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3 hours ago, Lizardcommando said:

I just finished playing through this mini mapset crud. It's a really nice, 5 set of bite-sized maps. I wish there could be a full megawad or even a 7 or 8 map episode.

I wonder if you have tried Atonement  (WIP, but already 4 episodes available) by the same author?

Edited by Catpho

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No, I haven't, but thank you for pointing me to this. I will definitely have to check this out.


EDIT: Oh, ok. I remember this megawad. I definitely remember MAP01's music and the new Title Bar. It looks like it went through some updates, so I will definitely play through this once more.

Edited by Lizardcommando

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3 hours ago, DameHamara said:

@terminator What source port are you using and how did you set up that minimap in the corner?


if you're refering to my screenshots posted in this thread, i used [gzdoom]. the minimap is the mod [kminimap] used together with the following script inside an [autoexec.cfg] file in gzdoom:


atmp_backgroundalpha 0.7
atmp_enablemap true
atmp_mapalpha 1
atmp_mapbackground false
atmp_mapscale 0.1
atmp_mapsize 315
atmp_mapx 1275
atmp_mapy 10

alias map.rotate.0 "am_rotate 0; atmp_maprotates 0"
alias map.rotate.1 "am_rotate 1; atmp_maprotates 1"
alias map.rotate.test "test = $am_rotate 1 map.rotate.0 map.rotate.1"
bind kp0 map.rotate.test

alias map.recolor.0 "am_cdwallcolor $am_ovcdwallcolor; am_efwallcolor $am_ovefwallcolor; am_fdwallcolor $am_ovfdwallcolor; am_interlevelcolor $am_ovinterlevelcolor; am_interlevelcolor $am_ovtelecolor; am_intralevelcolor $am_ovtelecolor; am_lockedcolor $am_ovlockedcolor; am_ovunseencolor $am_notseencolor; am_portalcolor $am_ovportalcolor; am_secretsectorcolor $am_ovsecretsectorcolor; am_secretwallcolor $am_ovsecretwallcolor; am_specialwallcolor $am_ovspecialwallcolor; am_thingcolor $am_ovthingcolor; am_thingcolor_citem $am_ovthingcolor_citem; am_thingcolor_friend $am_ovthingcolor_friend; am_thingcolor_item $am_ovthingcolor_item; am_thingcolor_monster $am_ovthingcolor_monster; am_thingcolor_ncmonster $am_ovthingcolor_ncmonster; am_unexploredsecretcolor $am_ovunexploredsecretcolor; am_wallcolor $am_ovwallcolor; am_yourcolor $am_ovyourcolor; rebind map.recolor.1"
alias map.recolor.1 "am_restorecolors; am_ovunseencolor $am_notseencolor; rebind map.recolor.0"
bind , map.recolor.0

set map.mini.zoomrate 1.2
set map.mini.scale.max 1.0
set map.mini.scale.min 0.01
alias +map.mini.zoomin "eval * $atmp_mapscale $map.mini.zoomrate atmp_mapscale"
alias +map.mini.zoomin.test.2 "test < $atmp_mapscale $map.mini.scale.max +map.mini.zoomin"
alias +map.mini.zoomin.test.1 "test = $atmp_enablemap true +map.mini.zoomin.test.2
alias +map.zoomin "+map.mini.zoomin.test.1; +am_zoomin"
alias -map.zoomin "-am_zoomin"
bind pgup +map.zoomin

alias +map.mini.zoomout "eval / $atmp_mapscale $map.mini.zoomrate atmp_mapscale"
alias +map.mini.zoomout.test.2 "test > $atmp_mapscale $map.mini.scale.min +map.mini.zoomout"
alias +map.mini.zoomout.test.1 "test = $atmp_enablemap true +map.mini.zoomout.test.2
alias +map.zoomout "+map.mini.zoomout.test.1; +am_zoomout"
alias -map.zoomout "-am_zoomout"
bind pgdn +map.zoomout

from the script, the following are the keys to control the minimap (you can modify it if you want):

[,] to toggle colours between automap overlay mode and non-overlay mode.

[pgdn] to zoom in.

