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5 hours ago, Thelokk said:

After watching Vile's stream and enjoying (most of) the Mapwich 2, I decided to give @Tango's Paradise a shot and it's easily the best thing I've played in a long while. Modern, dynamic, manages to feel like a conversion and classic Dooming at the same time. A cut above all other GZ projects I played so far. 


Even someone mentioning it offhand is now enough to get that Batrider track used for the opening level playing in my head. I'm a happy waitress :3


And totally agreed on the TC-yet-classic feel: it's like if someone took the lush colours, jungle vibes and intense action from the beginning of Contra and grafted it on to already-amplified core Doom gameplay. The games industry is awash in "retro-inspired" titles that are based on (mis-)remembered late-80s/early-90s arcade aesthetics, and so few of them come close to nailing those dynamics as well as this does.

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So over the past couple years or so, I've been making it a mission to play through (arguably) all of the official Doom games, and the only unofficial WAD I've played so far has been SIGIL. So far, on Hurt Me Plenty or equivalents, I've played through or looking to play through:

  • Doom Episodes 1-3
  • Most of Episode 4 (I got stuck on I think E4M7/drained after E4M6 and need to revisit it)
  • Doom 2
  • PSX Doom (at least its unique levels)
  • Master Levels for Doom 2 (well, maybe a third of them, I couldn't bring myself to play more at the time, might revisit)
  • TNT Evilution (well, ok so the last 2-3 maps I cheated, and might revisit again at some point)
  • The Plutonia Experiment (tried earlier, it kicked my ass, currently now trying again, am into the third level, I suspect it will kick my ass again soon)
  • No Rest for the Living
  • Doom 64 & the Lost Levels
  • Doom 3 BFG Edition, Resurrection of Evil and Lost Mission (this is what I most recently played)
  • Doom 2016
  • Doom Eternal (minus finishing the Icon of Sin fight). I have not played The Ancient Gods part 1 or 2 at this time, and not sure if I will.

I've not played Betray or Sewers, though I gather I'm not missing much there, and I've not played the Doom RPG phone games, if one counts those. I'm presuming nobody is counting "Maximum Doom" even if that was technically an official release of sorts, and even if someone does, I'm not going to shift through all that.

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Finally getting around to trying to complete Doom 2 for the first time, Doom 1 and 2 have been on my to-do list for a while but I decided to go for Doom 2 first just because I'm more familiar with that one. also because it has the funny skeleton dude in it

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On 9/25/2022 at 1:10 PM, SPG said:

So over the past couple years or so, I've been making it a mission to play through (arguably) all of the official Doom games, and the only unofficial WAD I've played so far has been SIGIL. So far, on Hurt Me Plenty or equivalents, I've played through or looking to play through:

  • Doom Episodes 1-3
  • Most of Episode 4 (I got stuck on I think E4M7/drained after E4M6 and need to revisit it)
  • Doom 2
  • PSX Doom (at least its unique levels)
  • Master Levels for Doom 2 (well, maybe a third of them, I couldn't bring myself to play more at the time, might revisit)
  • TNT Evilution (well, ok so the last 2-3 maps I cheated, and might revisit again at some point)
  • The Plutonia Experiment (tried earlier, it kicked my ass, currently now trying again, am into the third level, I suspect it will kick my ass again soon)
  • No Rest for the Living
  • Doom 64 & the Lost Levels
  • Doom 3 BFG Edition, Resurrection of Evil and Lost Mission (this is what I most recently played)
  • Doom 2016
  • Doom Eternal (minus finishing the Icon of Sin fight). I have not played The Ancient Gods part 1 or 2 at this time, and not sure if I will.

I've not played Betray or Sewers, though I gather I'm not missing much there, and I've not played the Doom RPG phone games, if one counts those. I'm presuming nobody is counting "Maximum Doom" even if that was technically an official release of sorts, and even if someone does, I'm not going to shift through all that.


For an expanded official/officialesque list, can also add the official add-ons and Hell to Pay + Perdition's Gate, the unofficial yet licensed campaigns. Sewers and Betray are referenced enough in wads and IWAD imitation projects, and frequently get converted and remade for console conversions, so im sure you couldput a little time aside to run through em once and go 'heh' (Just dont treat them as id-quality stuff like the Midway and Jaguar exclusives, they are literally hidden bonus levels that noone was meant to find, ala 'look how far we came; we made these shitty levels back in the day, now we are developing ports of this game')

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Started NOVA III tonight, reached MAP07. It's alright so far. NOVA II was okay but not nearly as good as I remember it being, even though it does have some standout maps here and there. The first NOVA might be more amateur but because of that I liked it a little more than the sequels, even if the last ten or so maps became a grabbag in quality and fun factor.

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Sunder is one I've been wanting to play but apparently some maps are impossible without cheats, and they're still way too hard even on ITYTD. They're pretty looking though.

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1 hour ago, Lila Feuer said:

apparently some maps are impossible without cheats

In the off chance that you might have meant this literally, that isn't the case, no. Every Sunder map released so far has been legitimately maxed.


Re-playing Ancient Aliens right now, and somehow it's just as fun as the first time around.

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@Budoka Excellent to know, I must be remembering the original OP post that stated WIP and information on the maps present back then, and at least two were listed as being unbeatable without cheating.

