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Homegrown Terrorists


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WTF? Just what kind of sicko's are these people? Jesus, someone's ALWAYS gotta be against something...but this, this is just damn ridiculous...

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I'm not even sure what the Hell they are angry about. I mean, sure they want to take down the Olympics, but why? I think someone's bitter.

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People who choose not to live in society, fine. They can go survive in the wild, and see how long they last. They would be banned from enetering any designated settlement on the panet. OUT, OUT, OUT, Cocksuckers!

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geez. I find the Olympics boring, and i hate having it shoved down my throt, I still don't see why you'd want to burn it down. bloody zelots, still if these lads ever did manage to succsufully burn down the olympics, it would problby be the only time i'd wach it.

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I mean, sure they want to take down the Olympics, but why?

With a security budget of over $300 million,

Well, that could be a good start. What a fucking waste, for people to play games.

As long as they're not violent, I can kinda support them. (I tried to read through their pages but didn't have the attention span to find out what the ultimate goal is; the shitsticks have their current news in the "about" section, and the other pages are complaining about Coyotes an stuff.)

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Unnamed checks and concealed cash? Right, they think their supporters are going to be mindlessly stupid!

Wait, they probably are.

Stupidity cannot be concealed.

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Well, that could be a good start. What a fucking waste, for people to play games.

Hm, don't they profit from all the people who buy tickets to see these games?

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Actually, not one Olympics has cut a profit any time over the last several decades. They've all lost money. Lots of money.

There are people who believe there is something more important than profit in the world, believe it or not.

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There are people who believe there is something more important than profit in the world, believe it or not.

I know.
So, Lüt is right. The Olympics should be shut down (but NOT the way these worthless 'terrorist' freaks want it).

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So, Lüt is right. The Olympics should be shut down

Well, I wasn't saying that. But, making such a big deal out of them? Hell no. It shouldn't cost more than a couple million $$ to perform the games. I mean, the importance and hype placed on it is ridiculous. Borrow the stadiums, ski slopes, swimming pools, whatever they require, play the damn games and be done with it. It does NOT take a lot of effort and ABSOLUTELY not so much money to put together. I don't know how they spend their money, but I'm certain 95% of what they spend doesn't need to be spent and can surely be found at cheaper rates if they'd look for them instead of throwing the most money they possibly can in every direction to get the best of the best of the best for every single little detail they think they need to be taken care of.

But I'm saying this to an industry that can pay a single person more than an entire fucking city of hard working people to play a game.

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Sports suck.

here fucking here.

I can tell you one thing, being an Australian and not liking sport really bites. there is nothing I hate more then when an athlete is called a hero. I mean, isn't getting millions and millions of dollars to play a game enough?! they fucking win Australian of the year over and over, but how have they maid Australia a better place?!

And schools, that FORCE you to play sport. it's serpposed to be a fun past time, but if you don't want any part of it, they make you do it anyway!!! GARN!!

although, I do enjoy the odd round of golf.

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And schools, that FORCE you to play sport. it's serpposed to be a fun past time, but if you don't want any part of it, they make you do it anyway!!! GARN!!

Yeah, I hated being forced to participate in major sports days in the school.
While I don't mind a good game of Football (Soccer) when I feel like it, I hate when I'm forced to play games I loathe.
The games I've tried which I hate the most:
Volley ball (no matter which type)
Basket ball
Soft ball

The only sport which I ALWAYS find enjoyable is climbing - as long as there's no competition - hate competitions.

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A personal fitness class is all that should be required. Forcing kids to play sports is a little inconsiderate, even though the reasons are admirable - fitness. Some exercising is fine, but not required major sports...

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Forcing kids to play sports is a little inconsiderate, even though the reasons are admirable - fitness.

Heh, that's laughably unbelievable. Sports are the least thing you can do for best overall fitness and any PE/Health teacher knows that.

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Forcing kids to play sports is a little inconsiderate, even though the reasons are admirable - fitness.

Heh, that's laughably unbelievable. Sports are the least thing you can do for best overall fitness and any PE/Health teacher knows that.

This from teh guy who admitted he was best at giving everyone advice but never actually did fuck all exercise himself :P

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