[pgup] to zoom out. 


a small note, this minimap is a [0.3 beta], so it does not have the granularity of an actual automap. furthermore, the author has stopped developing it. however, the mod does help with navigation by reducing the frequency to view the actual automap. hope my reply helps.

Edited by terminator

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Recently finnished I Hate My Neighbors, a boom megawad comprised of 26 maps, plus an ending text. I wrote down short single paragraphs for each map (excepting one case) as I completed them, like I've done other times, easy thing to do when it's mostly short maps. These are never meant to be like formal reviews or anything to serve as a guide, instead more like cathartic map-by-map rambling in a lesser serious tone, kinda comparable to the DWMC format when you want to avoid fatigue. I should add that this was a UV playthrough on pistol starts. And also that I quite recommend this wad if anything that's said below piques your interest. It's cool stuff.



01. Oh the ol' secret behind the start. Quick thing. Imps and zombiemen, best dealt with a zerk. Cute hidden stimpack.


02. Shotgun introduction, not before some pistol whipping (skippable though). Very bright, or maybe it's the opengl renderer. Getting Demofear energy so far...


03. Similar sort of deal at the start, until a chaingun falls from its owner. Saved the blur sphere for that in particular, though not really necessary. I saw boom timers getting their first appearance at the end.


04. The long grassy courtyard kind of reminded me of a HR map. There's a little bit more action here and a possibly much necessary zerk reboot. Dunno why there was a demon in a pit in front of the exit but I ignored it.


05. I know this midi! And the level has antique energy structurally and combat wise. The imps are the highlight I believe. The SSG closure made me wonder if it was more of a gift to carry to the next maps than for the little fight itself. Secret rockets went towards one of the HKs.


06. Even more Demonfear energy. Once outside it hit with a difficulty spike, soft but immediately notable if you choose to ignore the mancubus like I did (which cost me half my health to burst shots). Not sure what was going on with the revs, they were moving in tight circles for whatever reason, which confused me. Thought there were MBL around them, but no, just troll movement. Nice finale, though maybe the imps came out too late imo.


07. Okay, I'm noticing an author change here. Things stay brief, slightly softer and with SG/CG focus. Not a fan of the lift triggers and doors so close to each other, back up a bit and you fall because the lift is down. Inoffensive, but an observation. Digging these skirmishes so far. I kinda liked that last secret, for continuous players.


08. Ooh a Mark Klem song, me likes. First view is quite open, something of a neighborhood theme (heh :p), possibly the biggest map so far. Things quickly evolved into  zombiemen spam silliness in the open, nice. "Big" ambushes were fun, rockets and chaingun frenzy. Almost missed the lift-based secret, except the trigger worked from the side. Been a while since I've seen a casual scrolling COMPTALL wall detail.


09. Now a David Shaw song, yes!. Cute boat at the beginning. Something of that initial view, with the lake and trees on tan rocky relief, that classic old-school topography, plus the key on a pedestal, reminded me of the 3hda trilogy. Maybe a wild comparison, the inner parts also took me there... Anyways, fine stuff.  Somewhat of a tense crossfire inside. The first arachnotron really took its time to team up with me. Not sure the final ambush was all that effective, rev fireballs couldn't get me.


10. So, what the grownups would call, a sand(y)box, I believe. Without the characteristic non-linearity, but still exploratory in presentation, similar to a Scythe E2 map, except brighter. Looked nice, played nice, would probably feel underpopulated for some people but I was fine with the small infight going on. Loved that secret tp placement. Scored my first death at the start, dropped unarmed in the pit with spectres, yet it was a homing rocket what destroyed me, of course.  Funniest part, pushed a chaingunner off a ledge, then snagged his gun. Oh boom format you're so quirky!!


11. Aha, the step up in difficulty I read about. From exploration on nukage, to congested groups in relatively tight spaces. Make no mistake, health exist in a few stimpacks, a medikit or two, an early secret zerk I wish I left for later, and that's it, similar to map 04. Some early events went hilariously bad --first rocket on a spectre followed by a shot from that douchebag, then later failing to activate the metal lifts out of the trap, which confused me for a minute and soaked too much poison in exchange of said confusion-- thus I played the rest with below 20% health.  Survived somehow though, the cyb/revs cluster  was a little hairy, but the final hitscanners had me begging for mercy. All good, I had fun. Additional thoughts: loved the backpack secret and architecture in general, it's got Memfis vibes.


