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We should be able to control the volume of sound Things! (GZDoom)


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That's right!

Unless there's a technical reason as to why sound-Things don't have volume-control, it's a feature that should naturally be implemented.

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We should also be able to control the volume of obnoxious, self-entitled people who demand stuff as if it were their birthright, without even bothering to check if by any chance it doesn't already exist. (Hint: it does.)

There's not even a need for excessively precise control, either. Just the option to mute them. No need to have the option to unmute them since nobody is ever going to want to use it.

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Gez said:

We should also be able to control the volume of obnoxious, self-entitled people who demand stuff as if it were their birthright, without even bothering to check if by any chance it doesn't already exist. (Hint: it does.)

There's not even a need for excessively precise control, either. Just the option to mute them. No need to have the option to unmute them since nobody is ever going to want to use it.

User Profile -> Edit Ignore List -> enter usernames to 'mute' into the boxes


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It's a good thing (G)Zdoom doesn't have a feature requests forum, or else this thread wouldn't have a reason to exist.

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Xaser said:

It's a good thing (G)Zdoom doesn't have a feature requests forum, or else this thread wouldn't have a reason to exist.

For this thread to have a reason to exist, you also need to go back in time. Because, oh, look:

wiki says:
The second parameter determines the volume of the sound, as a percentile value. 0 is interpreted as the default (100).

What is this sorcery? Volume control on sound things? Already available? Have been there for a while actually? What will I demand from the ZDoom devs then?

I know!

We should be able to load IWADs!

That's right!

Unless there's a technical reason as to why IWADs cannot be loaded, it's a feature that should naturally be implemented.

You hear me, ZDoom devs? Get to work already!

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Relax, fellas.

I know you can control the volume in the Decorate - my proposal was the option to change the volume when it's placed in the map as Thing items, so you don't need to replicate the same Decorate-item multiple times if you wish to use the sound at different volumes at the source.

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You should be aware that if you want to use the majority of ZDoom's mapping features, such as specifying thing parameters in a map editor, you've got to use UDMF or the Hexen format.

But sure, if you insist on staying with the Doom map format, then you'll have to use DECORATE variants using the args property to force certain values.

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