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geo said:

ok here's another DOOM 4 idea...

A 'screamer' enemy.

There's nothing around a complex for half a minute. Everything is dead. Then you find one enemy. You shoot it and it screams or you see it and it screams. Its scream either wakes up other enemies or spawns them into the area.

Good idea? Bad idea? Chances are its been used in other games, but I don't play that many FPS.

Maybe an ArchVile screamer type enemy. You clear a room full of monsters. As you leave this new thing appears, and when you attack it, it screams and undoes all of your previous work in some sort of radius, or like the room you just cleared. Kill it fast or it'll keep scraming and keep reviving monsters.

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Double weilding chainguns rawwwwwwr like cyber hitler from Wolfenstein.

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Marnetmar said:

I'd like to see enemies that resemble the originals more closely, the pinky specifically.

Fucking right, man. Doom 3's enemies were...I dunno, just missing something. Yeah, the texturing, modeling and animation was cool, but they didn't feel like DOOM enemies. More like generic aliens or mutants. Doom 4 really needs to return to the original game's juxtaposition: a gritty military/science fiction setting overrun by demonic entities. It's not just that Doom 3 enemies were missing horns and pointier teeth. They just didn't look demonic, which I think is what the fans were hoping for.

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I would like to see more 'classic' looking enemies, but I actually liked the ones in Doom 3. The Pinky was a really good design.

But yeah more hellish/demonic type enemies would be awesome.

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Maybe there was a fear, in Doom 3's development, that models based closely on the original enemies would look cartoonish, like the Jdoom models. I think with enough creativity, they could be re-imagined in a contemporary manner, and actually look threatening and disturbing.

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Also: sniffgriff had a really good suggestion with the increase in gore, and the corpses not disappearing. When Doom arrived in late 1993, it was quite possibly the most violent video game of its time. It had some of very first use of gibs, there was a lot of sacrificial imagery, and some of the texture/status screen artwork was downright morbid! If Doom 4 wants to make an impact, it should leave the same impression as the original, and I think the only way to do that is through sniffgriff's demands. We've reached a point in hardware development that we can show more than an enemy simply bleeding or exploding. Doom 4 isn't even coming out this year, so there'll be plenty of time to perfect new-school gore. I want to see faces collapse, spines snap, organs burst, and actual, fluid blood. Maybe I'm asking too much.

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The corpses disappear or there'd be stupid ragdoll physics errors that eat up processing power like Oblivion. Sure keeping corpses would be awesome, but you'd end up seeing some funny glitches like an imp stuck in a door and it messes up the door where you can't get through anymore.

Doom you shotgunned something in the face from a first person perspective and saw its body lumped there dead. I think that's more violent than Contra where you just spray gunned enemies that blew up.

I think the same impact in the original would mean its fun. A lot of games have morbid things and blood. But people won't talk about them the next 20 years. Mario is fun and people talk about him for 20 years.

So if you want to see faces collapse, spines snap, organs burst and fluid blood. That sounds like the latest Mortal Kombat game. I can imagine if you saw it once in 5minutes it would be more interesting and processor friendly than if you saw it every moment.

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You know... if enemies stick around... ever seen videos of watermellons spawning in a room and how slow it gets?

Or just make it so when a body goes dead it has 4 seconds to stay lifeless. Then after 4 seconds shut off the ragdoll physics.

OR make it so the bodies don't collide with anything but floors and walls. That way other enemies can go through them, the player can go through without jumping and they don't clog areas.

But then it might get into... I couldn't see the trites through the dead pinkie corpse. Or the trites crawled through the corpse instead of over the corpse.

Its just so much easier to make them disappear.

But anyway if bodies stick around you can have a drag mechanic like in Riddick's Butcher Bay.

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I wish corpses disappeared a bit more realistically, by decomposing. And leave them around long enough so subsequently spawned archviles and whatnot can use them as necromancy resources, like in Warcraft.

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datadanne said:

More gore and satanistic content and something controversal with to troll the catholics and Germans just liek IDSoftware did with Doom1 and Wolfenstein.

Funny, because I'm Roman-Catholic and play DOOM. I'm also Austrian-American so it's very lolzy.
hell yeah!
No real doom if there is no Doom music!

Agreed, no real DOOM if there is no DOOM music.
I just really want a remake of The Ultimate DOOM. If they made that.
That could possibly increase hype about DOOM 4.
A remake of The Ultimate DOOM should have...
Remastered graphics
Remastered music
Remastered sound
and same gameplay.

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:-( A remake might as well go on XBox Live Arcade for $20.

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I think in DOOM 4 it should have...

I had a dream last night, I was playing DOOM 4.
It had cutting-edge graphics, and I was moving very fast. I could see the motion blur as I was moving fast. There was no sprint button.
I was just running fast. The DOOM HUD was faithfully recreated with ID Tech 5 and modernized a bit. No regenerating health though. Still health-packs. And I could carry 7 weapons. The first weapon was the DOOM pistol except now it was 3D. Still true to the design. But you could see it in 3D, now. Sort of like the Risen3D one, except you could see the detail and it looked much more 2011 instead of Quakeish or N64ish graphics.

I also fought new demons, and I was fighting Nazis. It also had some places that were just breath-taking.

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I think I have a good question....

Should Doom 4 have a weapon reload like Doom 4 or should it require no reload like Doom 1?

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DoomzRules said:

Agreed, no real DOOM if there is no DOOM music.
I just really want a remake of The Ultimate DOOM. If they made that.
That could possibly increase hype about DOOM 4.
A remake of The Ultimate DOOM should have...
Remastered graphics
Remastered music
Remastered sound
and same gameplay.

>Get Jdoom/Doomsday/Risen3D
>Get 3d model packs
>Get bassmidi driver with good soundfont
>Get fancy sound pack

Done and done. Ultimate Doom "remake" that you don't have to spend extra money for. The world's full enough of remakes/rehashes/etc. and we don't need more of them. Not even Doom ones.

@geo Reloading. So long as you can interrupt it to change weapons when need be.

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