12. Small hub-based map, with elements similar to the mapper's previous maps. The HKs/pinkies plus a PE later is a callback to the imp trap in map05. The 4-way centre too. Eastern cave was cute, that archvile brought back the manc I was stepping on (from my POV, it probably was his poop and not his whole body). I kinda liked that homage to "the focus" at the end, even if the PR was superfluous.


13. Nice looking cave system. The setup with pairs of teleporting ambushes on the sides is becoming an identity thing from the mappers, or the mapset itself. East wing (YK) had a little more flesh and an archvile that managed to be quite a nuisance resurrecting blockers in tic-perfect bad timing. I was low on ammo for the other wing (RK) but it went fine. I don't know what the switch in the "XD" secret was linked to. Not sure about the Blood midi here but no big deal.


14. More hubs!. Those hateful neighbors could only do so much behind doors, but the one archvile in the little courtyard almost claimed victory after not dying to like 5 SSG shots. There was a weird arrow pointing to a wall in a bunker at the BK wing. There were also some suspicious walls in the other bunker, but  shooting that first wall did absolutely nothing that I could see. Heh. Nearly electrocuted to death by hyper-active arachnotrons at the end. The cute boat is back.


15. Fun stuff. Intensity took a similar turn like in map 11, presumably because of the slot. Not about cramped scenarios, but a generally hectic start with height pressure, pain elementals in the mix and ammo in the wrong hands, well, paws. The RL was deeper inside, and by that time I decided to clear the cave for the next rounds, which were naturally less pressuring but cathartic in a glorious way. The cave looked nice and gloomy, barring a couple iffy texture transitions here and there. There was also a keen hunt, not too hard considering the scale of the map. It took me a minute to see the other exit, and I must say I was tempted to follow the warnings, but my gut told me to continue... hmmm....


31. Oh. Well, I never played the original incarnations, though I'm fairly sure the infamous "fps destroyer arena" was a lot more, umm, anti-fps than this. Quite possibly a first time mapping scrap left hanging in the hard disk, or not, who knows!


32. The song!!! I knew the map from MrZzul streams, but I couldn't not hold my laughter as if I heard it for the first time again. Perseverance is the key to win, and not taking it any serious helps. The last bit was the dirtiest by far, although I wondered where those 77 monsters were hiding. Turns out they were part of a secret annex previously hinted as "the better map", only accessible from the beginning. I have to disagree with the mapper there, this secret gift may have its Romero-like quirky geometry and stuff, but the former signature chasm beats the crap out of it. Ironic, but I guess there's something for everyone here. Better or not, perhaps I would have chunked a second optional exit for those who choose or prefer the combat map only,  so that the chasm isn't mandatory after that.


16.  Chamelenoel likes their hubs apparently. And the BK usually the last key acquired is a pattern. It had a twist though. Went east first. The archvile needed to be herd out of the RL cache, because of little hitscan ammo (forgot I had zerk). Heh, the surprise trap caught me off guard, but thanks to RNGesus the archvile suffered major damage through lucky infight. A rocket killed it. The other wing held all the keys so maybe east first was intended. It followed less dangerous traps, yet health was tight so I still had to be mindful. I kinda liked that silly switch puzzle, an old wad classic setup just because why not.


17. Cool shit. One of my fav STRAIN midis used decently. Anonimvio makes nice visuals and lighting contrast. It's unfortunate that none of glboom's opengl render shadows like in software, but whatever. The interiors reminded me of Resurgence a little, blood and bricks. Heh, that first trap packed the harshness that I liked in Joshy's wad. Wanted to use one preemptive BFG shot on the gunners, then take a defensive role because of the openness and more gunners. The second trap was okay, at least after I could see where the archvile came from (fucking opengl shaders). He goes first, then the mancubi for that needed space, and cleanup later. Not my favorite kind of closets trap + floor archvile, but no big deal. In the end I had just enough to kill the cacos. Two monsters never spawned due to what I assumed wrong skill flags. The secrets though, no hints, or maybe I didn't pay enough attention. Always in favor of  secret boosts for continuous.


