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Interview with Todd.H


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No, DSM you tell the truth, that comment WAS made, I can't remember where I saw it, but it is true, I think it was with an interview with one of the raven dudes.

/me hides from zaldron
[edit] I believe the line was: "No there won't be another heretic/Hexen, we are finished with the fantasy setting and are moving to a more (forgot what was next) setting"

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here a snip from an interview with Raven Software

Geoff: Even if you are sticking with the action genre, Raven has had a long line of fantasy products (ShadowCaster, Heretic, and Hexen). It seems somewhat quirky that you are now creating a realistic action game void of magic, potions, and manna. Why the change of direction?

Brian Raffel:We really wanted to try something real world for a change and didn't want to get into a rut with fantasy. We love working with fantasy but we felt that taking a break from it made good sense.It has been great working with a fresh mindset of military action and real-world situations. I feel that in the long run this will help us when we get back to fantasy.

this interview is alomst 3 years old now.i can't find other newer interviews that indicate that Raven won't do heretic/hexen again.

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Ah, so there IS a chance that they'll do a Hexen 3.
/Me lets out a heavy sigh of relief and rejoices....for the time being.

Heh, I would actually love to discuss a possible Hexen 3, but this is a Doom site and the subject only related to Doom through its engine.

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Heh, I would actually love to discuss a possible Hexen 3, but this is a Doom site and the subject only related to Doom through its engine.

i'd like to discuss.but keep it till Raven announce it would be nice.

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