galileo31dos01 Posted March 17, 2019 Recently played through NGM1 by ArmouredBlood. Generally solid gameplay, plenty of enemies to dispatch, few clausterfucks to be found, yea easygoing as far as slaughter goes. Not too sold on those very lengthy maps and the emphasis on the SSG in them, like the last map where I found the BFG at 2 hours in-game and used it only a couple times (found a shortcut to the exit and skipped an area heh). I did enjoy maps 06, 09 and 12 the most, and 31, 16 and some of the earliest maps were pretty good too. The pyramid map (15) took longer than expected, but I got to watch cacodemons descending stairs like step step step, which was funny. Map 03 was kinda silly, maybe it should have been in a secret slot for its concept. The city map (13) was quite an experience, because I got a really lucky second attempt: took a few lifts to the top of a building with a plasma rifle, things kept spawning below so I couldn't jump back, so I stayed there listening to the carnage. At least 2k of 3k enemies died in 10 minutes from infighting. I accidentally fell off but thankfully nothing blocked me and I survived. Map 11 music track broke in GLB+ in all sound fonts except SDL, but this one would cause unbearable lag so I changed to an iwad track :P Overall, it might not be the most updated slaughter wad out there, but it does deliver variety, and you're not demanded to overthink any situation if that's what you prefer. Also, I take the sequel any day over this one. I should replay the sequel to support my preference... Next is going to be Circle of Caina SP by various people, the second compilation after Monument of Mars. Also testing maps for Akeldama in the meantime. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
galileo31dos01 Posted March 18, 2019 (edited) Ok so, Circle of Caina SP was finnished today. A nice experience, cute north pole theme, good music selection and varied gameplay, mostly fun and punchy, and a grindy one near the end. Recommended for sure. Next is going to be The Joy of Mapping #1 so I can properly follow the series, since JOM6 looks really tempting (UDoom "fanboy", ok?). Besides I want to get into these kind of projects like DMP or the Pidgeon Speedmapping series to expand my tastes or whatever, hopefully this one will be fun. EDIT: Ok, that was short. EDIT2: Getting into Garrulismo very soon. Edited March 19, 2019 by galileo31dos01 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
galileo31dos01 Posted March 23, 2019 (edited) Third post, sorry not sorry. So, Garrulismo is done, pretty good and a solid suggestion for those who want to play maps alike OG Doom 2, because that's basically how it felt from start to end. The supply balance leans towards continuous, ammo and health aren't usually within reach (use chainsaw/berserk when possible, jason/tyson gameplay is fun) and armor appears halfway through the maps or at the end as a way to prepare you for the next map, but pistol starts are perfectly doable, if you can resist hitscan pressure for the first minutes. Next is Congestion 1024, currently on map 04. Let's see how well I resist the crampedness and I'm aware of some quirky ammo balance in a few maps (not sure if in this or Claustrophobia 1024). Anyway, so far so good. EDIT: Forgot to mention, as a side note, Garrulismo presented a few missteps in design which must have been missed during testing. IIRC, maps 03 and 07 have idle monsters in closets that never wake up. It's also possible to get softlocked in some areas or secrets because the walls that function as doors can only be opened from one side. In map 25, the two teleport pads that take you to the YK and other balcony have one-time linedefs (those that you cross once and they disappear). It's also very common to find yourself unable to retreat to previous areas, for the same reason I mentioned above about doors. They seem intended but this kind of design neglects exploration, something I despised a lot in e.g. Hadephobia. Otherwise, mapset is fun, if you like that style. Edited March 24, 2019 by galileo31dos01 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
seed Posted March 23, 2019 Finished Moonblood, Entropy (damn, my first run was so miserable I quit the game and came back later), and now playing 50 Monsters, first played for Ironman. But I'm running out of stuff once again. Suggestions are more than welcome. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
ReaperAA Posted March 24, 2019 On 3/23/2019 at 9:31 PM, seed said: But I'm running out of stuff once again. Suggestions are more than welcome. Expand Have u played Struggle: Antaresian Legacy. I am playing it right now (at HMP difficulty and currently at map 9) and its quite fun. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
seed Posted March 24, 2019 On 3/24/2019 at 7:10 AM, ReaperAA said: Have u played Struggle: Antaresian Legacy. I am playing it right now (at HMP difficulty and currently at map 9) and its quite fun. Expand Yes, a while ago. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
