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Decided not to play through ESP2 after I discovered why I didn't hang onto the first ESP. :V


Now I'm (finally) playing through Doom: The Golden Souls 2.

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Finnished The Journey a couple days ago. Pretty fun, very well designed in most aspects, like generally easy and satisfying at the same time. There were some choices I didn't agree with, like how the SSG was treated as premium in many maps, even if the standard sg/cg combat didn't feel grindy.


So now or tomorrow, MAYhem 2012 with glboom+. Still have to review other 4 wads, that's taking me a lot of time :s

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Still busy with Sunder, or is Sunder busy with me?


On a serious note, haven't enjoyed the last 2 maps I've played (MAP05 and MAP06), the first for its obscene availability of shotgun ammo vs every other type, and the latter for apparently not offering enough ammo (or just me poorly managing it). A BFG really wouldn't have hurt on this map, but I've managed to run completely out of ammo after killing 460 enemies (HMP) and thus, reached a dead end...


Welp, it seems it's time for -warp.

Edited by Agent6

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Replayed Heretic and finally finished the whole damn thing finding every secret.


Kinda been futzing around since then, playing a little Base Ganymede and THT Threnody, but not digging too much into anything. Might take another crack at Going Down, since I lost steam around map ten or so last time. 

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Playing through Alien Vendetta with the Quake Stuff Ultra Reloaded mod.


Even though I plan on leaving feedback on the mod once I beat Alien Vendetta, I will say that the mod creator(s?) for Quake Stuff Ultra Reloaded did a great job replicating how much of a dickback the Ogres were in Quake. :V

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Replaying BTSX ep1 on eternity port. Still a great megawad to revisit from time to time to seek some design ideas. 

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Replaying BTSX e1 at the moment too with zdoom (using MBF complevel because why not), after that i'll move to e2 since i skipped it for a long time because of it's beta status

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I'm exploring games again. I started a new game of Gladius on the Dolphin emulator, started a campaign in the Lord of the Rings Third Age mod in Medieval Total War 2 and purchased Warhammer Total War on steam as it was on sale. I hope it's good.


**Edit** Sorry wrong thread

Edited by Chezza

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1 hour ago, Chezza said:

I'm exploring games again. I started a new game of Gladius on the Dolphin emulator, started a campaign in the Lord of the Rings Third Age mod in Medieval Total War 2 and purchased Warhammer Total War on steam as it was on sale. I hope it's good.

But it's not doom custom content related? Thread below is one you need.


Edited by Myst.Haruko

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I've been playing some of the FIRE wads that can be found on one or two mid-1990s compilation CDs such as 1001 Nights and Doom Extras. They're versions of Shores Of Hell maps, with changes to the numbers of monsters and ammo packs to make them more difficult. FIRE1.WAD for example uses the E2M1 layout, FIRE2.WAD uses E2M2.


There are also versions with Doom 2 monsters. FIRE34 features a particularly challenging presentation of Refinery, with Revenants, Mancubuses and an Archvile. I've beaten it on HMP, but have yet to crack it on UV in the handful of attempts I've made. I much prefer these to doing the original maps in 'Fast Monsters' or 'Nightmare' mode.


One thing I wonder about with these maps is their 'legality' or copyright status. I doubt whether anyone's going to go after the creators of obscure non-commercial wads made almost a quarter of a century ago, or censure me for playing them, but they do use the original ID iwad levels. Anyone got any thoughts on this?

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I spoiled myself by looking inside the Quake Stuff Ultra Reloaded pk3 with SLADE to see what monsters are in there and it pretty much ruined my playthrough of Alien Vendetta. :x Ah well.


Now I'm gonna play through Abyssal Speedmapping Session 39 with LegenDoom 2.4, then Gardevoir's Ultimate Doom II with MetaDoom and Champions.

Edited by Nems

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36 minutes ago, galileo31dos01 said:

About to start Shai'tan's Luck, a set of primarily slaughter stuff from 2009. Hope to take it easy with the IoS maps.


I remember this in TNS, certainly some vivid locations. ArmouredBlood's music selection on point as always; MAP28's music is one of my favourite MIDIs <3

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Now, I'm giving another try to BTSX ep2 beta. It feels good to get out from techbases to some kind of ruins. 

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Finished up Doom 404, was a whole lot of fun.

Currently playing Return to Hell.

Probably gonna play Paradise or Desecrated Station afterwards.

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20 hours ago, galileo31dos01 said:

Getting into Estranged real soon, a one-person megawad that appears to be iwad-ish.

It's not, really, beyond maybe the first few levels. It is very well done, though. (The latter levels in particular are highly memorable.)

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7 hours ago, Salt-Man Z said:

It's not, really, beyond maybe the first few levels. It is very well done, though. (The latter levels in particular are highly memorable.)


I get a lot of UDoom vibes with the aesthetics, stock music and flow of the maps. That they get more substantial after the fourth map is very good. I'm only confused about the compatibility, so far there hasn't been any sign of Boom specifics that I could recognize, perhaps in the latter episode. It feels like the perfect candidate to use Crispy Doom given how vanilla-ish it is.

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I'm playing Strain megawad. It's kind of love and hate relationship between this, because I'm digging music and some visuals, but gameplay and some monster/player/weapon replacements and stats are kind of meh. 

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I decide to take a look on ultimate doom 2. The last time i played this was around 3 or 4 years ago in some demo/alpha phase. Really awesome to see how some places progress.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just tried out the first map of TNT Resistance on UV, completed it with 100% kills (but no secrets) in under 5 minutes. Looks interesting, will definitely come back to this in the near future.


Edited by Summer Deep

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Almost finished with Mayan Mishap (I've been a sucker for Mayan themed stuff since Brotherhood of Ruin).   Really, really good though Map04 is kicking my ass.  (probably should have figured out the BFG secret on Map03--that could have been useful ;)    

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