18. Good AV music choice for a dungeon start. There was a secret SG that might have been intended to snag for the first chaingunner, but I killed him with pistol - lucky pain chance. Next section, a quad tp setup with timers, the usual from the wad. Outside I kinda tried to get the stuck monsters hit by splash, not that it was any effective. The latter watery section was nice. I'd assume one part of the plan is to release the archviles while the rest is alive, but that's speedrun territory. In the end I felt lucky the cyb pacifisted while I couldn't move during the teleport fuzz effect. Secret zerk counted as two. 


19. More cool shit. The RL centrism was appreciated for a change. Nothing too punishing, the first large trap had that crowd control and infight management with assorted groups. Lots of lost souls and pinkies in the mix. Latter areas had that similar fighting mechanism. Visually I was reminded of Resurgence map 31, the silent dimension. Apparently archviles loved to just run in zigzag without ever changing their strats this time. The last secret was weird, a shoot button that could perfectly be push type, for two stimpacks lol. The other secret had a message I didn't get, and some minor skybox clipping issues.


20. Interesting. A self-contained arena that starts humble and isn't afraid to transform itself. This showed an evolution from the mapper, with willingness to spice it up with voodoo doll magic for a sense of atmosphere. The only 'dull' areas were the symmetrical zombiemen hordes, which also guaranteed safe/cheese spots, but I didn't mind them much since the finale actually required aggressive moves, provided the two archviles behaved during their ceremonial release and not attack together in UV fast mode. The rush for the BFG must be immediate, lest a pinky or a spectre tries to ruin everything.  Defensive went bad, of course an archvile had to pain chance and elude tracers.


21. Zerk tyson hell map, classic move. It had that Scythe energy with ambiance though until the PR introduction at the end it was strictly devoted to punching with pistol/infight support. Little recovery from mistakes, or chip scan shots. Invul setup was strict in timers. It helped to immediately lock one archvile on its tp pad for a better start. Their own splash is your secondary weapon here. I got to telefrag a mancubus afterwards. Finale reminded me of something similar I made once, of course the big thing had to spam and pay the consequences. That one secret stimpack though...


22. Oh yes, castle themed hell, classic. Another two-wings hub map. Left side involved hopping on libraries and killing gasbags, which reminded me of  SoD map 25. The other side was more brutal. Its hitscan hell exposure begged for a skip asap, so I did that. A suspicious tp took me to the face of two archviles, which killed me. Wasn't sure what was the right strategy at first, but it clicked after a quick inspection (on iddqd). Dickish, as that skip I mentioned was actually the right way. The archviles were behind block lines, so cover was granted. They ought to die so the gunners on top are no longer immortal. The ending room hosted some near pitch black ambushes, nothing the RL couldn't handle. All good I think. Just don't be dumb like me and grab the weapons at the start before going anywhere.


23. Great map... in theory. A mix of (old) Sunder aesthetics with Sunlust energetic combat, and a PRCP midi most people should recognize. Health was at a premium, even by the set standards. I got reduced to a miserable state early on, after a couple deaths. I wasn't a fan of the "floor archviles" in the C-shaped YK setup, as MrZzul would call them. They really forced me to camp somewhere out of their LoS if they didn't get caught on infight or spawned pacifically, preferably  in the imps/chainers room. The cover in the main area wasn't all that useful either. Wished it let me orchestrate the infight more up close, but whatever.


The next fleshy area was cool, more incidental, with two useful secrets, though followed by yet more floor archviles in the mix (plenty of cover, except the RNG behaved annoyingly here so there was frustration out of something not even hard). Past the mini hub I went north(?), red area with gray bricks. Munched by invisible spectres, argh. Cool stuff, I liked the fliers set piece (was waiting for floor enemies but nothing spawned). I switched to software mode a couple maps ago so I could appreciate visuals better. Lighting was very "vanilla beautiful". Crusher + barons was slightly tense, again due to strict health. At this point I'm thinking of dividing this into more paragraphs...


Anyways, the other wing held the BK. A series of incidental setups playing with exposure to plasma streams and body blockers, then a classic cannonball-esque metal  room with some cleanup duty prior to the actual traps. These last archviles behaved very nicely. I had more health to spare also, collecting stimpacks every 10 inches of playground. Some of the secret backpacks in this map were a bit superfluous I'd say. I liked the sequence to the exit. Must once again praise the setting, very attractive.


