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A few errors i found within Skull Tag (demo version)

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I found these errors within skull tag while i was playin against the bots (btw..they are the BEST bots i played...not just because they are more "human" like but u can edit their difficulty)

Ok here are the errors:

1) When Crash blows herself up, it says "HIMSELF" instead of "herself". Ex: Crash blows HIMSELF up.

2) On the first level, "Testing Center", when you lower the pillar with the berserker thing on it, if you stand there and let the pillar go back up you'll get stuck and wont be able to get down. Unless someone else lowers it for you.

3) The railgun does ALWAYS hurt the person. I tested this with a 64x64 map. I shot the bot dead center but he didnt even suffer damage. (not to mention i get ass kicked by pistol)

4) When you load custom levels with a custom "Texture" lump the testure of that level becomes animated randomly when loaded with Skull Tag. But this does happen all the walls with the same texture..only specific walls. Strange.

5) Bot keeps trying to jump over everything and doesnt run arround killing you or each other. Like on "Entry Way". Where you start in single player, the bots keep jumping against that fence where the chainsaw is.

6) Bots keeps running into walls and other objects.

7)Bots doesnt explore the ENTIRE level only seems to run in circles, and if in a room, they dont know how to open doors and they stay in there. Ex: on map 32 "Grosse"

8)Music errors, sumtimes the notes get off tuned..not a big problem though.

maybe some of these errors has been mentioned already, im not sure. :(

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heres another bug (carn, i mailed you about this before, twice): Coop doesnt work, there's no intermission screen, the game freezes after exiting (but i can still quit, start a new game, etc.)

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More Bugs.

1)Bots keeps shooting and running away from another bot even after that bot is dead.

2)Bots shoot at walls and keeps ding that.

3)The Capture the flag levels ALL have bugs: For example, I can go rite thru a wall. After awhile the game crashes.

4)Vertex error on the 1st map of "Mortal Conflict"..Training Center. Where you jump up to get the Doomsphere (redthing with funny face ^_^) the wall with da sky patch blocks the players view.

5)Cant use Chex man... NO!

6)Orion is PEREFTLY accurate (reminds me of them ZdoomBots)

7)Chubs has no only one walking frame for other angles other than the DIRECT one.

8)Crash uses the same skin as Doom Marine (talk about masculine females)

9)Dead bodies keeps bouncing up on them Red "jump" pads. Its not really a bug. But its rather funny and distracting.

Hey do Skull Tag need anymore Sprite artists? Im open. Since Hell-Storm is basically dead and no one replies my e-mails. -_-

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1)Bots keeps shooting and running away from another bot even after that bot is dead.

huh? elaborate.

2)Bots shoot at walls and keeps ding that.

known bug.

3)The Capture the flag levels ALL have bugs: For example, I can go rite thru a wall. After awhile the game crashes

uhh, wha? and which level exactly?

4)Vertex error on the 1st map of "Mortal Conflict"..Training Center. Where you jump up to get the Doomsphere (redthing with funny face ^_^) the wall with da sky patch blocks the players view.


5)Cant use Chex man... NO!

console, type "skin chex". if that doesn't work, then i don't care.

6)Orion is PEREFTLY accurate (reminds me of them ZdoomBots)


7)Chubs has no only one walking frame for other angles other than the DIRECT one.

8)Crash uses the same skin as Doom Marine (talk about masculine females)


9)Dead bodies keeps bouncing up on them Red "jump" pads. Its not really a bug. But its rather funny and distracting.

carn deliberately left it in, since during a beta test, we were having so much fun with it, we were taking screenshots.

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I think the most important thing is to get the bots to play better and avoid suiciding. Other than that I think it's a pretty amazing mod, especially considering it's FREE.

Keep up the good work!

P.S. (cough) 3D floors (cough)

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