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Failed demo attempts

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Basically a standard 32-unit glide, but between things instead of walls. As I mentioned here, there are a probably a fair few glides of this type that are waiting to be discovered.

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  On 2/8/2016 at 3:05 PM, Cyberdemon531 said:

fuck my life


LOL. A truly heroic effort ruined in a doomy fashion. You deserved that, you killing machine. 5/5

  On 2/20/2016 at 9:40 PM, TendaMonsta said:

The Pain Elemental was fertile on this one


Haha! Fatality! Skulltality! Spawnaloty! Elementality! Hilarity! DOOMALITY! 5/5

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/23/2016 at 7:45 PM, 38_ViTa_38 said:

Two failed TAS demos.
googol.wad by Linguica (warning: millions of tics!) and Chillax 9.7.2 MAP21 (because of my laziness).


You made a 79 hour demo of googol.wad?! Like, what was the intention exactly?

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How can be TAS demo consideres as 'Failed attempt'? You can always rerecord demo, here people posting non-TAS demos as they can't rerecord it. Eh whatever...

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  On 4/23/2016 at 7:54 PM, Linguica said:

Like, what was the intention exactly?


I wanted to know will it last (practically) a googol years or not.

  On 4/23/2016 at 8:08 PM, Azuruish said:

How can be TAS demo considered as 'Failed attempt'?


A map might be too difficult even for TAS (not enough ammo or health). Or because of laziness and map length (in my case).

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  On 4/23/2016 at 8:09 PM, 38_ViTa_38 said:

I wanted to know will it last (practically) a googol years or not.


Googling googol might have given you a practical answer, heh. You're not even scratching the surface. As far as I know, humankind's storage capacity is estimated in exabytes right now. That's 10^18, while you'd need... more like 10^108 yourself. There is no way of doing this without fooling Doom into looping over the same demo data.

  On 4/23/2016 at 8:08 PM, Azuruish said:

How can be TAS demo consideres as 'Failed attempt'? You can always rerecord demo, here people posting non-TAS demos as they can't rerecord it. Eh whatever...


Oh, this is absolutely a failed attempt in every sense of the word, haha.

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Im not sure where to post this and this is not a failed demo but is strange. While i was making the TAS for nochance.wad doomguy's health got reduced to 0%(with an AVJ) but he still kept moving. Im sure this is some kind of glitch but it has never happened to me before. Could someone explain why this happened?.


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  On 4/28/2016 at 12:28 PM, SWDude said:

Im not sure where to post this and this is not a failed demo but is strange. While i was making the TAS for nochance.wad doomguy's health got reduced to 0%(with an AVJ) but he still kept moving. Im sure this is some kind of glitch but it has never happened to me before. Could someone explain why this happened?.


Voodoo doll outside of the map was hit by a projectile that went through the wall which caused the player's health to drop to zero without killing the voodoo doll. More information in the 3rd paragraph here.

Regarding a more suitable place to post a similar demo in the future - I think "Weird demos" thread was made especially for this.

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  • 1 month later...

Plutonia map 24 tyson...

I failed...


I got 46/66 kills...

Including the...

C Y B E R D E M O N .




It was like...

Holy shit...

Cyber is gonna die now...

This is happening...

My hands are shaking...


Now, just stay calm, Ag fag, you can do this... fug... fug... fug...


Cyber is soon dead...

Cyber is soon dead...

Fug, I forgot to keep count of cyber's health...

Is cyber soon dead?

Am I soon dead instead?

Hands shake, plz stop shaking hands...

Don't panic now...

Cyber is soon dead...


Quick, now I just need to...


(Plz fellow doomers, avenge me...)

Edit: Included all 43 failed attempts as attachment.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a nice representation of the brain farts and chokes that end my runs in Italo Map 17. The hardest part is not being awe-struck after surviving the nine arch-viles and having it affect you the rest of the way.


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  • 1 month later...

After 50 tries, here's my best Alien Vendetta map 14 tyson attempt with 307/644 kills. AV14 is not an insanely hard map to tyson, but requires some luck. Any regular tyson guy can probably finish this. I am taking a break for now.

Here are some tips:

We should probably do the slime pit cybers first, because it requires most luck. Just let the cybers kill the cacos and then get the cybers stuck on the lift for easy punching.

Next do the blue key area (or red key if you feel like it). See the attachment for an easy blue key strategy. It is not necessary to punch the arch-vile instantly like I do, but there is a high risk of ghosts, if we let the arch-vile live.

The red key area is relatively "easy", but you must not make noise! Otherwise the revenants will ambush you! The cyber kills almost everyone, so make it happen. Then dodge some rockets and get the red key. Only after that you can safely make noise and release the revenants.

The yellow key area is the easiest and should be done last.

Note: Don't press any switches in the starting room before getting the red key, so that the teleporting cybers get damaged more.

Bullets never run out, so feel free to use them whenever you feel like it. In my test run I had more than 200 bullets left at exit.

With 644 monsters this would have the highest monster count in any tyson run ever, surpassing the 592 monsters in AV13. It will be a great adventure, though. My initial test run took more than two hours to finish.

Protip: Use the fast doors as riot shields to save health, but beware the noclipping mancubus shots!


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  • 2 weeks later...

2002ADO E2M3 "Lost Labs", nightmare!

Kyle wrote in one of the .txts he got to the yellow key once.
I got there 9 times and this is the first time I got RK and BFG also.
at -skipsec 201 a sergeant is being pushed by a lost soul; he appears to be skating :)


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HR2 Map07 Pacifist

All was slow but good and I died in a most embarrassing way.
Surprisingly this jump can be done in one go, without RL.

BTW not sure how it works, gap is 192 units,
SR50 thing boost from arachnotron looks like not enough in practice.
But with av jump it somehow works if you bump in arachnotron even with SR40!
Can anyone explain?


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A failed attempt on MM2 MAP25 Tyson.

Can anything good be said on a demo than not only is failed but would have been much slower than Krypto's? Actually yes, I like my berserk grab strategy better, as it saved me plenty of bullets. Only the first ten minutes and maybe the last 30 seconds are what I would recommend to watch. The cyber was dead, I was almost there.

m225-fail.zipFetching info...

Edited by vdgg

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Cool! I didn't think to lure them inside by the Mancubie, that's definitely a more safe and reliable strategy, although a touch slower. You reached the berserk at 4:45 and me at 2:30. Good if you need to secure extra bullets, pretty chuffed I got sub 40 :)

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Looks like I'm blind (or have no memory) but thanks anyway


Edit: I certainly didn't watch it so I was away, I just should have looked through this thread...

Edited by vdgg

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