Surely someone would think the secret BFG may trivialize some of the fights, but I don't mind that. Sometimes well placed BFG shots are satisfying regardless of other necessities.


24. Oh, this appeared earlier than I expected. No idea what babbling this new icon spit. Things went pretty fast, something DotW wouldn't be quite keen on, I believe. Them having a little extra speed teleporting from conveyors was amusing to watch. Only minor problem was occasional infinite tallness from cacodemons high up out of FOV, but nothing really bothersome. No timed lift!!


25. Ah so that was it, lmao. Well, I sure hope the neighborhood is in peace now!


Edited by galileo31dos01

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Over the last three weeks, I've been playing Sunlust, Realm Of Chaos and Lost Civilization. Sunlust wasn't the impossible prospect I'd been expecting, but then again I did play it on HMP difficulty in continuous format. Even so, haven't been able to finish it as I can't get past the bloody ridiculous 'moving wall' gimmick in MAP29! This wad is clearly exceptional in terms of graphics and overall polish, but I can't say I enjoy its reliance on very contrived, choreographed setpiece-based gameplay.


Realm Of Chaos was a bit mediocre, pretty much what you might expect of a 1996 wad, completed it on UV continuous in 3 days.


The clear winner here was Lost Civilization, very high quality level throughout and a very decent challenge on UV continuous.


Edited by Summer Deep

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Just finished Mini-level MegaWAD on continuous UV, much like I said I would. Wasn't super keen on MAP30, as it's an IOS, but it wasn't too bad to get out of the way. Rest of the set isn't super polished (none of the door tracks are flagged lower unpegged, for example) but it's so violent and fun that I don't care. Still vying for one of my favourite megaWADs. Also a fair example of how I can enjoy slaughter near the end - in small maps with plenty of ammo. No idea how beatable it is on pistol starts, but it'd be way harder than what I experienced. Just as good as I'd hoped it would be, all in all, which makes me very happy!

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Currently RollerCoaster Tycoon 2, specifically OpenRCT2 which is the GZDooM of the RCT2 Community. Heres a bit of a park I'm working on if anyones interested:


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1 hour ago, Phobus said:

Just finished Mini-level MegaWAD [...] Rest of the set isn't super polished (none of the door tracks are flagged lower unpegged, for example) [...]

I suspect Wim Vanrie just wanted the door tracks to behave like this, the overall design it's not *that* amateurish to think that he didn't know how to lower unpeg them; for example MAP20 could be an Erik Alm map, similar style to Scythe2 MAP11

1 hour ago, Phobus said:

 No idea how beatable it is on pistol starts, but it'd be way harder than what I experienced.

MAP24 is vile and MAP26 may be among 15 hardest maps that I completed.


Are you going to abandon or continue with Insertion? The best maps are Thomas Evans' maps IMO, so if you played only 1-4, you missed good stuff.

Edited by vdgg

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i decided to pick up icarus: alien vendetta and actually complete it instead of abandoning abandoning it midway through


i'm on map20 rn, and other than a few maps, i'm finding it a bit mediocre

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I've not been playing much Doom recently. Or any games, for that matter. But I'm playing my own .WAD that I hope I can finish and release relatively soon.

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14 minutes ago, roadworx said:

i decided to pick up icarus: alien vendetta and actually complete it instead of abandoning abandoning it midway through


i'm on map20 rn, and other than a few maps, i'm finding it a bit mediocre

I can never seem to get past the half way point, which sucks because I've been told the best stuff is in the last half, lol.  Maybe the next time I should just start on MAP16...

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2 hours ago, VanaheimRanger said:

I can never seem to get past the half way point, which sucks because I've been told the best stuff is in the last half, lol.  Maybe the next time I should just start on MAP16...

yeah, it definitely seems like most of the better stuff is in the second half - i pretty much always stopped before that. there's still mediocre/shitty maps in its latter half but not to the extent of the first half, where there's like...two good maps lol


i will say though that even its best maps have some rather questionable design decisions, unfortunately

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15 hours ago, vdgg said:

I suspect Wim Vanrie just wanted the door tracks to behave like this, the overall design it's not *that* amateurish to think that he didn't know how to lower unpeg them; for example MAP20 could be an Erik Alm map, similar style to Scythe2 MAP11


Agreed on the overall design, but I don’t remember even basic stuff like vertical alignment around windows or ceiling beams, plus some of these scrolling door “tracks” were brickwork and other textures that don’t have a good explanation. I’m not saying he didn’t necessarily know, but he did definitely not do it!


