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I'm playing "Flashback to Hell", reached map11. So far, not much to say, feels like typical Doom 2 mapset with good music. 

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Doom II: Hell On Earth    28    The Spirit World    7/10
Doom II: Hell On Earth    29    The Living End    7/10
Doom II: Hell On Earth    30    The Icon Of Sin    9/10
Nova III    13    Tomb Of Solitude    7/10
Nova III    14    El Dorado    7/10
Mutiny    15    Breaching The Unknown    10/10
Scythe II    11    UAC Base X    5/10
Doom Episode 1: Knee Deep In The Dead    02    Nuclear Plant    8/10
Doom Episode 1: Knee Deep In The Dead    03    Toxin Refinery    7/10
Doom Episode 1: Knee Deep In The Dead    06    Central Processing    6/10
Doom Episode 1: Knee Deep In The Dead    08    Phobos Anomaly    5/10
Mayhem 2020    01    Wet My Appetite    5/10
Mayhem 2020    02    Nukage-Powered Claustrocomputer    6/10
Mayhem 2020    03    Bubble Home Bunker    3/10
Mayhem 2020    04    Deep Focus    4/10
Mayhem 2020    05    Wastewater Plant    8/10
Rowdy Rudy's Revenge    01    Hidden Compound    6/10
Rowdy Rudy's Revenge    02    Arbitrary Base    7/10
Rowdy Rudy's Revenge    03    The Slime Trail    7/10
Heretic Icebound    03    Icebound    9/10

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Finished 50 Shades of Graytall (HMP), played through half of Stardate 20x7 (HMP) before giving up, recently finished Sunlust on UV, and currently working on Slaughterfest 2012 (HMP). Also completed Nuts 3 at some point...not 100%. Still running through those Master Levels...but I haven't had the motivation for those. Also played through TeamTNT's Icarus for the first time, it wasn't that fun.

Edited by Dunn & Dunn

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Finally played through the fourth episode of Valiant. I dropped down to HNTR, and it was still pretty brutal (especially the first couple of maps!) Fun stuff, and gorgeous.

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Apokalypsis, it's an E4 replacement with your doom 1 ordinance. Found it one day while looking up for exactly E4 replacements and with barely any recognition in the community, it got my attention. I could see why the little feedback though, because it only becomes interesting halfway through, with the first few maps on offering little of a fresh flavor but the latter half seemed a lot more developed and a bit different in places (where usually huge gargantuan areas use lots of enemies to "fill the void", the mapper opted to create ambiance and suspense instead, which is nice, if limited by not much light variation), but ultimately lacking on interesting baron-caco dynamics, functional enough if you don't mind the grind. What actually drew me was seeing the improvement through the maps, as layouts became more sprawling, more height variation and all the optional stuff, not necessarily official secrets. 


I do recommend it, if you like seeing growth in the same mapset, or traditional doom 1 gameplay on the easier side (e.g. not special treats like NEIS or UDTWID).

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Well, I finished Mandrill Ass Project, it was damn weird, but fun one. Now I'm replaying BTSX ep1 again, but on coop sessions. Not sure what to grab next for sp experience, need dig through archives again. 

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The Plutonia Experiment (UV) (Switch version) - Just finished Map 20 (Death Domain). I'm playing it continuously (since you know .. Switch version an all) and the hot start at this map was brutal. Died so many times due to those damn chaingunners. So far, Plutonia is really good, I can totally understand why people hold it in such high regards. The maps are imaginative, especially in its traps, and the encounters are fun. Personally I loved 11 - Hunted, such a cool idea and amazingly implemented. Especially that lighthearted music while being hunted by Arch-Viles is surprisingly scary. Like a proto-survival horror almost.


But man, Plutonias obsession with chaingunners is awful. 