CyberDreams Posted March 25, 2019 Finished up The Joy of Mapping #2 by Jimmy & various others which i liked except for a few really hard maps that i thought were out of place. Now i'm playing something really oldschool but yet a classic, Dante's Gate by Dr. Sleep. I started with v1.2 (-complevel 0 with PrBoom+) and now i'm going to play v2.5 (the last version) since it's supposedly slightly different. Then i'll be playing Crossing Acheron by him also. Probably the first and last variation of that map as well via PrBoom+ so it works properly. I might try to go through the whole Inferno series but i'll see how far i get. I'm pretty terrible at the Master Levels as i've only played through them a couple of times so i haven't exactly "mastered" them so to speak :p 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Salt-Man Z Posted March 25, 2019 Yesterday I finally finished up Lunar Catastrophe, which was absolutely fantastic, even if E4 was a bitch sometimes. Also this weekend I played through Fall of Titan: The Vortex Catastrophe, which was a blast. Next I think I need to get back to Struggle, and try to finish off Heroes' Tales, both of which I started last year. (My 2019 list) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
captain crunchy Posted March 27, 2019 Working through E1 of Lunar Catastrophe. Probably the best E1 replacement I've played since Double Impact. You can tell they're going by Romero's level design rules, and I think it serves the gameplay very well. Fun secrets and not too much health. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Salt-Man Z Posted March 28, 2019 Dove back in to Struggle, starting at MAP31, which uh, might not have been the best map to come back to after a many-months-long break. The increased speed of enemy attacks (both new and old) got tiresome so quickly, especially in the final arena. I'm hoping once I get out of the secret maps, things will ease up again, but I'm not holding my breath. On the other hand, I also started in on Atonement and played through the first 3 maps in one sitting. Amazing stuff, I absolutely love it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
galileo31dos01 Posted March 29, 2019 (edited) On 3/28/2019 at 3:57 PM, Salt-Man Z said: I'm hoping once I get out of the secret maps, things will ease up again, but I'm not holding my breath. Expand Might be good to exercise your breathing, things will heat up a lot later (; On my part I finnished Congestion 1024 yesterday. Yeah, rough material, though no rage-quits for once, crampedness does lead me to feel frustrated, but not in this case at least. I share similar thoughts to @Salt-Man Z on his review, the more fun parts were in three segments: 01-06, 15-20 (including 31 and 32) and 25-29, perhaps 30 if I had better momentum and arachnotrons didn't telefrag me so many times. The other stretches though, while I didn't feel the need to avoid or skip any map, many seemed either too confined or too detailed, as if the maps were shrunk versions of pretty unlimited-sized ones, where an ant would navigate them better than a marine in a hitbox. For example, in map 11 I was constantly bouncing everywhere, or in Psyren's maps trying to squeeze through skinny but good-looking hallways. There was a convenient side about those hallways, and was that I never safely punched as many sergeants before. But regardless of the awkwardness in general, a positive side of maps like these is that they take little time to complete, so even if you die miserably at a final fight, you're no longer than a few steps from the start. The thing is what kills you, I had a rough time with the PEs in map 21 because ammo ceased to exist. Yeah ammo management is very strict sometimes, so is health, armor is absent in general, but that's not always the issue. Anyway, I had some fun which is what matters, and realized how sloppy gets my movement on bumpy terrain, damn. Next is going to be Revolution! by Thomas van der Velden. I have little to no recollection of his style (*), I read his maps are rich in atmosphere, at least his PL2 maps stood out for that reason. I also include the midi pack made by Jimmy and various people. Bye. *EDIT: What I actually have is fish's memory, I played Harmony two years ago! ... Edited March 29, 2019 by galileo31dos01 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
seed Posted March 29, 2019 Been playing Lunar Catastrophe. So far, I have to say that this is probably how an UDTWID project would look like. Abiding strictly by Romero's design rules and having a striking resemblance to the original levels, but real fun and noticeably more difficult. Amazing. I already prefer it over UDTWID. But damnit what's wrong with me lately... First I save upon death in Entropy on my first run (rocket), and lo and behold, I do the exact same thing again, this time when a sneaky Pinky bites me. Did I mention how good I am at failing and making mistakes before? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
seed Posted April 2, 2019 On 3/29/2019 at 7:18 AM, seed said: Been playing Lunar Catastrophe. Expand And it's done, and have no idea what else to play. Suggestions welcome. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