15 hours ago, vdgg said:

MAP24 is vile and MAP26 may be among 15 hardest maps that I completed.


I can believe that for sure. Those were outrageously tough to get any purchase on even continuous with a ~90% success rate on secret finding.


15 hours ago, vdgg said:


Are you going to abandon or continue with Insertion? The best maps are Thomas Evans' maps IMO, so if you played only 1-4, you missed good stuff.


I’ll get back to it, although probably after Khorus’ Speedy Shit.

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On 6/11/2021 at 2:22 PM, Phobus said:

Just finished Mini-level MegaWAD on continuous UV, much like I said I would. Wasn't super keen on MAP30, as it's an IOS, but it wasn't too bad to get out of the way. Rest of the set isn't super polished (none of the door tracks are flagged lower unpegged, for example) but it's so violent and fun that I don't care. Still vying for one of my favourite megaWADs. Also a fair example of how I can enjoy slaughter near the end - in small maps with plenty of ammo. No idea how beatable it is on pistol starts, but it'd be way harder than what I experienced. Just as good as I'd hoped it would be, all in all, which makes me very happy!


I'd never heard of that wad before I read your post, but I do like these megawads with small levels, like 50 Monsters and Perdition's Gate, so I thought I'd give it a go. Have played the first 15 levels over the last 9 hours (UV continuous) and found some of it very tough, and would certainly have struggled had I not employed a few saves. The MAP07 'Dead Simple' version is crude and seemed initially impossible, but after about a dozen failures (mostly within ten seconds of starting the level), I somehow managed to create a bit of space in which to operate and got the job done! Tried it from a pistol start in HMP, and was surprised at just how much easier that was....

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Finnished the 10th iteration of the DB projects yesterday. This is me slowly escalating to the top, the most current is like 26 wads away, heh. Oh, the name is Earth Ends, settled in some wrecked as hell city area during the end of the world. DBPs are rich in eye candies and specialties and this wasn't the exception. A total of 5 maps, plus an ending, of that corrupted doom urban setting with jumps and scares and a little Jim Flynn-esque inside-the-house exploration. Anyways, like I've been doing lately, a few paragraphs per map, saying whatever I came up with.



01. Urban setting is cool. Lots of destroyed cars and terrain, which hints a massive catastrophe occurred recently (well, "end of earth" duh). The cyb patrol may have known, or been partially responsible for. Not like I was so intrigued to ask him anyway. Bit of running around while waking up more things, flying imps and stuff, getting inside a building and later releasing the commander of the explosion (who sent the cyb back home). Found a good BFG in the cargo area to keep her away. The latest portion looked interesting. An actual useful blur sphere prefaced the introduction of hitscan arachnotrons. Fun thing.


Enjoyed the sprites too, some goofy ones like tiny mice that chase you, the mannequins, those explosive vases, or in material of sectors, the speakers and all of the random electrical appliances on the ground, particularly the microwave and washing machine sitting just there. I found those floating luminous arrows amusing too -- sectorized arrows might come off as tacky, not here though, as they weren't in plain view or obtrusive. I almost miss the RL if it weren't for an arrow pointing it. Cute thing with the map titles. Noticed the CG had a new safety pin, hmm...


02. We arrived at some rich people's residence apparently, complete with a kinda lifeless garden and a large pool - which had no depth at all!. Well, lifeless except for hell invaders. Plenty of flyers and arachnotrons of both types lurking, revs and gunners sniping from distant buildings... was I playing "I Hate My Neighbors" again :P. Hostility reigned inside the building. Classic doom house details, my favourite the toilets you have to flush (lmao) to reveal a switch for the RK. The backyard had lava and the other 200 monsters, mostly zombies. Missed the RL by mistake, though I found it last. Helped killing those neighbors.