Sunder (UV) (prDoomplus) (Pistol Starts). Only finished map 1 and going through map 2. First map wasn't that hard (except for that evil idea of having multiple Arch-Viles resurrect everybody in the main hall, that's just cruel). As for map 2, I have only killed about 1/3rd so yeah. That first arena wasn't that challenging once I realized I could kite those damn Pinkies towards those small stairs and they'd get bottlenecked allowing me to pick them off (not to mention they'd get hit by the HK). First time using prDoom so I'm still getting used to the mouse movement (which is a bit different from the GZDoom I've noticed).


JPCP (UV) (GzDoom) (Continuous). Been playing it on-and-off on my old, work laptop when I have time. Overall it's quite solid but at least so far it's not blowing my mind. Then again, I am only early maps so maybe that will change. I am just more impressed that it's made by Japanese people, had no idea that Doom was being played in Japan considering it must ultra-niche there.


Rush (UV)(GZDoom): My first slaughter map experience since it was recommended as a newbie-friendly slaughter map. Personally I liked it, though the quality of the maps themselves is kind of inconsistent. Like the quality increase of the last map in Rush (The Destination - map 12) is just in a league of its own in comparison to some of the earlier maps. But after going through it I totally agree with it being a good newbie-friendly slaughter map. It's hard but never impossible and it teaches you the fundamentals of how to play through Slaughtermaps. Map 9 (Lava Heart) and 12 (The Destination) were probably my favorites here. Hell, I even screenshotted the carnage of the first fight in map 9 to a non-Doom friend of mine because I liked it so much. Really solid fun.


Ashes 2063 (TC)Loved it! I am at the final boss now, which seems to glitched (or I am doing something wrong since he just won't die) but even so, the journey until that moment was genius. I had read about it on RPS (RockPaperShotgun) but never tried it until recently. Amazing TC with superb, post-apocalyptic atmosphere, solid fighting (nothing too hard to be fair), and pretty cool guns. I was so pleasantly surprised by it, the quality was great. Hell, it could probably be sold as a retail product honestly. Anyway, enough gushing, play it if you haven't.


Shadows of the Nightmare Realm (UV): Masterpiece if you ask me. The architecture and atmosphere invoke a genuine feeling of dread in addition to the feeling of playing through an actual nightmare (which is the point of the story afaik) which is quite the achievement coming from a wad of a 26-year-old game. Hell, even most triple-A productions are incapable of doing that in my opinion. Hard fights without being overwhelming and cool, new enemy types. Brilliant.

Edited by NonniR
Doubled posted the content.

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Going through Eviternity after a year or so of the last twitch stream I watched from it. This time using Eternity Engine for the second time ever and I quite like it, takes time to adjust to the port differences with glboom+ though good shit that infight isn't jagged up (monsters still seem to switch back to me after some seconds, not sure if an MBF-ism in general or Eternity's own rules). Currently on map 32, taking my time as it's humongous.

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Replaying A.L.T again... Still moody and atmospheric far as I remember. Kind of aligns with my mood and feelings lately. 

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I found myself at a loose end yesterday, so I tried out some of the top 10 WADs of '94 from the 10 Years of Doom article, that I haven't already played.


Trinity College was very cool, particularly for the time, and had an elegance in it's simplicity. The photo-based textures hold up remarkably well, aside from the text on signs being barely legible. The Phantom of the Opera MIDI added some unnecessary drama that I quite enjoyed! Likewise, the animated texture credits "film" was a nice extra touch of technical wizardry that was good to see.


Galaxia, with it's not-particularly-well translated story, this was definitely a bit of a cheeseball, but very enjoyable. Quite a novel choice, to have to avoid Spider Masterminds at a couple of result stages to progress, but quite intuitive, I thought. Classic, stringy level design with various attempts at representational architecture. Good stuff!