galileo31dos01 Posted April 2, 2019 (edited) Revolution! is done. Most likely one of the calmest wads I've ever experienced, nice design, gorgeous skies, and simplistic combat, the kind of maps you explore for a short period of time and want to keep going because you won't sweat. The downside to me was that it never grew into something more energetic, it peaked in the third map and then stayed like in a steady wave, occasionally putting an extra hazard to the gameplay. Even on UV, it felt somewhat unbalanced in that regards, so much power everywhere, you rarely get punished for your own mistakes. In a way, these maps could be a great start for newcomers, people who want to get into speedrunning maybe, or in fast mode. I did found many neat gimmicks and ideas here and there, some borrowed from the iwads (the "Neurosphere" map), and lots of DoomCutery which are usually well appreciated. The midi pack was amazing, not a single track I didn't enjoy listening. If anyone wants to try this wad, don't miss the midi pack. The next thing could be Adonis by riderr3, because I'm really in the mood for it. The first track already sounds like listening to "The Bad Touch", interesting. @seed You could check this. Edited April 2, 2019 by galileo31dos01 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Salt-Man Z Posted April 4, 2019 Finished the first 3 episodes of Atonement over the weekend, and absolutely loved it. More, please! I've started in on Threshold of Pain II, and man I was not expecting the maps to be so massive. I can only handle one a night, max. Very very cool, but exhausting. Also just started Eternally Yours, thinking for some reason it was a an Eternal Doom tribute by Eternal, but no it's actually a follow-up to Reverie. Fun stuff, the first couple maps give a very 90s vibe, though the next few feel slightly more modern. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted April 4, 2019 (edited) Played E1 of Lunar Catastrophe and had an absolute blast. I played UV continuous, keyboard only. Suffered 3 deaths, 1 apiece on M3, M6 and M7. Dem full-wall hitscanner closets! Gameplay was much rougher than KDiTD even though it stuck rigorously to the E1 menagerie. Very clever secrets that were fun to uncover. I maxed 5 out of 9 because I kept stumbling across the Computer Maps. Somehow, that didn't take away from the fun. The maps featured wonderfully complex Tom Hallish layouts and good verticality, though they did get a bit samey towards the end. M6 and M7 both had a red door on one side and a yellow door on the other with rather similar architecture around them. I think a little more variety in the texturing could have helped the mapset as a whole. There was also a fair amount of sloppiness in texture alignment, though perhaps that was intentional to keep the original feel. I didn't read the text file because I was hungry for something to play and I wanted it NOW! ;D Overall, this is in the Top 5 of E1s I've ever played. Edited April 4, 2019 by Steve D 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
seed Posted April 4, 2019 On 4/4/2019 at 6:50 PM, Steve D said: Gameplay was much rougher than KDiTD even though it stuck rigorously to the E1 menagerie. Very clever secrets that were fun to uncover. I maxed 5 out of 9 because I kept stumbling across the Computer Maps. Somehow, that didn't take away from the fun. Expand Wait until you get to E3 and E4, shit's gonna hit the fan at that point with some irritating traps and enemy placement, but it will be manageable in the end :D. Tbh I like LC more than DTWID (and definitely much more than UDTWID... ). As for me, currently blasting through @riderr3's Adonis. For something so puzzley (so far) and non-linear... I'm actually really enjoying my time. But seriously, that moment when lights go out on the last map of the first episode... that was pretty mean :v . 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted April 4, 2019 On 4/4/2019 at 6:59 PM, seed said: Wait until you get to E3 and E4, shit's gonna hit the fan at that point with some irritating traps and enemy placement, but it will be manageable in the end :D. Tbh I like LC more than DTWID (and definitely much more than UDTWID... ). Expand Looking forward to the other episodes. I forgot to mention that I savescum, so if I die, I usually figure out what I did wrong and survive my next try. Natch, that depends on how evil the trap is. Every now and then I suffer multiple deaths in the same fight. But so long as the deaths are entertaining, all is good. ;) I tend to agree that LC is at least the equal of DTWiD in terms of E1 fun. The latter did not stick with the original menagerie, so it's hard to compare them directly, but the maps tended to be longer than in LC. I'm a slow player, but I maintained an average of about 21 minutes per map in LC, which should be 10 or 15 for most players. DTWiD maps tended more to the 30-minute length for me. Bottom line is that both are quite good. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
riderr3 Posted April 4, 2019 On 4/4/2019 at 6:59 PM, seed said: But seriously, that moment when lights go out on the last map of the first episode... that was pretty mean :v . Expand In case you find a secret with two nightvision goggles, it will be helpful. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
seed Posted April 4, 2019 On 4/4/2019 at 7:17 PM, riderr3 said: In case you find a secret with two nightvision goggles, it will be helpful. Expand I did find them, but they ran out by the time I backtracked to the exit . I am currently streaming Adonis, so if you want to watch me play, you can check the Post Your Doom Video topic. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
