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Unloved II [BETA1 released]

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KiiiYiiiKiiiA said:

These new screens look very good.

I really enjoyed the original Unloved, one of the most original levels I have seen in quite a while.

But I never actually finished it. I am stuck at the part where you go up the stairs and there are these bars there, which say 'these bars are rusted shut'. I can't figure out how to open them or where to go.

And also BlueEagle, I really hope things come out well in real life for you. Keep persevering. :)

Ahh...that part!I remember getting stuck too.After some time though I realised what I had to do.Too bad I don't remember right now.I think you have to search something in one of the levels (not the hub),but I really am not sure.

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Jannak said:

Is there going a mental institution type level in this (maybe it's the same exact area as the Hospital level)? Maybe you could add padded textures from Redneck Rampage in the cells?

Another suggestion that you could add hanging corpses & bodies from Blood.

I also hope the Final Boss isn't Thamuz but something far more scarier...

Well, you start in a cell and throughout the whole mapset is an ongoing theme of insanity in lots of ways - I think putting the player inside an actual mental institution wouldn't be as effective as just hinting at what's going on.

KiiiYiiiKiiiA said:

These new screens look very good.

I really enjoyed the original Unloved, one of the most original levels I have seen in quite a while.

But I never actually finished it. I am stuck at the part where you go up the stairs and there are these bars there, which say 'these bars are rusted shut'. I can't figure out how to open them or where to go.

And also BlueEagle, I really hope things come out well in real life for you. Keep persevering. :)

Thanks :)
To help you out: if you have the yellow skull key, go to the Halls Below and unlock the area in the south. If you have the red skull key, go to the Basement's Basement and unlock the area in the cell block.

When you have cleared both areas (the connecting portals are blocked after that), you can go to the attic.

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The images aren't loading for me for some reason.
Based on the text, though, it sounds like it'll be a hell of a ride. Let's see if this satisfies my desire for a truly horrifying experience.

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Big fan of the first Unloved. I agree with you on using copyrighted music being no different from taking textures from other games. However I'd love to contribute with some original music to the project if it's possible. I've whipped up 2 drafts in different moods that might suit your vision.


Never really done this type of ambient before. It's interesting for sure, not to mention fun. I could probably do something more Silent Hill-esque too if needed, just not very familiar with the series or its music.

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Don't quote images, dude!

Each screencap is better than the last! Love the curving path of candles, the dark and gloomy outdoors, and that hellish hospital. Keep it coming, Bro...it all still looks amazing!

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fullmetalvaran33 said:

(lots of images)
Each screencap is better than the last! Love the curving path of candles, the dark and gloomy outdoors, and that hellish hospital. Keep it coming, Bro...it all still looks amazing!

Do NOT quote images!

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Strange, now the images are loading for me.

Looking even better now that I can see what everyone else is.

I hope that isn't the intended brightness/gamma setting, though. The status bar face looks pretty overbright.

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Xeros612 said:

I hope that isn't the intended brightness/gamma setting, though. The status bar face looks pretty overbright.


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Xeros612 said:

I hope that isn't the intended brightness/gamma setting, though. The status bar face looks pretty overbright.

I play Unloved2 with gamma 1.7, which is my normal setting I use for every map in existence. When I play, everything important in the maps is clearly visible. Unfortunately when I take a screenshot, it comes out very dark (I assume GZDoom takes screenshots without gamma adjustments), so I have to photoshop the brightness until you can see something on the shots. This makes the weapons and face of Doomguy overbright and I apologize for that :(

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GeckoYamori said:

Big fan of the first Unloved. I agree with you on using copyrighted music being no different from taking textures from other games. However I'd love to contribute with some original music to the project if it's possible. I've whipped up 2 drafts in different moods that might suit your vision.


Never really done this type of ambient before. It's interesting for sure, not to mention fun. I could probably do something more Silent Hill-esque too if needed, just not very familiar with the series or its music.

Sorry, I didn't have time to listen to the tracks earlier.

I've worked with a composer before, so I know what drafts can become if they are worked on a bit more ;). And I must say these are very nice and I might actually use your work for a title theme maybe?

Thing is that the ambient track lacks of melody - the bells and noise are pretty nice and creepy, but overall I would suggest making the bells more of a background comes and goes over a long period of time so it doesn't stay in focus for too long because it gets a bit annoying.

The mystery theme is quite awesome and it reminds me a lot of the 11h hour game (which I loved to death btw and fun fact: the Unloved mansion is modeled after the Stauf mansion). Maybe the draft was for another project, but for Unloved it just sounds too happy. The songs of Unloved are especially picked to give you a disturbed feeling and this song is way too melodic for that.

If you listen to Unloved 1 title theme, it's very dark and powerful. If you can do something in that style for me, but maybe add some mechanical/industrial sounds/effects to make it feel more rough and dirty, I will gladly take it :)

As for level themes - I've pretty much found the music for each map before I started mapping and after a while the songs grew on me, so it's hard for me to change them now. I can send you a PM with links to the songs I've chosen and maybe if you can get the same style and feeling in your own songs while keeping an equal value of quality I will take yours instead :)

Sorry for rambling

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I'm playing Unloved right now and WOW... I've _Never_ thought a Doom WAD could be THIS awesome, congratulations, BlueEagle!

