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I Hope ....


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hey ,
I hope that we gonna have in doom 3 a great shotgun :-)
I hope We gonne have/see the lost souls into it and the Imp ofcourse
All of the doom personages. :-)
I hope we gonna feel the same as we feel in doom 1/2
you know, the suprise effect. A smal dark hallway and on the end you enter a really big room. Sometime's that feels great.
I hope the systemspecs aren't that high.
And i ask myself who the new personage's are gonna be ???
Ohh and a new doom without radioactive wast would not be a doom :-)
The missions, i don't really kwow ... we will see for that.
What are you guy's wanna see or not see in the "new doom" ?

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Right. I understand English is not your first language and all, but neither is mine. Take some time to check up on your spelling or you'll create more headaches than replies.

Anyway. Of course Doom is going to have radioactive waste. As FlatHead's 5th law of game design says : A game is not an FPS unless it has crates, radioactive waste, a shotgun and ridiculous system requirements.

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Anyway. Of course Doom is going to have radioactive waste. As FlatHead's 5th law of game design says : A game is not an FPS unless it has crates, radioactive waste, a shotgun and ridiculous system requirements.


"I don't say anything applicable to the current situation guy"

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It's really funny how just a few months ago there was still a remnant of a buzz around this Doom 3 forum concerning "What should be in Doom 3?" or "What would you like to see in Doom 3?" Now? This place is dead. I think everyone has 'run out of steam' with this topic...

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...Even though it has been discussed already.

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hi geerdy.i did feel your intention to try to "stir" this forum up.but as other members said .almost every topic was discussed.now everybody become exshausted coz of lacks of information.well take your time ,play other games,the wait will be easier.

[edit]look like dsm has made another topic,go there and discuss[/edit]

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[edit]look like DSM has made another topic,go there and discuss[/edit]

hehe...Looks like DSM successfully discovered something we HADN'T already discussed...or did we?

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Oké Friends ,I Will search on something else to talk about.
See ya soon in a new topic :-)

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haha right ,we did discuss this already,here is the link.it's on page2.


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As I always like to say: "If it ain't got radioactive waste, a shotgun, crates of some sort, or demons, it ain't Doom."

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the shot of the monster in Mac video look rather like Aliens,the pinky's look fall in the same case.it looked more alien than demon.mmm i won't mind the demon look but the demon look would be better.

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mmm i won't mind the demon look but the demon look would be better.

What is this supposed to mean?

About the demon looking like an alien: WHAT???
An alien with burning yellow eyes and HORNS? I don't know what you regard as a demon, but I think it looks as demonic as a Doom critter should. Hey, the imp doesn't look like a demon either, but it is.

And what's that about the "pinky" in the macworld video? I don't remember seeing a "pinky" in the macworld video - only a brown, thorny thing, which I think bears a slight resemblence to the imp, except with horns and a slightly altered head.

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mmm i won't mind the demon look but the demon look would be better.

What is this supposed to mean?

OOPS major typo,what i want to say is"i won't mind the alien look,but the demon look (DOOM's old look ,goat-like monster, satanic ,pentagram)would be better."

/me shoot myself

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and those monster in Mac video.maybe the green skin and yellow eye is what make me feel it's look like an alien.
if they're from Hell(the hell ,its color should be red,brown,orange (the image color of hell)IMO.

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Well, it seems we all have different views on what a demon from Hell should look like.
On another note: In my eyes it looks like the demon in the macworld video is brown - the blue colour (were the Hell did you see the green colour?) is light reflection or something.

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It's because of the picture quality. I've got plenty o' macworld video screenshots and that particular pic you just showed me is the only one where there is this tint of green on the monster's skin.

Also, we all know that the quality of the video itself isn't top notch, right?

Use your small grey a bit, huh.

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I agree with DarkTenshi. The creature(s) we've seen in the videos released so far look more 'alien-ish' than 'demon-ish.' I mean, there ARE demon-like qualities (i.e., horns), but when I look at these new creatures I almost tend to think that they belong in a Unreal or Quake sequel more than a Doom sequel. Something just doesn't sit right with me about it. Maybe it's just due to my opinion on how a demon would look. In my opinion, demons would look either red, brown, black, or some hellish-flame color. They wouldn't be insect-like, instead taking on more of a humanoid or skeletal appearance, considering that they ARE 'deliverers of pain, suffering, and death.' They would have the physical build allowing them to deliver death, whether it be by bony protrusions, long appendages, thick-muscled legs, etc. They should have SOME animal-like features, as did the Hell Barons and CyberDemon. They should NOT be cybernetic - Why the hell would demons augment themselves with robotics when they are already superior to humans? Which reminds me - In Doom 3 there needs to be a type of aerial demon that we've never seen before - One that uses wings of fiery bone, muscle and sinew to keep to the air...

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AS I ALWAYS LIKE TO SAY :), if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The Doom2 enemies work. You've got balance, and varied designs, features, methods of attack, speed etc. They should all be reincarnated, and brought up to date, after all, they've earned it.

Some new 'personnages' would be great, though. But it's gonna be hard to add to teh original. Something underwater is needed, as was discussed earlier.

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Use your small grey a bit, huh.

My small greyish parts aren't any of your concern, sir. I know JPEG and MPEG compression tends to give you green-ish artifacts, but I don't think the colours in this particular video suffer from it much. And if you're still not convinced take a look at this little avi (218K) :


God I'm bored.

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In my opinion, demons would look either red, brown, black, or some hellish-flame color.

Hmm, I see demons with PINK skin in Doom - not particular hellish in my eyes if you ask me.

Flathead: I'm sorry, but I can't view the video for some reason, but I think the discussion about the green tint is a bit silly, so I'll let it pass.

About the monsters: They just need to look familiar, have similar attacks and they HAVE to have the same number of hitpoints - I don't want the imp to be able to survive two point blank blasts from the singlebarreled shotgun, I want it to fucking die in the first blast when I hit it right.

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It can't find a codec and for some reason the divx video codec I have doesn't work on it.

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Hmm, I see demons with PINK skin in Doom - not particular hellish in my eyes if you ask me.

I didn't include pink in my list of color schemes, now did I? Pink isn't appropriate for a demon...not at all...If they ARE pink, they need to get a fuckin paint job or something...

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I have it, and I did pay close attention to it. Yep, it does have a tint of green, but I can't see why it's something to be so upset about. I mean, the thing's "main" colour is a greyish-brown (with a barely visible tint of green), which is an ok, dark & demonic skin colour in my eyes - kinda reminds me of half-burnt flesh.

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