galileo31dos01 Posted April 10, 2019 (edited) Adonis was done a couple days ago. It was a blast to get through the author's peculiar style, granted it took many days to complete, big sprawling maps with tons of ways to explore, lots of shortcuts, plenty of combat and Boom quirks, timed switches, high secret count, all these things guarantee you'll spend some time doing your job. I did not expect that much emphasis on platforming, it was good though. Maybe not sold on Chasm-like platforming because of interference that has to be cleaned previously. What I really liked was the balance, it's neither too forgiving nor too punishing on UV and since secrets aren't any hard to find, you'll always find goodies to recover. Unlike Urania where you must have eyes on your back for chaingunners and whatnot, patience is only required if you aren't a fan of lengthy maps, or some sniper-friendly combat, but that's not what Adonis consists mainly of. There's definitely good content to be seen here. Now I'm in E1M3 of REKKR and oh boy it doesn't play around, those melee dudes have cornered me twice to death. Things are cute and hella creepy in this TC heh. Also, accidentally killing a rabbit is traumatizing me... Edited April 10, 2019 by galileo31dos01 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Salt-Man Z Posted April 10, 2019 (edited) Finished Eternally Yours, which was for the most part enjoyable, barring a couple of places. MAP05 has an obtuse bit of progression which stopped me for a good half hour: A switch raises a step to a small empty platform. You have absolutely zero reason to walk up there because it's clear it doesn't go anywhere, and beyond that there's a soulsphere on the next platform up, so it looks you've only unlocked the first step in a multi-stage secret. But no, you're supposed to climb onto the platform and walk toward a featureless wall, which then opens and makes the rest of the level accessible. Stupid. Also not a fan of the IoS fight, which gives a berserk and then contains no additional health, with which you have to run the gauntlet of infinitely-spawning baddies and hit a million switches to expose the boss brain. Fun set, though, other than those complaints. Last night I also finished the first episode of the Splatterhouse 3D TC, which was an absolute blast. (And also a bit freaky playing alone in the dark downstairs at night.) Edited April 10, 2019 by Salt-Man Z 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kepehn Posted April 11, 2019 I'm planning to play Damnation for Doom 1. Relying on the reviews it seem scarce on ammo, and with high amount of strongest foes, better not play it from pistol start. Well everyone's talking about Lunar Catastrophe. Since I'm on Doom 1's mood, I'll definitely check it out. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
CyberDreams Posted April 11, 2019 (edited) A "little" update: I've finished playing all of Dr. Sleeps levels and i have to say that i really liked them. I don't know which i one i really liked the most tbh. You can definitely tell the progression in map design/difficulty though, especially in the later ones. I really think that it would of been awesome if he (John Anderson) would of stayed at id and did some more mapping on Doom (if they had found him earlier) or even Quake as i know that he went on to Ion Storm and worked on games there. Anyway's after that i replayed Doomsday of UAC (UAC_DEAD) as i love that PWAD, albeit it is quite easy nowadays. Then i played Galaxia and it's tiny "bonus" level. Not a bad map either for it's time but it does sort of drag on and it is a little maze like in parts imo. But it's nothing that keeping an eye on the automap can't rectify :) As you can tell i've been picking from the old DW top 100 WAD list again. It's still somewhat relevant after all imo. Currently i'm replaying another classic that i started earlier this year but never finished called Serenity. I had already played it fully a few years ago but i'm replaying it again just for the hell of it. I don't like it as much as the follow-ups in the trilogy (Eternity & Infinity), but it's an okay play, besides a few annoying maps. I'm not using the soundpatch though as it's just a bunch of silly sound replacements. It's pretty awful imo. But if you wan't to go ahead and try it, be my guest. Edited April 11, 2019 by CyberDreams 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Barefootstallion Posted April 11, 2019 Huh... I've tried several wads. Some were good. Most though were not so good. Some of these latter had good and sometimes even great level design but then would spoil it by dropping something like a chaingunner in behind you from like, out of nowhere, while you were engaged in a heavy fight in front of you. It was like the developer was trying to frustrate his players, had an ax to grind in some way or another, or just plain wanted to make playing his map annoying. I've got a collection of at least 30 maps/wads I've downloaded from here. I only enjoy one (so far). Eviternity. I've tried Icarus. Way too difficult for my enjoyment, but lovely level design. Was kind of reminiscent of the old Johnny Quest cartoons. I loved the little logos. But then you go into a room and you're suddenly confronted with a crapton of imps, and then you're trapped in there with them. All you can do is die. Yeah, hate