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10 hours ago, Fly In The Lotion said:

I'm on map 15 of Ancient Aliens

Ohh!! That's my favorite map of the wad

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During weekend I completed Community Chest 1 (even map29) and Ancient Aliens.


One of the aforementioned wads had me a little burned out somewhere during maps 24-27, but the end stretch was fun and enjoyable.


The other one was a miserable slog.


I leave it to reader to deduce which one is which.


I don’t what’ll be on DW Megawad club next month, but in the meantime I’ll be doing Base Ganymede, and I guess I need to get back to Eviternity, which I had left on MAP15.

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Playing thru Occula atm, surprisingly balanced between slaughter and incidental fights. Very enjoyable, made me reevaluate slaughter a bit. 

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I'm currently going through Plutonia 2... again!  It's just that good, with superb level design and a banger soundtrack!


Seriously, it feels like it could've been an official Doom product, even.

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I've been playing Skyrim: special edition for the past month or two. That game really pulls you in. Such a better experience on XboxSeriesX, with a top end monitor and sound system. Fast travel now only takes 1 sec instead of 20. Shame it's still buggy AF. I thought they'd fix all the bugs in the remastered version. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently going through Temple of the Lizardmen 2. I quite enjoyed the first one, and the sequel has been even better so far! I love how it marries DOOM type gameplay with Unreal style!

Edited by Kokoro Hane

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I've been playing through Cosmogenesis. It's a ridiculously hard and long slaughtermap, but it's a lot of fun.

I started Plutonia 2 a few weeks back.

My second playthrough of Rowdy Rudy 2: POWERTRIP! began about two months ago. I've been taking it slowly, though.

I've started working my way through Rush and Slaughterfest 2012.

I beat Revenant Battlefield, and it was pretty fun. There was some lag on PrBoom+ which is rare, but I think it's understandable when there are thousands of revenant missiles on screen at once.

I'm almost done with my second playthrough of Micro-Slaughter Community Project. In case you couldn't tell, I like slaughter maps. A lot.

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Replaying Old Still Life. That thing is mind blowing - my favorite wad by far, right next to Doom Zero, JPCP and Sunlust. @Rednov needs to make a comeback, like, yesterday.

Edited by Thelokk

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Anomaly Report, which I'm really enjoying. Also a shout out to Silence by @Wilster_Wonkels which I've played through twice (it's a Doom 1 wad, so far just replacing E1 but other episodes are coming). I highly recommend that one if you're into vanilla gameplay.

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Just started playing Ray Mohawk 2: Ray Wreaks HAVOC! today.  I was not prepared for the massively buffed weaponset!  Very much enjoying the catharsis so far (stopped at the start of Map 09).

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I'm now on Temple of the Lizardmen 3 and WOW. I am really really enjoying this one so far. I love how there's character select, and it even implements voice acting which I am always happy to see in games. The acting quality can vary but even so it's fairly enjoyable. The game itself has wonderful mapping, and a lot of action without being too overwhelming (or perhaps just because I am doing a lower difficulty just so I can go through it once before playing harder). I also like how it doesn't just utilize the standard red, blue, and yellow keys but other colors and other artifacts to open things. The story is interesting so far, I love how this wad has a plot and voiced "cutscenes" but is not done overwhelmingly so. It still mostly gets straight to the action, a nice balance! Again love how it leans more toward the Unreal experience but with some DOOM flare and trap styles. 

Edited by Kokoro Hane

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Finished TNT Revilution and thought it was a mostly very polished modern style vanilla megawad with occasional nods to its influence but honestly never really found it to be a true sequel to TNT. It works fine as a TNT expansion or side story of sorts, but I can't quite say it truly honors the source material and feel of the original, and I both like and don't really like playing the original these days, so it's a very strange feeling. Good megawad, OK TNT style, the aesthetic and music are nice, but remind me more of Back to Saturn X. I guess I would've liked not just more exploratory adventure style mapping, but just more TeamTNT style mapping too. No disrespect to the mappers of TNTR, they did a great job for the most part, but I am now very curious to see how TNT: Devilution turned out when it's actually available to play.

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Replaying Doom Zero (my all time favorite wad), wrapping up Cydonia, and of course Haste again for the DWMegawad club. Also trying to get thru BTSX2 but some of the later maps are a real slog.

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I'm now playing Doom 64 for Doom II, figured this would be a good one to blast through since I'm familiar with the source material. So far so good!

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I started quite a few new wads - Good Morning Phobos, Oops! All Techbase, Revolution! and Crypts of Eternity - I finished the latter one recently and had lots of fun with it, kind of reminded me of Dungeons & Demons. Gonna keep chipping away at all the other wads and maybe throw something shorter into the mix as well.

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Felt a bit odd necro'ing the release thread, but I wanted to give a shout out to @RED77 for the excellent INNARDS. Kickin' MIDI, smart set-ups that don't go overboard with the monster count, and a metric fucktonne of interconnectivity as the small, single map unfolds on itself. An utter joy, and I'm sorry it took me two months to get to it.


Next I'll dive into @Bri's gorgeous Elysium's Curse, which also fell victim to a case of the definitely-gonna-get-around-to-more-of-it-sometime-soons; and Struggle, because I'm suffering from @antares031 withdrawals.

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