Return to Phobos (return01.wad + tink.wad)

Bit of a disappointment, this one. Playing in GZDoom, E1M2 didn't seem to work properly, as something wouldn't open and the exit was inaccessible as a result. The first two maps had surprisingly dense combat with massive oversupply of ammo, but very difficult to guess-at progression that seemed to be based on technical knowledge of the engine. I can see why 8-9 maps of this complexity was impressive (both in '94 and '04), but I wasn't moved to press on past that breakage.


A fun bit of archeology, in any case. I've got another two from the list (both of The Innocent Crew episodes) and was recommended rrward02 by memfis, so that's three to look forward to from an exciting year for Doom mapping.

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Just finished MAYhem 2020. All 48 maps, overall, heres my review.


Now I'm actually thinking about playing some Heretic WADs. I've always liked the game, but I still haven't played that much of the community content. I'm going to follow this well-made small list by Not Jabba.


As for a Doom WAD. I shall continue my journey through all the Doomer Boards Series and also finish The Darkening Episode 2. I'm also pretty eager to try Deathless by Jimmy.


Sooo much stuff to play, I love this cocaine <3

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Deathless is really nice.   I started it one night and next thing I know I'm 12 maps into it.   


I've been trying to find something older and rediscovered 666epis.wad which I always enjoyed.

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I, too, would recommend Deathless. Jimmy is awesome and that set of short maps is exactly the sort of thing I like to see!

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Going to start playing through all the IWADs in GZDOOMVR as a challenge, from what little I've tested so far it doesn't seem to be much more difficult and perhaps easier since you can shoot around corners without exposing yourself. >:)

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Currently finishing up HoE Starter Pack, awesome maps, next I'll try Extermination Day. After that, probably Deathless, I've been enjoying my time trying out Brutal Doom. I used to think it was too complicated, but after I got all the buttons mapped out comfortably, I quite like it. Reminds me of being overwhelmed by the mechanics of Doom Eternal when I first started it. It just takes time to adjust.

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Finally finished Valiant last night! I played the last two episodes over the past couple of weeks. Apparently I played the first episode in 2015, and the next two in 2016 (all on HMP.) And then was scared off by MAP19, if I recall. Anyway, I did these last episodes on HNTR, and it was still fairly tough, but also an absolute blast. Now I can finally move on to Ancient Aliens!

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4 minutes ago, Payload4367 said:

Just finished Lunar Catastrophe . Great Doom 1 megawad. Enjoyed it so much, I wanted to play another one. So its on to Doom the way ID did .

If you play on UV. Be on the lookout for that ONE monster closet in episode 1 that is pure evil. You'll know which one when you see it. XD


It completely caught me off guard. XD

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1 hour ago, Thermal Lance said:

If you play on UV

Ha! thanks for the warning. I usually play new wads HMP and then, if I liked em enough, UV. I WILL be replaying Lunar Catastrophe, for sure, so I'll be on the lookout. 


oh, I get it. You meant DTWID. Got it!

Edited by Payload4367

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2 minutes ago, Payload4367 said:

Ha! thanks for the warning. I usually play new wads HMP and then, if I liked em enough, UV. I WILL be replaying Lunar Catastrophe, for sure, so I'll be on the lookout. 


oh, I get it. You meant DTWID. Got it!

Without going into spoilers. 


The monster closet is not that bad in itself. But, the thing is, the way that part of the map is made you simply don't expect such a large closet. By the time I figured out what the hell was going on, I was almost dead. XD

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Playing Eviternitysince i didn't last year, in UV. just finished map 14 and am loving it so far, there are some recurring gimmicks but it's a lot of fun

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Started playing 3 Heures d'agonie 3 and got my ass handed to me--my game is just way off today apparantly.   The levels look fun in the editor and I like what I see, so I'll retry this tonight when I'm a much better player (my usual gaming time); either that or I'll play on ITYTD...

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Somewhere halfway through "Oops! I did it again All Techbase" (oatb.wad) which is a community project of vanilla maps from this and last year. Neat ideas here and there, almost all the maps pack hot meals and beverages. I'd like to write down random brief thoughts of each map so there I go!


