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Nomonster speedrunning

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Planisphere 2


NoMo in 5:42 - planisf2o542.zip

NoMo 100S in 9:10 - planisf2os910.zip


Different skill levels have different key placements, so I also have:

NoMo (-skill 3) in 5:55 - planisf2sk3o555.zip

NoMo (-skill 2) in 5:13 - planisf2sk2o513.zip


Maybe I'll get a UV-Max someday when I don't accidentally trigger the all-ghosts bug or waste three hours trying to find missing enemies... (UV-Respawn or NM-Speed/NM100S might be more fun for this map)

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Outposta.wad MAP01 nomonsters in 2:25, recorded using Chocolate Doom 3.0.0.


The wad has been updated, and I've attached the new version, so please update the wad archived on DSDA accordingly. Also, please delete my old 2:27 nomonsters demo, as it no longer plays back correctly with the current version.



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Alien Vendetta

Maps 1-6 in 3:58 - av1-6o358.zip
Stream Highlight - www.twitch.tv/videos/704999188
YouTube Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDuRv3mvDBY

Map 5 in 0:39.43 - av05o39.zip
Stream Highlight - www.twitch.tv/videos/706770803
YouTube link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnujfAB7TDg

Map 6 in 1:05.17 - av06o105.zip
YouTube link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-fMPKCFe_g

The 1-6 demo isn't great and there wasn't a previous record of it to beat, it was just something i did to challenge myself, i only played to map 6 because 7 cant be done nomo. The IL's are only tic improvements but the demos they beat are marked as dubious on DSDA, so they could be second records too i guess? 

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8 minutes ago, Looper said:

Getting close!


Oh, and I don't understand how do people time two rockets in like that.

I'm getting a lot of potential 29s right now, but I keep screwing up the position.


Timing is simply based on where the RL's tip is, not sure how to explain it, but quite easy.

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25 minutes ago, Alaux said:

I'm getting a lot of potential 29s right now, but I keep screwing up the position.


Timing is simply based on where the RL's tip is, not sure how to explain it, but quite easy.

Ah, I see. Makes sense.


Also congrats for the 29s nomo! Pog

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Alien Vendetta
Map 4 in 1:00.80 - av04o100.zip

YouTube link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odYDc2CzBrM

Stream highlight - https://www.twitch.tv/toolafflictedspeedrunner/video/709914665


This improves two dubious demos on DSDA: 1:00.83 by JonaG, and 1:01.69 by almostmatt1. Other than them it improves the 1:02.83 demo by Cacatou.

Edited by tool_afflicted_speedrunner

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Alien Vendetta
Map 2 in 0:15.89 - av02o1589.zip

YouTube Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52h_Sh0CVkw

Stream highlight - https://www.twitch.tv/toolafflictedspeedrunner/video/710939998

Improves the dubious demo by JonaG of 0:15.97. Also improves the demo by Doomdaniel95 of 0:16.74.


Map 3 in 0:13.91 (really happy with this!!) - av03o13.zip

YouTube Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW_h6vG7k6c

Improves the 0:14.74 demo by Cacatou.


Map 03 NoMo100s in 0:20.74 - av03os20.zip

YouTube Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcX0uXXmFig

This improves the 0:21.06 demo by NoisyVelvet.

Edited by tool_afflicted_speedrunner

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Howdy, starting to really get into deepdiving running this game, does knee deep in the dead no monsters still exclude e1m8? or is it included now with the void glide that was found recently? or am i overthinking it and can just do what i've been doing and stop after e1m7

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It never excluded e1m8, it was just impossible to do a nomo episode due to it. So no, you can't stop after e1m7, you should finish it.
(the same goes for other episodes but since there hasn't been found a way yet, they can't be done)

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if you look on DSDA, you will find that all the old "episode 1" NoMo times are all under the Other category, they always have been

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