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The elusive unrolled DrawSpan function


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While I was investigating the distorted visplanes problem in MochaDoom (the tiny squares look OK only at certain view angles, while they get increasingly distorted in others), believing it was related to precision crapping out due to "high" resolutions I tried to see how other source ports handled this problem...surprisingly, with the notable exception of Eternity that has done a partial transition to a floating point renderer, I found that none of the other ports did anything special to handle precision issues (nor did I recall there being any).

So the problem had to be somewhere else... I remembered that I had "resurrected" an unused R_DrawSpan function found in the linuxdoom code that implemented an unrolled version of the R_DrawSpan code (well, almost, as it turned out afterwards).

It did work, and was a hefty 20-25% faster than the plain drawspan function, but I got the localized distortions.

I reverted to the plain DrawSpan, and the distortions went away...

So I was all WTF and tried to re-implement my own version of an unrolled R_DrawSpan (based on the "normal" one this time) and lo' and behold, the distortion went away, however the unrolling speedup was not nearly as good. It was there, but it wasn't as good.

So I inspected the "outcast" function closely, and discovered how it gets its speed:

position = ((ds_xfrac<<10)&0xffff0000) | ((ds_yfrac>>6)&0xffff);
step = ((ds_xstep<<10)&0xffff0000) | ((ds_ystep>>6)&0xffff);

source = ds_source;
colormap = ds_colormap;
dest = ylookup[ds_y] + columnofs[ds_x1];	 
count = ds_x2 - ds_x1 + 1; 
while (count >= 4) 
 ytemp = position>>4;
 ytemp = ytemp & 4032;
 xtemp = position>>26;
 spot = xtemp | ytemp;
 position += step;
 dest[0] = colormap[source[spot]];

 ytemp = position>>4;
 ytemp = ytemp & 4032;
 xtemp = position>>26;
 spot = xtemp | ytemp;
 position += step;
 dest[1] = colormap[source[spot]];

 ... etc.
In nutshell, what happens is that the x-step and y-step are combined into one "step" operation, and both the starting x,y coords and the x,y stepping are truncated to 10 bits each and forced to reside in a 32-bit array.

In practice, this leaves just 6 bits to express 64 screen units, and a 10-bit fractional part (not counting overflows between the two words forced to share the same 32 bits), and when drawing long runs of same-texture spans or watching them closely upon certain angles, distortion ensues. By comparison, the "normal" R_DrawSpan uses full 32-bit precision when incrementing the indexes, while now this has been effectively reduced to a 16 bit operation.

The verdict: it works, it IS way faster than the normal R_DrawSpan (it might even be OK for low resolutions) but the distortion is noticeable. It is clearly a tradeoff between speed and quality, although not as extreme as the low-detail mode.

I am going to attempt a fix by "refreshing" the position with a forced full-precision operation every so many counts.


Adding this check at the bottom of the loop seems to fix the problem
if ((rolls++)%32==0){
 position = ((((rolls*4)*ds_xstep+ds_xfrac) << 10) & 0xffff0000) |
            ((((rolls*4)*ds_ystep+ds_yfrac) >> 6) & 0xffff);
where "rolls" is a count of how many unrolled loops you've done (so once every 32 loops I recompute the position with maximum precision).

The tradeoff is that this slows down the code somewhat, however it still beats even a fully unrolled version of R_DrawSpan squarely.

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Interesting solution. SoM found the same thing out some time ago (long before EE converted to floating point with Cardboard) and created a high precision span drawer. Though in his case, he leaves only enough bits to express the maximum texture dimension (for example, 64 bytes) and uses the rest as fractional bits - 6.26 fixed point. He also managed to get a speed improvement over id's code by eliminating some of the variables out of the calculation entirely.

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In theory, this method could be applied to a full 64-bit variable (Storing two 16.16|16.16 fixed_t numbers in both position and step) while retaining full precision and coalescing two operations in one, but depending on the OS and architecture it might be slower or faster than the plain 32-bit method.

As it is however it effectively reduces the initial precision to 0.10 and then as the span draws slooowly accumulates to an "amazing" 6.10

Let alone that the LSW can overflow and affect the top one....

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Maes: the lines in your original post are so long that it is hard to read. Could you perhaps split that one line in the code tags so your post doesn't break the tables so much? Thanks!

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Such threads are the most interesting.