  1. Cool opener. Ambient is spooky and goodies are rare. Hitscan rng went on my favor thankfully. Shadowcasting on nukage is neat, but slightly flawed (you can see the ceiling's bleeding in the middle). No EXIT sign at the end, or did I not see it?
  2. Neat outdoors areas and somewhat cramped interiors. All of the fighting was my cup of tea in terms of "early megawad levels": no bestiary restrictions to only weaklings, usage of beefier monsters is limited to short affairs. One small pinky ambush could have used a chaingunner for the "cheesers".
  3. More neat stuff. Texturing is a bit of a salad. Favourite parts were the nukage - of imps and ninja mancubus - and probably the secret hunt, though I missed the very last one. Getting that secret green armor was a priority.
  4. This got the KDITD scheme and not just because of the OG midi. Simple stuff, though the last area with crates is definitely undercooked, imo, like their function is to be pillars "erroneously" textured.
  5. Continuous doom midis then, alrighty. Kinda struggling to remember it despite having played the map just yesterday... Think there was a chainsaw somewhere after pinkies, and a medium-sized imp fest with an archvile behind a door. Oh and belated plasma gun, or so I found it too late. Solid things though.
  6. Aha! An obvious Monti map appears, complete with ashwall included. Typical tropes aside, the only thing I didn't like much was the midi on loop, it's a fine tune but too short for spending over 20 minutes in it. THAT hell knight is very Monti-esque fuck-you to the player.
  7. Starts looking like early HR corridors but soon evolves into a cool CChest-ish techbase. The secret detour to the backpack is clever. Finale is surprisingly not annoying, considering the gimmick's a tough one to find legitimately fun.
  8. Pretty good. Setup around the RL was my favourite so far in the mapset: I didn't pick it up, rather used SSG to nail everything around and leave the archvile defenseless for last. Dark pit of slime was, too dark in crispy. I preferred to skip things and kill them from safety, since the revs couldn't get inside.
  9. Well then, nasty stuff here. I'm thinking of that pincer trap nearing the end, and the potential of ghost monsters (had a ghost HK). I did not like the midi, way too short. Again, typical Monti flavor, just oddly bloated with bullet ammo. Final ambush outside was meh. 
  10. Ay fucking hell the hitscan rng was all over the place! Dialed down to HMP but it felt too much of a breeze in comparison. Back on UV, had to god mode to search for any armor, thankfully there was one and it was a matter of timing my actions. Otherwise, the RK area was the only fun I had tbh. Layout has a conspicuous deathmatch vibe in it.
  11. I'm conflicted about the BFG placement. I did a second run out of curiosity, I couldn't get too far without killing a handful archviles first, since stuff tends to clog the corridors (besides YK archvile is a must kill asap). Not bad though, I could still get 3 or 4 BFG blasts out of "residues". One thing for sure, one of the megaspheres is superfluous. Chaingunners trap was the hidden strawberry of the cake.
  12. Great opening. Felt like a scrapped 1K Lines map in every essence, visually attractive with fast-paced action. Reminded me a bit to Gusta's "Kama Sutra" in terms of RL and mid-tier prominence, minus any sort of booby traps. More like this please!
  13. Brilliant layout and gameplay. Sure, it does repeat the gimmick without much of a change to the core, but it's a fun unusual treat to have only two guns (or three, if we count white weapons) and none being any shotguns. Those raise/lower floors trolled me twice!
  14. Very much a trap-after-trap map, no time wasted on harassing doomguy with tons of baddies. Clever linear progression. There's a big softlock in a tunnel leading to a dark room with spectres and imps, this ceiling is a perpetual crusher so if you retreat there's no way to raise it back. The goofy room of pinkies and SMMs basically cleared itself, one of the extremely rare occurrences I'm glad spiders aura is prone to become pinky's chew toy. I died to mancubi as somehow I kept evading the invulnerability that I was trying so hard to snag, literally felt like the clown emoji.
  15. Interesting, a whole different mood. Reminded me a lot to TNT:R and Hellbound, both in creating suspense through dim lighting, low-key skirmishes, and overall emphasis on exploration that's been absent so far. I'm very certain the music was used in Moustachio's "Atonement", it fits here as well. One nitpick, both exits were unmarked.