Having said that, I'd like to ask you a question: I'm playing Unloved using the Brütal Doom weapons mod, which also adds, among other things, nicer water effects and corpses dripping blood... I played a little bit of your WAD with and without BD and the corpses dripping blood / blood splatter on the floors and walls when killing enemies really adds up to the whole dark and macabre atmosphere.
My question is: Will you add some of those elements from BD into UII?

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Thank you, sir :)

As for the blood dripping corpses - there are lots of mods out there who do the same (like Beautiful Doom) and I think it's pretty cool as well. The thing is that some people tell me to add Doom64 stuff, others say I should add custom weapons and so on.

The reason why I don't add anything like that into Unloved 2 is that a lot of people like their Doom as pure as possible. I want Unloved to be a mapset and not a total modification. This way players can load it with other user mods and enjoy it the way they like best and I don't have to worry about compatibility.

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Exactly! I do the same thing, as I'm sure you remember once I said I did a personal modified version of Unloved with several new disturbing enemies, more brutal weapons, SH sounds and F.E.A.R. music replacements (Atmospheric Tensions) to make it even more dark and evil, hehe.

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  • 1 month later...

I just reached 100 subs on YouTube and to celebrate, I made a little sneak peek of the town in Unloved2. Watch in fullscreen if it seems too dark!

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Woah that IS depressing...Just as it should be! Don't expect to live if you change that map at all before the final release.

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Marnetmar said:

Don't expect to live if you change that map at all before the final release.

Not even fixing the possible bugs?

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I think the fog is far too thick in that map. You can see the level turning into a solid color at a distance, yet the background (i assume) houses obviously aren't affected by it and are a different (quite visibly darker) color. I understand why, but fog inconsistencies like this have always bugged me. I think you should darken the fog so that the actual level doesn't clash with the background so much. Maybe making it less thick would work too, but it's just too light.

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  • 1 month later...

BETA 1 released. First post changed.

download: http://www.gungirl2.com/stuff/unloved2beta1.pk3

NOTE: THIS IS A BETA!! Not all areas are accessable/fleshed out yet! About 50% of playtime finished. When you get the Red Skull Key it basically ends there, the rest is unfinished. No real ending yet. If you don't want anything spoiled until the final version, do not download this beta. You have been warned ;)

Also: Please give me feedback about what you liked or what you didn't like. All sorts of crits&comments are welcome!

Play it in the dark ;)

Have fun!

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I've played through the beta for about an hour, and I have to say I really enjoy it. It's eerie, bizarre, and totally dark. I kind of like this aspect, though, because the inability to see much heightens the intensity. The music is excellent yet again, and the atmosphere is top notch. The fights in Unloved II seemed more toned down that those of Unloved, but they're still challenging (I've died multiple times).

The visuals are great, the the textures used give off a sense of something from, like, the late 1800's/early 1900's. But there's a hellish, other-worldy twist, which makes it all very "Unloved." I liked the use of mirrors as gateways to other parts of the WAD--I've always foud that mirrors could be a used as a creepy element in this very manner.

You toned the difficulty down a bit from the first Unloved, but it still manages to very challenging and chilling (just less slaughtery).

For the rest, I'm enclosing them in a spoiler's tag so that I don't ruin things for others.


In the "Doctor's House," I found it very clever and freaky that the famous Jack the Ripper "From Hell" letter was laying around. That coupled with the fact that I hear the doctor's(?) footsteps wherever I go, and, thus makes me wonder just what's in store for me here. I'm kind of wondering if Doomguy's missing a kidney...

The Baron of Hell in this map, that appears and then just disappears, scared the crap out of me--now I wonder where he went...

Ammo's very carefully balanced--and I have not cheated one bit. It's definitely a bit thin at times, but, with careful strategic planning, it's not too bad. The chainsaw was my friend in "Rusted Nails" half the time. Health also seems pretty balanced. I was in some tight spots, but I managed to pull through with what I had (once again, no cheats).

The spectre monsters in "Faded City" was kind of a cruel tactic, but, somehow, I'm plowing through. I'm taking a break from it now, though, because it's just too crazy at the moment (heh).

I can't say I found anything bad about the beta. I wish it were longer...I'm not done with it yet, but I know it will pretty much leave me with a cliffhanger, and that's gonna suck--I want to see the rest! But, I couldn't wait for the full release because I've been excited about this WAD for months, so...yeah.

By the way, you wouldn't happen to have the tracks you used for Unloved II (and Unloved)? Or, maybe, tell me what the names of them are? I really like the music of the Unloved duo, and I kinda want to get my hands on it, but I don't know the tracks' names. Could you please let me know? I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Really great! Unique atmosphere and feelings, as with Unloved I

I have some problems with walkthrough though


i got red skull and went to hospital again - down, down and down..and stuck

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