me if you want. I'm not a hardcore Doomer. I am a lover of good level design and atmosphere. If a wad is too difficult, no matter how beautiful it might be otherwise, I tend to just file it off somewhere and never play it again. I've done this with more than 30 wads. Which is a shame. Some of the maps in many of these wads were otherwise quite beautiful and had very clever level designs. I suppose it's just a preference. I don't like my maps to be overly easy, but I do enjoy a more straightforward challenge. Clear out monsters, progress to the next area, repeat. Maybe a few surprises here and there, but if I gotta hit F6 after every monster kill, then it's just too much. On that note, can anyone recommend some good maps/wads for me to try? For me, atmosphere and design are everything. Thanks, folks! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Salt-Man Z Posted April 11, 2019 On 4/11/2019 at 9:38 AM, CyberDreams said: Currently i'm replaying another classic that i started earlier this year but never finished called Serenity. I had already played it fully a few years ago but i'm replaying it again just for the hell of it. I don't like it as much as the follow-ups in the trilogy (Eternity & Infinity), but it's an okay play, besides a few annoying maps. Expand I replayed the entire Serenity Trilogy a couple of years ago with the Doomworld Megawad Club. I didn't think it really aged particularly well, but it's also just so darn nostalgic. On 4/11/2019 at 10:29 AM, Barefootstallion said: I'm not a hardcore Doomer. I am a lover of good level design and atmosphere. If a wad is too difficult, no matter how beautiful it might be otherwise, I tend to just file it off somewhere and never play it again. Expand Do you ever lower the difficulty? There's no shame in that. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Barefootstallion Posted April 11, 2019 (edited) On 4/11/2019 at 4:05 PM, Salt-Man Z said: Do you ever lower the difficulty? There's no shame in that. Expand Well, I'm not too worried about a shame factor in anything. I play what I like, and don't play what I don't. I prefer playing in Ultra Violence because that is typically the skill at which the most monsters are encountered. The reason I do this, is I like to look for special tactics a map designer might have set up. Or any special monsters he might have added. A lot of these can be missed if a map is played on the lower skill levels. As to my level of skill, while I am not a hardcore Doomer, I am a fairly competent player. I can play all of Knee Deep in the Dead on Ultra Violence without once needing to save, and without dying once. That said, I never liked The Shores of Hell, Inferno or Thy Flesh Consumed because they seemed unnecessarily difficult to me. And well, add in poor level design for many of the maps in those episodes, too, and I don't find them appealing to play. That said, I love Knee Deep in the Dead. It was a beautifully composed set of maps. They had many strategic points. They had wonderful design, and the difficulty was excellently balanced. And that is what I look for in the wads I play. Good balance, good design, and things such as opportunities for setting up infights or areas where map features can be used to defeat monsters. What I don't like are maps that throw hordes of monsters at you and call it a challenge. It's just hordes of monsters. I find those tiresome and they make me quickly lose interest in playing that wad. This is one of the reasons why I love Eviternity as much as I do. Every level is painstakingly well thought out. The map designs are beautiful, many of them even gorgeous. Play is excellently balanced from map to map. There are opportunities for setting up infights and areas where map features can be used to help the player. The designers put thought and love into their project. It shows marvelously Like I said in my previous post, I've so far tried about 30 wads. I disliked almost all of them. I don't consider myself to be a prude or anything, but I do like to experience well thought out design and the love and care a developer tries to put into their project. That said, does anyone know of any wads I might try? Of the caliber and quality of Eviternity, possibly? If any are known, then I would sure love to give them a try. Edited April 11, 2019 by Barefootstallion 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Deadwing Posted April 11, 2019 Most current mapsets actually do implement and treat very carefully multiple difficulty levels, so you won't be getting any inferior experience playing them in a lower difficulty. Actually, if you play these mapsets on a higher skill than you're supposed, you'll be probably more fustrated and therefore getting an inferior experience anyway, so I strongly, really, recommend playing the levels on HMP or even HNTR or ITYTD (I do it myself many times). Evilternity is on the easier side of the later mapsets, but usually modern mapsets such as Valiant and Ancient Aliens can be a lot more challenging, if we're not talking about Ribbicks stuff, for example. For more relaxing stuff I would recommend BTSX1 (think of Evilternity episode 2 but 20 maps of that :P), DTWID1 and 2, Alien Vendetta, Scythe 1, Moonblood (self advertising lol >.<), No End in Sight, Deathless, some of the newest TNT releases? 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