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Currently working on solo net eviternity. However map 5 has an issue. The kill count has the number of enemies at 194 but only 158 exist in the map. Really strange 

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9 minutes ago, Gougaru said:

Currently working on solo net eviternity. However map 5 has an issue. The kill count has the number of enemies at 194 but only 158 exist in the map. Really strange 


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I've been playing Sunder from time to time in the last few months. Not sure what are the right rules to play it, but I'm in UV, and while it's been fun, it's also been somewhat despairing. I have to save the game a lot of times in checkpoints in order to advance, not lose progress and keep my mental sanity. I just finished Map08 today, and I was stuck against an enormous horde of Cacodemons for quite a long time.

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2 hours ago, SirJuicyLemon said:

Not sure what are the right rules to play it, but I'm in UV, and while it's been fun, it's also been somewhat despairing. I have to save the game a lot of times in checkpoints in order to advance, not lose progress and keep my mental sanity. I just finished Map08 today, and I was stuck against an enormous horde of Cacodemons for quite a long time.

Sunder has no difficulty implementation, so HNTR, HMP and UV are all the same. Also, for my money you can be plenty satisfied for having wiped out that Caco horde. I have yet to succeed at doing so. 


Reached MAP18 on my re-tread of Ancient Aliens, a.k.a E2 finale.

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Been playing The Plutonia Experiment since I've never played it in earnest from front to back before


As of writing I've just beaten Hunted (not Onslaught tho, fuck Onslaught, I skip Onslaught every time forever)

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The end battle of MAP28 in NOVA III is making me want to vomit from anger, who thought this was a good setup?

E: Prioritizing the Revenants over the Archviles wasn't something I was expected to do in my Dooming career. At least Archviles have a windup attack, Revenant homing missiles will harass you forever and randomly end the game if they roll an 80.

Edited by Lila Feuer

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Yesterday I finally got the determination to get through Jade Earth. Yesterday I clocked in about 3 hours and I looking at the monster count, I'm about half way there. 


edit: Done. 3 hours 55 minutes of game time. 94% kills, 40% secrets. With no guide, just a million billion quickloads. Good stuff. No pain elementals.


fuck this room in particular


Edited by Sneezy McGlassFace

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  • 2 weeks later...

Recently beat Scythe, last ten or so maps were as per megawad tradition a mixed bag. Currently reached MAP07 of Scythe II and first impressions are that I like it more than the first. After I do this I'll be doing Scythe X to see what could've been, and then after that I'm not sure, maybe finally get around to Kama Sutra, heard it's good for those who like Plutonia / Alien Vendetta / Hell Revealed style maps.

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Resurgence. 7 maps in. Enjoying it so far, I liked Speed of Doom, so I think I'll like this one too. Neat how it starts in Hell, something you don't see often.

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I’m in Sunder with no monsters.

The architecture is flabbergasting but the switch hunt and the arcade jumping pillars are sometimes tedious.

Edited by ducon

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The Plutonia Experiment for the first time. Played Doom when it was first out, as a kid, and now bound and determined to get through everything in order including the ones I never bothered with before. Up to Final Doom, which I never had as a kid and ignored as an adult. Beat Evilution, which really didn't do it for me, but now the clever strategic stuff in Plutonia is just wonderful.


That is, until MAP24, when it pulls some BS: huge marathon level with a screw-you permanently missable literally opaque secret in the first second. You're not being clever, guy, you're being a jackass.


(hi I'm new)

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23 hours ago, TARDIS32 said:

Neat how it starts in Hell, something you don't see often.

If you're curious about it and since you've played Speed of Doom, the text intermission screens will make it pretty clear why that is. Besides that, the only other example I know is Memento Mori II which is also a great megawad.


@KillPixel Hope you end up liking the style I guess, because those latter three are very alike each other.

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TNT for the first time, one map past Metal. It's been surprisingly good. Had low expectations for some reason, perhaps because of the two FD sets Plutonia gets more airtime. The difficulty too caught me off guard, might be playing badly but I'm not finding it wildly easier than I remember Plutonia being. Plutonia's encounters seem far more aggressive superficially, but I'm finding health scarcity in some of the TNT maps so far is doing a very effective job of wearing me down. Or I'm getting worse at Doom, very possible.

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2 hours ago, Budoka said:

Besides that, the only other example I know is Memento Mori II which is also a great megawad.


Recently played MM1. Thought it was ok, perhaps in some ways hasn't aged the best, but great for 90s stuff, and impressive for pre-Doom Builder. Definitely a notable classic. I assume MM2 is better?


2 hours ago, holaareola said:

I'm finding health scarcity in some of the TNT maps so far is doing a very effective job of wearing me down. Or I'm getting worse at Doom, very possible.


TNT also uses a good bit of hitscanners, which can't be dodged, and will chip away at your health over time. Have fun with peekaboo shooting where you can.

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1 hour ago, TARDIS32 said:


Recently played MM1. Thought it was ok, perhaps in some ways hasn't aged the best, but great for 90s stuff, and impressive for pre-Doom Builder. Definitely a notable classic. I assume MM2 is better?

I and several others(though obviously not everyone)  who have played MM1, MM2 and Requiem agree that MM2 has aged far better than either of the other two. Don't expect post Scythe II quality or anything, but most of it is easily as good as anything in Final Doom or Perdition's Gate. It's certainly quite different from MM1, if nothing else. If it's an indicator at all, you rated MM1 as "OK", but I actually think it's mediocre.

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