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Teaming up - Inferno by Chris Lutz [done!!!]

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e3m7 uv-speed in 1:01
e3m7 uv-max in 9:12

stop the presses, i made a real max demo. :) i have no clue how good it is, so i wouldn't be surprised if someone bested me be 2 minutes or so.

vdgg said:

- Skip the cybers

i'd say this. it's obviously designed as a shock trap for those goodies. to kill them all you'd need the barons to take the mastermind down to minimum health (without killing him.. another nasty pitfall), then annihilate the cybers in an extremely tedious and boring way. i managed to kill all of them with near-full stack and the ammo from the final area, but only with intensive save&loading. and of course i was left with 2 shells and couldn't really fist the spider, heh.


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E3M3 UV Max in 7:43, sixth exit. Had a seventh, at 7:42, but I think the Lost Soul guarding the teleporter to the blue armor non-secret survived and there was an embarrassing fall towards the end - deleted.

vdgg suggested that the berserk pack on this level should speed up a max run. Well, it's a double-edge weapon: it sure helps to dispatch some of the baddies quicker while saving the rockets for the bigger fish, yet it can be a hindrance if you're not much of a Tyson. The Cacos make it worse still. But overall things went according to the plan and pretty smooth, except that at the very end I decided to grab the last backpack for no good reason (god knows why - there were only three Imps left!) and missed the lift back, which wasted some time. I didn't use the above-mentioned teleporter, I'm saving that for a later Tyson+100% secrets run that will be more of a walk-through.


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A week's worth of attempts finally brought the E3M3 max to the desired level: 6:56. Much of the credit for this run goes to SAV88 who encouraged me to try for a time under 7 minutes (which wouldn't have even occurred to me otherwise) and offered some useful insights, like shotgunning the last three Imps.

This was preceded by at least two 6:59 exits with a single missed monster and one 6:55 where I forgot the four Imps on the pillars. And in the hour before this demo was recorded I had two very solid runs that were ruined at the last moment. In the first one of the last batch of Demons survived a direct rocket hit and when I got back from the Caco+backpack room I found that it had lowered the lift to the last three Imps. I quickly jumped down the lift shaft but naturally there was no time to kill all three Imps before the lift went up again. The other run was ruined when I rode that last lift back up, thinking the level was clear, to find a Cacodemon blocking my way to the red key door. God knows where it had been!

Nevertheless I persisted, remembering that a third time is the charm, and that's how it turned out. ;)

As for E3M8 I agree that the ten Cybers at the end are there just for the shock value. Still, they should not be skipped. IMO, a valid Max should have the player attempt to take out as many as possible before moving on to the big Spider. Six out of ten sounds like a reasonable minimum.

Edit: as nobody seems to want E3M8, I did a UV Speed there in 2:47. Third exit.


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Great, this leaves the following:

"A must"
E3M6 Max

"Would be great if..."
E3M6 Speed - secret exit
E3M9 Speed - well...

"And of course would be welcome..."
E3M4 Speed w/switch trick (and glide?)
E3M8 pseudo-Max
+some time improvements including my E3M5 Max

@xepop: why not upload that E3M1 stuff?

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Another bonus demo: E3M8 NM100S in 2:55.
Third exit, first was 3:17. Made me sweat a bit, too. Originally I wanted to grab the green armor on that staircase but that turned out to be not worth the hassle (and the health). Had a curious fail - the Spider died and collapsed, I was killed a second later. Will post in the fail thread.


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e3m9 speed in 2:54
yeah, it's pretty dumb filler. i didn't even get the glide which is quite easy, but saves just a few secs and i was content with <3min already. other glides seem to be useless or flat-faced over lava, bleh.

xepop: you might like to have a look at pacifist here, basically it's just outsmarting the first skull and then later the imps under the elevator.


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To Never_Again: congratulations on breaking the seven-minute barrier and bringing your UV Max to a Compet-N quality! I definitely prefer hardworked demos with desperate time-hunt put in them over lazy, unoriginal records which beat something like 5:07 with something like 5:01.

Also, thanks for the E3M8 Nightmare demo. It motivated me to try this exciting challenge myself.

Here's E3M8 NM100S in 2:17. Previous exits were 2:35, 2:39, 2:21.89, 2:21.14, 2:24, 2:22, 2:20.06, 2:20.03 and 2:20.20.


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e3m1 Pacifist in 0:16
e3m7 Pacifist in 1:16
e3m9 Pacifist in 3:27

I accidentally telefrag caco in e3m9. If that's a no-no I can upload much slower one or try without telefrags.

dew said:

I chose Looper's way of gliding, because it's
easier to align, despite having slightly lower success rate.

I have to disagree on both being Looper's (originates from my map02 nomonster demo and from debates when doing coopuv) and having slightly lower succes rate :)


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keep it, man. :) i'm sick of that map and i have many other entries already. however i might try a pacifist there, because it seems like a bad, bad idea. :)

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ok, pacifist seems improbable, just getting rid of the stationary imp trio is a bitch. however, here's a laughably cheap improvement for the speed route. :)

e3m5 speed in 1:44


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OK, since Nightmare demos have become unexpectedly popular and numerous, I modified the listings at the first post. Every NM demo including E3M3 Pacifist will be included in the pack unless beaten by a faster one or unless N_A, tatsurd, SAV88 or didier prefer to release them on their own.

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I think it would be better to include them in the pack. "Nightmare" is a very fitting mode for playing through "Inferno", so IMO the demoset would be kinda incomplete without some NM action.

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Paska said:
e3m8 max (yep, all cybers)

Not bad for a first max :) Congrats, that was fantastic!

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Fantastic? I'd say it's un-fucking-believable, that's what it is! :P

Thank you for showing us all up, Looper. With this and pa16 under your belt you might want to check out D2Reload MAP30 next. A Max on it has been dismissed as impossible by a better player than me, now it looks like you might be the man for the job.

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e3m6 pacifist in 1:04
e3m6 max in 6:19

sorry, didier. the glide was way too tempting. :) hey, how about you do m6 with secret exit? that requires YK, so no stupid cheats like this! :)


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