I often read through the source but couldn't, and still can't, make much of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I reviewed revro.wad for newstuff, I noticed that in vanilla Doom the floor distortions become progressively more noticeable to the right side of the screen, which is consistent with how the roundoff error is supposed to cumulate in the unrolled drawspan.

Also, I compared the same (more or less) location in vanilla and zdoom screenshots at the same resolution, and it seems to me that ZDoom's rendering is more accurate, proving that vanilla Doom actually uses the unrolled function.



I don't know why it's marked as "unused" in the Linux Doom code, other that it behaves progressively worse with resolution increases. At vanilla resolution however, you really gotta try to find the differences.

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Erm. In at least SOME of the DOOM exe's I have disassembled, *none* of the C versions of R_DrawSpan are used. There is a third version, and it was implemented in x86 assembly. The LINEAR.ASM file containing this implementation can be found in the Heretic source code.

I believe it also suffers the same poor accuracy.

Either way, the C version that was in Eternity, which was not unrolled to my memory, was also inaccurate in the exact same way.

; unwound horizontal texture mapping code
; eax   lighttable
; ebx   scratch register
; ecx   position 6.10 bits x, 6.10 bits y
; edx   step 6.10 bits x, 6.10 bits y
; esi   start of block
; edi   dest
; ebp   fff to mask bx
; ebp should by preset from ebx / ecx before calling

OP_SHLD	=	0fh


MAPDEFINE     MACRO   number
	dd      hmap&number

	ALIGN   4
mapcalls      LABEL
LINE    =       0
LINE    =       LINE+1

callpoint	dd  0
returnpoint	dd	0


; R_DrawSpan
; Horizontal texture mapping

PROC   R_DrawSpan_
PUBLIC	R_DrawSpan_


	mov	eax,[_ds_x1]
	mov	ebx,[_ds_x2]
	mov	eax,[mapcalls+eax*4]
	mov	[callpoint],eax       ; spot to jump into unwound
	mov	eax,[mapcalls+4+ebx*4]
	mov	[returnpoint],eax     ; spot to patch a ret at
	mov	BYTE PTR [eax], OP_RET

; build composite position
	mov	ecx,[_ds_xfrac]
	shl	ecx,10
	and	ecx,0ffff0000h
	mov	eax,[_ds_yfrac]
	shr	eax,6
	and	eax,0ffffh
	or	ecx,eax

; build composite step
	mov	edx,[_ds_xstep]
	shl	edx,10
	and	edx,0ffff0000h
	mov	eax,[_ds_ystep]
	shr	eax,6
	and	eax,0ffffh
	or	edx,eax

	mov	esi,[_ds_source]

	mov	edi,[_ds_y]
	mov	edi,[_ylookup+edi*4]
	add edi,[_columnofs]

	mov	eax,[_ds_colormap]

; feed the pipeline and jump in
	mov		ebp,0fffh	; used to mask off slop high bits from position
	shld	ebx,ecx,22		; shift y units in
	shld	ebx,ecx,6		; shift x units in
	and		ebx,ebp		; mask off slop bits
	call    [callpoint]

	mov	ebx,[returnpoint]
	mov	BYTE PTR [ebx],OP_MOVAL	; remove the ret patched in


;============= HIGH DETAIL ============


MAPLABEL      MACRO   number

LINE    =      0
PCOL	=	0
LINE    =	LINE + 1

	mov     al,[esi+ebx]            ; get source pixel
	shld	ebx,ecx,22		; shift y units in
	shld	ebx,ecx,6		; shift x units in
	mov     al,[eax]                ; translate color
	and		ebx,ebp		; mask off slop bits
	add		ecx,edx		; position += step
	mov     [edi+PLANE+PCOL*4],al   ; write pixel



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Could it be that they first compiled the "unrolled" C version to ASM and then tried to further optimize it by hand? If so, then ports that aim for 100% vanilla display accuracy should use the "unrolled" C version, since it's obviously closer to what the actual ASM is doing. But perhaps only the original programmers and maybe the Boom team can tell us what is actually going on here (since they had limited access to the DOS code).

Either way, it works really poorly for high resolutions unless you introduce my "accuracy sync" hack every so many loops, though.


Chocolate Doom is also "too accurate". Compare this screenshot from the Control Tower's window in E1M1:


Chocolate 1.21:

However Chocolate v1.50 seems to use a "correctly buggy" function:

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