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Unloved II [BETA1 released]

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Play it in the dark.

BETA 1 download: http://www.gungirl2.com/stuff/unloved2beta1.pk3

NOTE: THIS IS A BETA!! Not all areas are accessable/fleshed out yet! About 50% of playtime finished. When you get the Red Skull Key it basically ends there, the rest is unfinished. No real ending yet. If you don't want anything spoiled until the final version, do not download this beta. You have been warned ;)

Also: Please give me feedback about what you liked or what you didn't like. All sorts of crits&comments are welcome!

Have fun!

***original post***

This is a direct sequel to my first mapset Unloved (http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=16060). It is in development for quite a while now. I had to start over at some point, because it became something I didn't like as much as the first one - but with the current version I'm quite happy and I'm here to give you a first impression of what Unloved2 will be like.

After the first Unloved ended, the player was left in the darkness - alone and his sanity drifting away. When you wake up, you are in a cell. But this time, you are not alone. Footsteps seem to follow you through your nightmares and there is no escape but to fight the demons in your mind.

This is your new home. Footsteps seem to follow you around wherever you go.

A lovely kitchen - seems to be unused in decades now...

Your new living room.

And some rooms you remembered differently.

Steps leading down into the basement.

After stepping through a mirror, you wake up in a strange prison.

Hopefully the pictures don't turn out too dark here. If you only see black, I can guarantee that in GZDoom everything is at least barely visable ;).

As you can see I'm trying to keep the same creepy style of the first one, but hopefully I can improve on the tension and atmosphere in the sequel. Hopefully I can finish this in the next few months. I'm afraid that if you didn't like the first one, the sequel will not pleasure you as well :(

Crits & comments are welcome as always!

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TheUltimateDoomer said:


Screenshots look awesome.All you need now is some nice ambienatal music/sounds (unless you have them already).Can't wait till it's done.

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I'll just copy this from ZDoom.org

::jaw drops::

You have no idea how much I love Unloved. It's been one of my obsessions since last month, I actually got so into it I made myself a personally modified version with replaced/extra enemies and new/replaced weapons for a more "complete vision" of your game.

And for once, it was also a ZDoom mod / non-Doom WAD that I actually liked. Everything was pretty much perfect IMO only superseded by my personal additions, but it played just as good on it's own the first time around.

Highly looking forward to the sequel!

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Firstly: wow, you are quick! Unloved relased just 7 months ago, an you already started a sequel! If I think about Unloved's complex levels... it were qucik job :D

Secondly: I think, the modern living room is better than you made in the picture. However, the other parts of the WAD are like gothic or middle-age style, which doesn't match with the modern living room, only a gothic style room, which you made. Well... you will made as you like it :)

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I absolutely LOVED the first "Unloved," as it is currently my favorite Doom PWAD. It scared the poo out of me, and it takes a lot to do that. The ending was so creepy, and left me guessing as to what really happened...and what was going to happen next.

The screencaps for "Unloved II" look stunning and chilling all at once. I'm totally excited for this release. I hope you use that creepy "Silent Hill" music again--I loved how haunting and eerie it is.

I am definitely looking forward to this!

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BlueEagle, can you explain what the fuck those damn teenagers did to my living room?

And my basement?

And how the they got into my attic?

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Marnetmar said:

BlueEagle, can you explain what the fuck those damn teenagers did to my living room?

And my basement?

And how the they got into my attic?

You left your kid home alone for the weekend. What do expect?

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You know, I wanted to check out Unloved but I completely forgot about it... sunuva biscuit. This looks bloody sweet, though! I can help out with the music if need be ;) /music-whore

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Thanks for the great response, guys :)
I'm trying my best to make the sequel even more frightening by adding more ambient sounds and adding more effects. And because I'm not a fan of cheap "boo" scares, expect the unexpected ;)

killer2 said:

Screenshots look awesome.All you need now is some nice ambienatal music/sounds (unless you have them already).

I think I've done my homework on this subject. I've started listening to A LOT of dark ambience music since the first Unloved and my dark ambience music folder is about 3 gig thick now. I have one new song from Silent Hill (not telling which game^^), other songs are from Nine Inch Nails, Atrium Carceri, Lustmord and all the good ones that make you feel lonely and unloved ;)

The house will be the hub level for this mapset again. There will be passage ways in the rooms like in the first game that lead to the different levels. As soon as you complete the main task of a level, the main hub gets altered in some way, opening new passages or changing existing rooms. Some levels have to be visited twice, but no more. I want to reduce backtracking a bit, but instead I will probably make more levels than in the first version.

The battles will not become as slaughter heavy this time. But the difficulty will still be very high with barely any chances of survival. "No Prayers For The Dying"

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BlueEagle said:

Thanks for the great response, guys :)
I'm trying my best to make the sequel even more frightening by adding more ambient sounds and adding more effects. And because I'm not a fan of cheap "boo" scares, expect the unexpected ;)

I think I've done my homework on this subject. I've started listening to A LOT of dark ambience music since the first Unloved and my dark ambience music folder is about 3 gig thick now. I have one new song from Silent Hill (not telling which game^^), other songs are from Nine Inch Nails, Atrium Carceri, Lustmord and all the good ones that make you feel lonely and unloved ;)

The house will be the hub level for this mapset again. There will be passage ways in the rooms like in the first game that lead to the different levels. As soon as you complete the main task of a level, the main hub gets altered in some way, opening new passages or changing existing rooms. Some levels have to be visited twice, but no more. I want to reduce backtracking a bit, but instead I will probably make more levels than in the first version.

The battles will not become as slaughter heavy this time. But the difficulty will still be very high with barely any chances of survival. "No Prayers For The Dying"

This couldn't sound any more perfect. I can't wait to get the poo scared out of me all over again! Heh.

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BlueEagle said:

The battles will not become as slaughter heavy this time. But the difficulty will still be very high with barely any chances of survival. "No Prayers For The Dying"

Slaughter heavy or not,as soon as the difficulty is up a notch,it's great!

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Next time you are going to add coloured blood,make it coloured for all the monsters!Makes no sense for cacodemons,barons and hellknights to have red blood and the heresy lords and thamuz have green blood!

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BlueEagle said:

The battles will not become as slaughter heavy this time. But the difficulty will still be very high with barely any chances of survival. "No Prayers For The Dying" [/B]

Yea, I didn't much like all the hallways jam packed with monsters from the first Unloved. But the level's beautiful and creepy as hell with a lot of clever moments. I'm looking forward to this one. Good luck.


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