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Sunder demos [-complevel 9]

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Does anybody know a strategy with a decent success rate for the 2nd battle of the sunder map06 (old version)? I know @0xf00ba12 and okuplok both did I max runs of it. Do they or anyone else have any strategy with a success rate higher than 2/305?

Edited by Jacek Bourne

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Really impressive. These sorts of demos are really getting my inspired to return to speedrunning.


Are you gonna go beyond Map14, just out of curiosity?

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5 hours ago, Poncho1 said:

Are you gonna go beyond Map14, just out of curiosity?

you kiddin? we all are waiting for that :)

he has to, lol

map14 is so wonderful, I'm really looking forward, never even thought of speedrunning myself.

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Thanks @ZeroMaster010 !


A couple of people have told me about using Esc rather than pausing. I probably should have actually looked into it before I recorded anything :) Appreciate the info regarding the file format as well. I'm quite new to recording demos so I wasn't aware of a lot of the standards. Will keep that in mind for the future.


Agreed that a good run can get under an hour, but it would require a lot more risk than I'd be comfortable with (playing the pool fight without any cheese saves a lot of time, but that fight is immensely dangerous and rng heavy without the cheese). My goal was an exit first and foremost. Even without any routing changes the time could go sub 1:15 pretty easily I think.


Nice work on the 32 demo. That linedef skip to sequence break the hedge maze is huge. I did some tentative routing of the map yesterday and those viles from waves 2 and 3 are very annoying if they have access to corpses.

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