dac Posted April 12, 2019 I'll confirm most of what Deadwing said, if you're seriously not having fun on UV, don't force the issue. There was a time I had a similar mindset, that UV was the only true difficulty because it had the most monsters, and playing most new releases was an utterly miserable affair of dying all the time. Ironically Sunder, which has no difficulty settings whatsoever other than playing it with Russian Overkill, was my breaking point, and after that experience I had no qualms dropping to HMP for Sunlust and most mapsets nowadays, or even HNTR for the nastier slaughterwads. I get a mostly similar experience, but one that is more engaging and less frustrating. This isn't to say I don't like to challenge myself once in a while. To get back to this thread's subject, while I'm playing Avactor for the megawad club on HMP and liking it overall, I'm also playing Back To Saturn X E1 with a sort of personal challenge: Ultra-Violence and counting saves. It's interesting to see how my playing style changes when death has some serious consequences. (or when I just go "know what screw this" and add a save to the counter) At least it feels like I am better at dodging revenant fireballs under pressure! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Barefootstallion Posted April 12, 2019 (edited) On 4/11/2019 at 8:57 PM, Deadwing said: DTWID1 and 2 Expand Could you give me what these initials stand for? I did a search on 'DTWID1' but came up empty. Heh, sorry. Haven't been around the community long enough to be able to learn the local initialization. :) Also, gave Moonblood a bit of a try. I quit after getting about a third, I guess, through level 3. Just too many hit-scan monsters at long range, the same on too many different elevations and hidden around too many corners. I was just dying, dying, dying. It was starting to get frustrating. Ammo seemed a bit too tight, too, along with health and armor. And the big healths (25) and green armors, were usually surrounded by big monster jump-out surprises. I averaged through the levels with less than 30 health was constantly reverting back to the pistol for running out of shells. I was needing to save at almost every turn. The map designs were quite nice, though. I also liked the midi scores in them. But a bit too intense for my preferences. On 4/12/2019 at 2:53 AM, dac said: I'll confirm most of what Deadwing said, if you're seriously not having fun on UV, don't force the issue. Expand The trouble is, most map-designers design their maps play-balance around the Ultra Violence setting. They place health and ammo pickups, place monsters all at that level of difficulty. It is the skill setting that most players here prefer to play at, so that is what developers work on first. Then they'll consider the lower skill settings, removing a few monsters here and there and adding ammo pickups and the like. After they perfect the Ultra Violence setting. The same shows in almost every mapset I've ever played. I am even a bit guilty of it, myself. So I play the maps at Ultra Violence to be able to take in the designer's design philosophy and what he was seeking to do with his/her maps. The trouble is, there seems to be too little philosophy. Of course, in most cases, we're talking about one or two guys working on a mapset, so there are going to be natural shortcomings. Unlike at the original id, where they had some serious, handpicked talent working on the maps. So yeah, there's going to be shortcomings. It's only natural. But at the same time, it has seemed to me, that too many independent developers rely upon too many expected tropes. Surprise monster-dumps at pickups. Monsters at long ranges or at different elevations and scant ammo and health pickups. There's little originality. Also, map design is often nonsensical. Key-hunts through mazes of corridors, all in something that might look like a base or something, but one which one will seriously need to stretch their imagination to reconcile as one. In my experience, most bases or commercial properties follow a logical design. There are OSHA regulations. There are safety requirements that have to be met. There's signage, and there is a logicality to how a place is laid out. If an organization is going to spend billions setting up a base on a moon or something, they aren't likely to hire an architect who has been on an acid trip for the last twenty years. Eviternity overcame this by telling their players: 'THis is a Doom mapset. it's got a design concept, but don't expect there to be any logical reasoning to how things are laid out'. Other developers miss this by trying to create a base, but make something that isn't by trying to follow the whole Doom Formula, especially like in Doom 2 (which is a whole nother conversation in of itself), and wind up making something that looks kind of nice, but that doesn't really make any sense as a base at all. I'm not criticizing here. No. I know that I am probably in a minority with what I like. But for me, those are the kinds of mapsets I look for, that I hope to find. I'll keep looking, too. And I'll try most anything you guys recommend. Edited April 12, 2019 by Barefootstallion 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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