03. One of the prettiest maps by Walter I've played. It's a party club for adults only where he let loose his creativity here to toy with the setting's own eye candies. Combat was low threat attrition throughout, minor room clearing and such skirmishes. Nicely well tuned so not to lose attention to the details around, which were the stars of the map. Loved in particular the "destroyed" architecture letting me contemplate the full moon. Many things made me giggle: the dancing marine at the bar (secret outside too), the various arcade machines, the lady feeling her oats on a toilet, that poor shotgunner next to a huge water leak (he probably dealt with explosive diarrhea), and even this. The only issue though, lots of textures with wrong offsets, at least I believe the problem is vanilla related. Very cute map though.


04. Haha, was waiting for this. I can always count on SuperCupcakeTactics for a lovely bloody mess. Lots of opportunities for turning fodder into thick soup, given the friendly ration of orange vases scattered both strategically and for "scripted" chains. The sped up chainsaw got to shine, as I used it in multiple places, including versus a mancubus and some revs (ironically, despite the faster damage output, they still punched me once or twice). Introduction of turret scanners, used sparingly but nothing particularly worrisome here at least. The stellar fight was the pinky/spectre assault in the, umm, subterranean corridor - mostly cinematic, though a secret might have neutered it entirely had I found it earlier. The eye candies continued to amuse me, the bar with the chaingunner and drunk imps, or the women dancing in a hidden cave, like what, lmao.


05. The final map kicked off wild as clusters of zombies lurked and spawned ready to pierce my body, flying imps and other lesser menaces made the first round tricky in the open. The turrets in the dark showed their power and killed me once. Quite an exploratory level, requiring to jump over wrecked areas, holes and cracks in the ground, killing lots of dudes in the way, that kind of doom urban-themed platforming, except in a post apocalyptic time, I believe. At mid point I was reminded of the Jim Flynn maps in Eternal Doom, floating texts and doomcute stuff. The gazebo was one of my favorite bits visually, excellent application of shadows, in line with the full moon illuminating from the western side (automap view).


Latter portions were more weighted towards freewheeling monsters, with a couple locked-in traps to break the mold, plus one particular horde of winged imps that chased me all over to the starting point, as I was still insisting on that secret soulsphere. Interesting how the secrets required thinking outside of the box - literally speaking. Both closed traps were good brutal, though the solid rock decorations  in the cave trap did feel intrusive. I guess they were there to troll players. As a final sequence the hitscanners in the dark thankfully weren't too dickish. Ah, I loved the new colors for keycards and how they were displayed in the status bar. The messages on screen could have been updated to match the correct colours though.


06. Alright, thank you for the good times!


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Playing through Requiem on Ultra-Violence, after years of playing it on Hey, Not Too Rough and Hurt Me Plenty. Just beaten Map 23: Hatred, which at that point is hardest and craziest level in the wad (expected as it's by Dario Casali), but somewhat manageable since I've played through Plutonia and Hell Revealed, and it's nowhere near as difficult as the following map. Looking forward to finishing Requiem as it's an all-time classic, feels like a journey every time I replay it, and most of the levels are so creative, visually appealing, and fun. Map 13: Town of the Dead, Map 31: Doorway to Quake, and Map 21: Den of the Skull are some of my most favourite maps in the wad. Would replay it again after I beat it.

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Sunder. I'm playing Sunder, the megawad that epitomises everything I moan about in Doom: overstyled maps housing slaughterfest gameplay, with irritating ledges to fall off and a mazelike layout.


And I'm bloody loving it.


EDIT: Literally a few minutes later, I can't play map 4 as it's too dark in GZDoom, and the less said about "Precarious" (map 5) the better... map 5 is not Doom.

Edited by MajorRawne

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I quit Sunder for a bit because map 5 sucks so hard, and map 6 looks horrific!


Currently playing the classic megawad S.T.R.A.I.N. which I do not remember at all, except for having PTSD about the white Barons. Am halfway through, and it's half brilliant, half irritating switch/key hunt. It shows its age in this respect, especially the number of Barons in narrow corridors, but the gameplay develops a vicious edge which is keeping me hooked. The new monsters are brilliantly integrated and the better maps are so intricate and flow so well, it's really inspiring, and a nice antidote to modern arena-style maps. Those switch hunts though...

