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Failed demo attempts

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Because the guys in the Compet-n discussion forums wanted me to, I've uploaded a 30mmmax movie which goes all the way to Map 25 where I exit because I got 98% kills due to me forgetting to waken a couple of imps. To the part where I exit, the whole thing is 3:42:54. If I do succeed to make a full run, it will probably take the record of longest Doom movie, beating Never Again's TNT Max movie. However, it is not the longest demo, that goes to the Doom Wiki's E2M4 UV demo which is 5:11:11 (which is 70x slower than the current fastest Max run). At least now this demo serves as a guideline for those who actually want to go through with doing this. :)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  Revved said:

However, it is not the longest demo, that goes to the Doom Wiki's E2M4 UV demo which is 5:11:11 (which is 70x slower than the current fastest Max run).


Haha, what the heck? Is the player actually active for 5 hours or did the demo just get padded out with empty tics somehow?

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  • 1 month later...

i looked for this information but couldnt find infos about it:
is "pausing" allowed during an uv-max in my case demo recording? I actually paused for around 20-30second near the end of a run and now I m not sure if this is still valid or not

prboom recorded if it matters

the only other demo i saw in pause which I can remember about, is in cchest2 from justanotherfool, but i can't even name the map right now, quite some time passed.

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doomworld.com/vb/post/929928]Here is Grazza's thorough post about pausing during recording. Personally I never used it, but it's valid.

BTW, it seems that you forgot about a helpful medikit just below the last imp you killed. It could restore your health (after the penultimate archvile managed to hurt you).

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oh very good to hear, i'll try to make a better time without the pause tonight tho.
btw I'm clueless about that lmpc system to cut off the pause... but I hope ill eventually be lucky next minutes so I wont need to cut the pause from the demo of mine D:

yea I definitely did, I was rather confident he'll finally get in painchance and stop attacking me, but well.. looks like deserved to me now :D but how silly to splash a rocket on the "roof" for the av jump.. first time I actually see a fail of this kind

edit2:wow now 1 missed imp, funny.

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I believe the latest PRBoom+ automatically removes pauses. I recorded a demo and used the menu in it to pause the game and then moved. When I played it, there was no pause.

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  killer2 said:

But why would you purposefully want to record a pause in your demo?


actually, I like the fact that it can be "tracked" I asked out of curiosity, but I had an advantage from pausing and I'm honest in this ;o

the attempt of mine was bound to fail, because i noticed I was missing 1kill in one of the last areas (HUD). so I paused to check where the fuck the monster was, so that in following runs I'd know where did I miss it and therefore plan some route changes according to the eventual monster movement which caused 1 or more monsters to hide or not being reachable. 99.99% of times in such cases I simply stop walking, and check by the map where the foe is (and then abort it), but this time the run was fairly decent, and that could be a good check to know how much the time could still be improved. I bet many good speedrunners does enough of such testing BEFORE demorecording, with save states also because its just more effective.. and logical lol
but I don't, because i'm a wierdo and I hate to play with savestates
even in long maps, unless there are very annoying and complicated mazes, I don't really spend much time "studying" the level and its minimal secrets and particulars largely enough, but I instead learn the way, and practice the route straight in demorecording. for me this is more intense, and gives me either more fails but more challenging events which I must face with good reaction. In first attempts at least. once it gets going and I reach regularly the exit, everything else is optimization (okay now don't ovestimate my capacities in doing this.)
you can say I do get better ON BATTLEFIELD!!1 instead of planning everytime in advance before even starting a recording session.
thats why I paused, because I was sure that wouldnt be my ending time or an uploaded demo neverthless. As proof, I've never paused in any of my demos on the archive for example.

I personally do not use pause (it was prolly the second time in my life that I paused?) to have a benefit, but in my opinion it's nice if the pausing is at least trackable since it may give a little help after all. (oh well pausing once for 10 second in a 15min run or pausing 45 times in a 3min run is different...)
from the other hand a special setting allowing to skip automatically the pause times may be nice while playing back a run or for example recording it by fraps or other programs to avoid a frozen screen for a while.

btw, I'm just too lazy and impatient to play with savestates long enough and trust me, thats a bad habit of mine, this causes lots of frustration to waste excellent 9/10 of a run because I don't know perfectly the final area yet, or because I haven't experienced already a large variety of possible outcomes for the fights

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  blob1024 said:

I don't really spend much time "studying" the level and its minimal secrets and particulars largely enough, but I instead learn the way, and practice the route straight in demorecording...
...you can say I do get better ON BATTLEFIELD!!1 instead of planning everytime in advance before even starting a recording session.


Same here. Planning/studying is too boring, I enjoy playing much more. :) Yes, it makes the quality of my demos worse, but I don't care because having fun is much more important.


plutonia map12

explain please? what happened ?_?


Just another of those lovely intercepts overflows...

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My feelings are kind of opposite :)

I have a lot of fun exploring the endless improvable space in demos, inventing and testing new timesavers, working out condensed routes and playing a level multiple times with savestates to see how low the time can go. It's usually much more relaxing for me than the actual recording, because I need multi-digit numbers of tries to optimize the whole run in a single attempt without getting down to 0% health. So currently I have a bad habit of deferring my recording work, mostly due to laziness and/or cold fingers and/or lack of free hours needed for serious sessions.

But I agree with Blob that the run only can be fully practiced on the actual battlefield. During recording I can more intuitively determine which timesavers are usable in practice, and which are too unreliable, so I continue perfecting my route (as well as polishing my reflexes, of course).

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Daiyu_Xiaoxiang said:
Well, WTF happened to the revenants? A bug? They don't raise, therefore no UV Max for this map!


What WAD is this for? Also, s p a c e s in the file names, whether it's .lmp or .zip, can be annoying.

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  Revved said:

However, it is not the longest demo, that goes to the Doom Wiki's E2M4 UV demo which is 5:11:11 (which is 70x slower than the current fastest Max run).


And why in the world is it so long? Is there any reason why he/she plays like that?

And just so you don't die of old age, please use -timedemo instead of -playdemo.

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Archy said:
And why in the world is it so long? Is there any reason why he/she plays like that?


I watched some of it some time back as I let it play while I was doing some other stuff. He would wait ages for the monsters to move to locations from where he would take convenient pot shots. Mostly because of a lack of dodging skills.

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Wow. I understand that everyone has their own habits, but how could someone even enjoy playing that way? If this guy knows how to record and upload demos he's surely seen someone in another demo strafe out of the way of an imp fireball. Who sees that and then decides, no thank you, I'd rather spend five hours taking potshots? I wish I could meet this guy, not to "help" him but to try to figure him out. What kind of brain is this guy forced to live his life with?

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Apparently, there are demos like that for each difficulty, ITYTD being around 2 hours long. On top of that, there are demos just like that for every doom level, in all difficulties (hangar being around 40 minutes in uv).

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