  Ah, this can't skip to 31 so I'll talk about secret maps after I finnish the rest :P


Edited by galileo31dos01

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In the middle of a couple WADs right now:


Nic Monti's Back to 1994 (HMP), which purports to recreate the feeling of old-school WAD-making. It both succeeds and fails at this: Its success lies in the use of ridiculous sprite and sound replacements that very much evoke the "because I can" attitude of 90s PWADs. They're totally dumb, but also very well-implemented, and I was completely adjusted to them by the end of E1M1. Where the project "fails" is that these are still very much modern Monti maps, both in architecture, progression, and combat (for better or worse!) which is basically a plus, in my book (at least for the first two of those.) Each map also contains exactly 10 secrets, and in a neat twist, unlocking each reveals a giant mural of either a political caricature or an philosophical quote. Best moment so far for me is the map (forget which at the moment) that starts you in a small town in Argentina where you enter some massive underground caverns, eventually making your way to the (very DoomCute) airport. Eventually, you take another network of tunnels back to town, where you open up a highway leading directly back to the airport and your plane ride out. The highway visual is awesome, with the road before you, flat plains stretched out to either side, and the cityscape sky texture wrapping from horizon to horizon. Great stuff.


I also (finally!) just started Exomoon Director's Cut (HMP) after having fallen in love with its soundtrack two years ago. I was initially scared off by the difficulty (every test run to make sure my shortcut was set up properly resulted in MAP01 absolutely obliterating me) so I put off starting in, but last year's release of the slightly-less-difficult Director's Cut saw me vow to play it soon, and then flipping through some old Cacoward writeups the other day I saw its soundtrack mentioned, and knew I had to dive in. Anyway! Yeah, it's still really tough! The levels are large and wide-open, and even if not particularly nonlinear, the space makes it feel pretty sandbox-y. But all that space means there's baddies plinking away at you from all sides at all times, with a very Plutonish use of chaingunners and revenants, and often starting a map means running for your life while trying to carve out a little foothold, which can be fun, but gets exhausting every map. Thankfully, playing continuous mitigates this a bit. But the combat is still quite manageable, and the geometry and texturing are gorgeous. (And of course, the soundtrack is absolutely baller.)

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playing Doom 2 In Name Only, with DoomRL arsenal (currently with the shotgun class). I was enjoying it until about map 20 and from then on the only reason I am enjoying is because I got a infinite BFG that clears rooms in a flash, because even on ITYTD this is way too hard for me to enjoy.

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Second part of my Oops! All Techbase brief commentary: 



31. Title is self-explanatory, however I'm not sure how much liberty there is in the choices. Some have no reliable way back without a potential death from the  teleport delay. Ended up doing BFG first followed by chainsaw, netting me the only armor in the map, then the rest. Last area is the real tricky. No music replacement is a turnoff. 


32. Clausterfuck start was good, rng saved me at the drop with shotgunners around. Few homages here and there, from AV, Requiem (I think?), probably something else. Early BFG claim its role halfway, lots of cells to spare. Fine stuff.


16. Ah, cool setting. Baron trap was by far my favourite. Was lucky at the archvile+HKs trap rocket dps was on point. There was one monster closet later with boxes of rockets I couldn't jump in it (still can't, is it an sr50 or what?). Final ambush was a little meh, too easy to cheese, not like there were other options.


17. Interesting, I completely bypassed the plasma gun through the entire map. So I sawed a revenant twice. Map reminded me a lot to Roofi's design, evil traps for a blind playthrough, tan rock textures aplenty, no doomcute trees but still. Automap usage payed off (BFG). 


