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You can also move, turn and shoot at the first tic after death. I use it when I make a "fatal" rocketjump to see if I'm flying in wrong direction. :D

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This has never happened to me before. An arch-vile resurrects an imp and the imp turns into a ghost. Shots go through it and you can also see a revenant's missile going through the imp. Plays back with D2RELOAD.WAD and occurs at 9:17 (skipsec -557). What would be the reason?


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*edit (sorry for double post, but as I remember you can't edit posts with attachments): should be -skipsec 557, not -557

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Kotzugi said:

*edit (sorry for double post, but as I remember you can't edit posts with attachments): should be -skipsec 557, not -557

Yes, you can. The only problem is forgetting an attachment, you can't add it to an attachment-free post.

Ghost imp: it always happens in vanilla compatibility, if a door closes on a corpse, converting it into pool of blood.

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vdgg said:

Yes, you can. The only problem is forgetting an attachment, you can't add it to an attachment-free post.

I just remember having problems with it some time ago - thanks. Will try not to double post again.

vdgg said:

Ghost imp: it always happens in vanilla compatibility, if a door closes on a corpse, converting it into pool of blood.

But it seems that it only happens occasionally, I've seen lots of doors close on corpses. Or is it only when the pool of blood is rezzed?

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Thanks for refreshing my memory NA. By the way, it happened again in my next attempt, can you believe it (this time with a chaingunner). Geez. If they can change the rules so you don't have to kill ghosts, which is impossible by legal means*, that would be nice (and some demos might be more fun to watch).

*Edit: never mind, I see splash damage can hurt it.

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Cyberdemon531 said:

Hmm, I was attempting a Switcheroom Episode 1 -Fast movie, and on E1M6 I was shooting rockets... through walls? I've never seen this before. -Skipsec 24:00 -Complevel 3

A guess

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What the heck? Very interesting!

On the blue key's side this door has a "D1 Door (Blue) Open Stay" action while on the other side it has "DR Door Open Wait Close". And apparently "Open Stay" breaks normal doors somehow if you use it while they're closing. I can tell you this probably has nothing to do with that imp because I was able to recreate this situation in a test map with no monsters (attached). Note how trying to open the door from the "Open Wait Close" side again completely closes it (???).


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I was blocking the lift, but instead of going down, it... ehm... warped upwards and it didn't get back down until I tried to get out of the wall.

EDIT: I think I figured it out. When I was standing on edge of the lift, two lost souls near me died and got crushed at the tic when I was going to touch the ceiling with my head. Collision detection ignored my head and I kept going up.
Or what?

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lazy to check now, but iirc there's a demonstration of a broken lift in a tvr demopack, but maybe my memory fails me. If there is, there might also be some description of it. Or it could've been some random demo :D Okay i shut up.

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I just have to point this out. (apologies in advance)



breaks a lift by accident.

Now THAT's clumsy.

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Linguica said:

Someone on IRC made this video of a weird death:


He activated a rising staircase and then tried to noclip under a door and died instantly. I know rising staircases will crush the player, but... huh?

Just to clarify (in case file name doesn't make it clear), this is on map 22 of Perdition's Gate. :)

Another weirdness in perdgate in my latest max run for map 29, arachnotron death displaces (I guess?) a medikit and causes it to float in the air. I don't think I've ever seen something like this, any explanation (I assume it relates to the medikit being placed in the corner of the room)? Distracted me a bit in the run. :P

Edit: skipsec 66 to see floating medikit.


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That's more comp_floors voodoo. See Quasar's posts there for an illustrated explanation of how it works.

In 4shock's pg29 demo, the player crossing the walkover trigger (#1 in the figure below) in front of the BFG at around 0:25 is what sets it off. Note that the sector (##2) that is tagged to that trigger is made of two discrete parts, which makes the blockmap area (magenta), affected by its bounding box, rather large. The medkit (#3) is inside that blockmap area and is thus affected. I cannot explain the exact mechanism and why the #1 trigger (Floor Lower to Lowest Floor) makes that medkit jump up in the air, only that the medkit's position on the border between two sectors is a certain factor here.

Try this map with -nomonsters, give yourself all keys, go pick up the BFG first and only then go to the medkit room. You'll find that not just the medkit — all the items around the room's perimeter are floating in the air. That happens on vanilla complevels only, of course; Boom fixed this stuff.

I've encountered lots of cases like that while bugfixing Armadosia (see the changelog for examples). You'd open a door somewhere and boom! — a rocket in next room is taunting you from the ceiling. The routine solution was to move the offending items away from walls.

edit: Another post from the same thread may point to an explanation of the sudden death on PG22, though it doesn't account for the "sudden" part.

BTW, anyone notice the massive HOM throughout this map with the latest test version of Prb+ in software renderer? I first noticed this with Azuruish's TNT run, where there is a lot of it on MAP09 and other places. This did not happen in the stable v2.5.1.3 or v2.5.1.4-test from Aug 2012. I think I'll post in the Prboom-plus thread in Source Ports, the bug tracker seems to be abandoned for the past couple of years...

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I have never seen this before...

best description I can give of this demo, I run against an imp and a wall and shoot the imp with SSG, then I somehow clip into the wall and do a wallrun while running through some imps, then I get killed and you can see that I am partially inside the wall or something... I have no idea what this is.

I was thinking maybe it was similar to a bug I've had earlier, where I and all the monsters have noclip, but everytime I've had that occur the monsters were not able to do damage to me except a few, but this time I got stuck in a wall and died.


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Whoa, never seen that one happen before, interesting. Reminds me of a similar thing happening in tartaru4.wad (and previous versions of it i believe, even though it has been fixed in tartaru5) on two of the northeastern linedefs in the final room of map26, both in prboom and zandro, and most likely in other ports. In that map it's trivial to get partially inside of the wall, rendering all monsters' attacks useless against you, and also making your own explosions do nothing to you.

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Using IDDT reveals that imp fireballs pass through other imps, so it seems to be the all-ghosts bug. Strange moment, anyway.

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I guess that makes sense, it just happened at a location where I couldn't go through the wall on the left and forward direction and I died quickly enough so that none of the monsters had a chance to clip through each other which usually happens when this bug occurs for me. I didn't know about the melee damage still working, couldn't remember taking melee damage the last 3 times this occured.

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