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I'm over halfway through TNT Evilution for my 3rd and final time.  I'm recording demos this time...so that's it, I will finish this and never play it again.





It's almost over!


EDIT: I FINISHED IT!  Now, to move on to better things.

Edited by VanaheimRanger

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I’ve been slowly going through the original Doom on Xbox One using the Bethesda port over the last few days. It feels quite fresh and challenging using the controller, even though I know the maps like the back of my hand. I think I’ve largely gotten used to it, though, and aside from a scare in E1M1 whilst I got to grips with the controls and retro physics and blockmap, I’ve not really been in any danger of dying despite playing on UV. Halfway through E2 I’d say I’m feeling pretty comfortable, now.

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Trying to get through the BTSX Wad but I'm not really getting anywhere in it as my brother keeps pestering me to play 7 Days to Die in co-op.


I wouldn't mind if I was still 18 or something but he's 15 years older than me and almost 51. I haven't logged into steam in almost a week and if I do I put myself to show as 'offline'. Even that old trick won't save me because he just phones me and sends messages. If all else fails he will actually show up at the door, he doesn't live that far away so I have no escape.


Yes, I have tried being frank with him but you don't know what he's like. He acts like he didn't hear it or makes it seem irrelevant, like I exist purely to play co-op with him. If that fails he attempts to guilt-trip me into it.


If I tell him I'm trying to play something else I get the old 'woe is me' story and he goes into great detail about how he can't play it without me because we started in co-op. If that fails he then pulls out tried and tested armaments like he doesn't want to ruin it for both of us, can't play later because of the kids etc etc.


Total pain in my backside, he has been from the moment I came into this world.


I'm kidding of course, I enjoy playing co-op games with him but I just wish he would give me a break sometimes. If I start anything in co-op with him then it's a full on commitment... I can't catch a break until we complete it.


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Started playing Yugiboy85's "Man on the Moon" (the updated 2021 version).   I'm dieing a lot but that's due to my poor playing.   The map is gorgeous with excellent music (I usually hate music in maps).  I'm loving the newish enemies and the pace of the whole thing so far (about 1/6th of the way in).   Definitely worth playing.

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Beat Valiant yesterday for the first time, and after that I was deciding on either Alien Vendetta or getting through Hell Revealed out of spite for myself. I picked Alien Vendetta and will put off the other wad for later, and have been having fun with that today. Just pulled myself through map 11, Nemesis, which has exhausted me. Such a jarring shift after Toxic Touch which was just an absolutely beautiful.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/15/2020 at 5:16 AM, vdgg said:

Mega Phase by @MegaZzZeux.  Nice design reminding me of ReX Claussen. Memfis is right, though: the backtracking is insane. After 15 minutes of playing, with only 27 monsters left (there are 164 at the start), I collected the first key! (The map uses 3 keys). Then I spent >9 minutes looking for switches scattered everywhere. If you play it, I recommend using automap and mark feature as if you were playing Darkdome.


Ha, crazy to decide to search my username on here...and then see somebody [was] playing my most convoluted maps...

Edited by MegaZzZeux

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I've not had a lot of time for Doom as of late, but I've made it through The Ultimate Doom on Xbox One and up to MAP15 in Doom II, which has all been a lot of fun. Mixing map knowledge with a lesser control scheme and a more restrictive source port is giving me a decent experience on UV.


On PC I've made it to the end of Khorus' Speedy Shit - still one of my favourites - and been having a go at Full Moon. I made it just past my map and have mostly had a decent time of it so far, bar a complete stinker early on in the set and a one or two trickier maps throwing off the groove of quick wins. Going from Clippy's commentary in the release thread, I think my fun may soon be at an end, though. I guess I'll get back to Insertion after that...

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Yesterday I've played the "recent" wads on idgames of Mercenaries (fully played, pretty nice wad with neat mine camp effect) and a little bit of some Joe Ilya new maps: Space Travel is Boring (until E1M2, then the start of the other maps), 10 monsters (this one looks interesting, is a series of short silly maps with only 10 monsters in it) and the funny jokewad Bad Weather (blasted out by the first wave of monsters lol, also I've expected a midi of "it's raining men", you have to play this map for understand).


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