18. Not much to say, little uneventful. Frontal combat was okay, though past the RL things get dull. One pinky ambush spawned when I hit a lava fall, huh?. A trio of revenants walked towards a crusher as soon as I opened a door, again huh??. Looks are decent. 


19. Ooh the sd20x6 midi, nice! Really pretty setting, so music worked delightfully imo. Standout was the crusher trap. I found the BFG right before so shit vanished quickly. Normally I don't complain about impassable lines on scenery but too bad you can't jump down at the exit area, vanilla restrictions I know.


20. Much better from Walter. Some lucky hitscan rng I got here and there. Tricky soulsphere secret. I think the last ambush of pinkies plus archvile can be completely ignored, not sure. Cute boat.


21. Fun formal introduction to HAK1800's mapping. Really neat intricate layout if sometimes combat turns into peekaboo mid HP things. Loved the secret detour to soften a latter fight, I found it at the end but still the idea was cool. That soulsphere secret hint though, hmm.


22. Interesting, this is how I'd imagine a spider mastermind would build the UAC so she can actually walk in it, because space feels so granted yet for me personally combat in large spacious areas usually weirds me out. Can't say fights don't work, they are samey, but functionally dynamic for a change of pace.


23. Like a KTDID inspired layout, including subtle homages. Stuff is decent, though no music replacement is a minus, since the og track doesn't fit.


24. Holy moses, this is a mapping style I don't see every day. Hard to explain, almost everything feels mm, wild, free, no strings attached. A map with strong personality, so to speak. Loved how it remained hairy uncomfortable til the end. Unexpected traps, freeform geometry, I'd like to see more from this style. Good thing I saved the invulnerabiltiy on the ship, a latter setup looked too rng for my taste. No music replacement, yet no complaints.


25. Your middle epic adventure in a community project by default. Really good stuff with lots of ideas blending well with each other, secrets aplenty. Favorite fight the "Tricks n' Traps"-ish concrete room with just SG-CG, mini crowd control/tight quarters. No point of return locked me out of the two missing secrets -including one blue armor I left for later. Oh well, fun times.


26. Reminded me to TNT's map "Mill", prominent squared shapes. Quite the high pinky count there. Lovely secrets.


27. Plasma gun centric? Good. Jumpscare revs alert, good. Almost no pressure from the combat, not that good. I mean, most revenants and spectres couldn't reach me. Killed the cyb with plasma before I knew of the BFG though. That OP secret reminded me to Perdition's Gate. Visuals were solid.


28. Bonus points for being a void-esque map. Cool slaughter type fights. No armor and no hitscanners, good combo. I cheesed a revenant swarm near some stairs for the better. How I managed to never ever die is beyond me. Wished there was a midi replacement.


29. Amazing stuff. The midi is great. Like map 24, it has a strong personality too, just more connected to the typical buildup of a 29th map. Plenty point blank traps, heavily guarded goodies, scary rooms via dim lighting, etc. Took my time to make things safer for me, map seemed more adequate for careful strategies. Important things, computer broke its secret probably because of a change effect action, and the triggers of the BK chair broke too, monsters remained stuck in their closets.


30. Hmm, not sold on this. Thing placement seemed lazily made to me, waaaaay too much ammo of types you don't even need, and key rooms prefaced with invuls or thousands of cells so no real pressure. Finale has infinite height issues - blind drop on cybs, tall lifts you have to jump down with high potential of getting stuck on monsters, no armor to recover from that happening. At least it's short.


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Played the first four maps of Back to Saturn X! Great stuff, been on my to play pile for a long long time. Really cool music too, terrific terrific maps all around.

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After getting tired of D2INO, I decided to play freedoom, since I had never played it before. Still kinda getting used to the monster sprites (in my humble opinion the worst thing about the game) but I am enjoying the gameplay : intense but never hard! 

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