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I just watched your demo memfis, it was very enjoyable :) I like watching people suffer through slaughtermaps and end up dying after 23 minutes of intense shooting and dodging ;)

You used some neat tricks to play safe that I didn't think about when I made the map. Like taking the lift back up again when the mancubus and the 2 revs appear. Myself, I just run around the mancubus and make him shoot the revs. The last room was painful to watch when you got hit by some random rocket from behind, very annoying. The cyberdemons are best to be let alone and used as sheilds from the spider masterminds, cause I don't give away enough ammo to shoot the teleporting horde.

NoneeLlama: I'm going to watch your new demo later this evening. The "bug" is that there are 2 mancubus teleporting to the spiders locations after you have killed them, and therefor I had to assign 2 different tags. That forced me to make 2 tags for raising each platform. In other words, you just stepped over the first tag on your first playthrough.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think a few of the texture choices in this new bunch of screenies is not as good as it could be, though the design and layout of the level itself looks pretty good. All the green detailing looks somehow, I don't know, not quite right.

The earlier screenies look really good to me. This project looks pretty neat overall. Keep at it. :)

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KiiiYiiiKiiiA: Is it the green details that look out of place or some other textures as well? I've been trying really hard to work on making more interesting contrast between different colors and I remember some map from DVII using some neat green color, wich inspired me.

I'm working on 3 new maps at the same time cause I'm running out of ideas as soon as I have created the starting room. This project will take forever to finish hehe.

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dannebubinga said:

KiiiYiiiKiiiA: Is it the green details that look out of place or some other textures as well? I've been trying really hard to work on making more interesting contrast between different colors and I remember some map from DVII using some neat green color, wich inspired me.

I had to go and think about this. I think most of the issues I had with these screenies has to do with the colors that are mixed together. In the second shot, there is that metal green on the ceiling, the bright green detailing, and the washed out rock textures in the windows mixed in with the main theme of brown metal. Perhaps too many shades of color competing for attention.

I also didn't like the square metal panel texture on the walls that much. Something more 'Doomy' would work well there. And the ceiling flat, that metal green doesn't look that great. If you got those, I think the green details will look really good actually. Once you get the main colors right, that green detailing will have something good to 'back it up' if you see what I mean.

In the third shot, I would give those big brown pillars 45 degree corners. They look too square to me. The other thing I would change, that red sky doesn't work so well with so much green. And that washed out rock texture on the sides. Not sold on that.

Sorry I don't mean to be harsh, because most of the screens in this thread look very good indeed.

I'm working on 3 new maps at the same time cause I'm running out of ideas as soon as I have created the starting room. This project will take forever to finish hehe.

Ok. Here are a couple of tips to use when looking for inspiration.
1)I have a folder full of hundreds of screenshots that I have gathered from various places. Whenever I see an awesome screenie that someone has posted, I copy it into that folder. And when I need inspiration, I browse through this folder.
2)Pick a random page from the 'post your Doom pics here' and scroll through that thread for a bit. If you can't find something inspiring in ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY EIGHT PAGES of screenshots, then you have no pulse.
3)Scroll through some of the Wads and Mods threads. Meks 'Vela Pax', Doom Marine's 'Deus Vult', Jimmy91's 'jenesis', BlueEagle's 'Unloved II', the 94 tune up challenge these are all current projects with much screenie awesomeness therein. There are many others.

And if you are still not inspired, then you have no pulse, and are blind as well. :P And I am assuming that you are neither of these things.

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Thanks for the feedback man, I appreciate it. I've spent some time polishing and replacing textures etc. I kept in mind what you told me and came up with this. I'm still not sure about the slime ceiling and the ceil5_2 though.

The screenshot folder is a very good idea. I will try using this technique to get inspiration for sure :)

I would really want to try mapping like those guys did in the Double Impact project. When you make one room and then pass the map over. Making big slaughtermaps that way could be really interresting I think.

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The only thing I am not sure on now is that tan rock texture that covers the outer walls in the first and last screenie, and appears in the windows in the second and third. It looks too washed out to me. I think something darker would look better. I also think a darker rock texture would give a scarier feel to the map as well.

If you do this, then see if the CEIL5_2 looks better with darker walls around it.

I just think that the green in these screens is such a 'hard' color that it will make many colors look washed out and weak, which I think is what is causing the problem with the way the screenies are looking. With a green that 'hard', every other color will have to be hard too. I really like the green, it will just be a bit more of a challenge to get textures that can stand up against it.

But heaps better now tho. Sorry to be picky again, hope this helps. :)

[edit] It actually looks like there is a HOM in the centre of the second screenie.[/edit]

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Thanks again for feedback! I've changed some stuff you mentioned again, and now I feel satisfied. I don't feel like throwing out more screenshots of that area, you'll see it when I release the wad :)

I've made some changes to map 1. I'm improving mapping skills as I progress, so some old areas in map 1 and 2 look very B compared to map 3 and 4.


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See. Now these screenies are awesome. :)

The color combinations are really good here. Strong colors that contrast really well. And the areas look really interesting. Good stuff.

[picky] The only thing I would consider changing is the red pit in the third screen. I would perhaps put a border around it, or maybe change that red to something else.

But otherwise, great stuff. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've updated the OP with some info about my wad and what to expect.

Map 4 is coming together nicely. It's damn huge as well. I hope people won't get tired and reject this map half way through cause I worked super-hard on it.


editor shot 512 grid: http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n487/dannebubinga/editorshot4.png

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  • 6 months later...

No. I've been working on this on and off for a very long time. Just about a month ago Phml was kind enough to playtest the maps so now the gameplay bit is done. There are some work left with the detailing and I have to make my mind up about discarding 1 map.

I'm glad someone showed interest :) It makes me want to release it ASAP.

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Why do I miss topics like that?

I really like the facelift Map03 brown areas got. It's a lot more vibrant than before, to the point it almost looks like a different map.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The description on the first line of the text-file as "limit-removing" is incorrect. It should read "Boom compatible".

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Grazza said:

The description on the first line of the text-file as "limit-removing" is incorrect. It should read "Boom compatible".

Crap. How do I fix this? Should I upload a new .txt with the same name? I'm new to idgames so I'm a bit lost.

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Yes, you could upload a new txt. Maybe reupload the wad too, as Ty's systems may require that. Also include a c-shock.msg file explaining the reason for the new upload. Or you could e-mail Ty.

The archive's instructions are here.

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Sensing very strong Sunder influences here. Which pretty much sells this mapset to me because Sunder is my all-time favourite slaughter megawad. Seeing as how Insane_Gazebo helped you with feedback on this, I guess it shouldn't be too much of a surprise.

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  • 11 years later...

Here's some video footage. I know that this is a pretty old WAD, but it still plays good today nonetheless.






Edited by CortexReaver

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