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Risen3D v2.2.09 released


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Risen3D v2.2.09 has just been released. Grab it from the homepage. Changes over v2.2.08 can be viewed here and/or here. What has not been mentioned is that the spectre sprite now renders translucent black.

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The automap and the sprites work fine on my system , no problem. I'll have to investigate the mp3 issue though. I've only just played it in vlc media player.

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The problem is your end. Are you running in basic doom mode.

Here is a screenshot of map 01. As you can see, the imp renders a correct grey like colour.


Regarding the automap, yes, you are correct. There is a problem. I didn't realise at first as I use windowed mode. The problem is clearly seen fullscreen.

Thanks for reporting this. I will pass it on.

Regarding map23 music, it is not an mp3, it is a MUS file, and sounds exactly the same in Risen3D as it glboom+, to me at least. So I don't know where you are going here, sorry.

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hawkwind said:

The problem is your end. Are you running in basic doom mode.

Here is a screenshot of map 01. As you can see, the imp renders a correct grey like colour

Thanks. "[x] Basic Doom mode" helps with sprites.

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hawkwind said:

Regarding map23 music, it is not an mp3, it is a MUS file, and sounds exactly the same in Risen3D as it glboom+, to me at least. So I don't know where you are going here, sorry.

Music? I spoke about SFXes. They sound strange (some sort of effects probably). It is not related to Epic2 only. Compare:


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This sounds similar to what you get if you have 3D sound on in Dday, but your computer doesn't support it (the way Dday implemented it that is).

I believe the 3D sound option existed in Dday before Risen3D forked from it.

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Yes, sound effects, sorry. I listened and compared again and there is a slight difference. As Vermil said it might be 3D sound. Disable 3D sound under the Sound tab and see how that goes. Also ( or either ), in-game, you can go to Risen3D Control Panel > Audio > General Reverb Strength and adjust it.


Automap has been fixed for next release.

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