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Just finished Crumpets, kinda stuck on what to play so i’ve decided to try out some random wads. I’ve looked at Junkfood and DIY so far. 

Just warming up for Fire and Ice UV-Max.

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I finished Equinox yesterday and... it feels like such a wasted opportunity. I feel like with all its creativity and uniqueness it could be the best mapset of all time if B.P.R.D actually cared about his gameplay and didn't give me 3 shells per map. I have the feeling that B.P.R.D had no clue on how to make fun and balanced gameplay and whenever a map of his is fun to play is purely coincidental.


I'm also close to finishing TNT:evilution for the first time, because for some reason I had never finished it before... Very mixed quality. Some maps are great, other are terrible. You have stuff like Pharaoh and Central processing which are beautiful maps that I love and then of course you have stuff like Habitat...

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Just now, Turbulent said:

Playing Scythe 2, it's very fun. I'm about halfway through, I hope I can end up beating it. 

Oh, you'll have no problem beating it, it's all completely smooth sailing from there on out :)

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1 minute ago, BeachThunder said:

Oh, you'll have no problem beating it, it's all completely smooth sailing from there on out :)

Smooth indeed, winds whisper ever so gently on the sails :-)

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Decided to stick with Heretic and ended up enjoying the game a good bit after finishing the first episode. Having a few more enemy types show up and getting something more punchy to deal with them made a world of difference. There is an almost relaxed and steady sort of rhythm to monster encounters from that point on that is actually fun compared to endlessly pinching and prodding at too many gargoyles and golems in City of the Damned. The obtuseness of E1M6 also seems to be a one-off case, which I'm thankful for. I still have the additional two episodes to go through and look forward to them.

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I've been on a nostalgic kick lately so I've been playing through some older wads such as Winters fury, Knee Deep in Zdoom and Interstellar Enforcer.

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Completed Baron Door. Now, before going to Bonus Door, I will try completing Rebirth with EVP.

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Hm, been a while since I posted on this thread but since I don't really feel like leaving detailed reviews on the WAD review thread I might as well just say what I've been up to in Doom.


I created a list of all the 10 years of doom and caco winners/runners-up that I'm interested in playing and have been working my way through '94 and generally trying to clean up some loose ends. I ALMOST beat Scythe but decided to abandon it at map30 because I forgot it exists and would rather not put myself through that. I'm pretty proud of myself for beating Serenity (from '94) though, Slaughter until Death and Eternity are up next to bat and I think the only ones I have left in '94's top ten before I'm done with it. I kinda hate the weird confusing layouts in '94 wads, but it is what it is. Also, I posted in the WAD reviews thread, but quick self-plug: Every WAD that is in the IGDB will be reviewed on my Backloggd (Letterboxd but for videogames/mods). Their coverage is pretty spotty when it comes to WADs but most of the big ones are on there. I've even added one or two WADs myself to the IGDB just so I can put my review on there. 


Anyway, as to what I'm playing right now, the recent thread about best Hell Revealed maps had me thinking I want to give that another go, so I'm doing that now that I've officially quit playing Scythe. On map11 I think, nothing too crazy so far but I know it's gonna throw some insanity at me later on. 

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Not something I consciously decided, but I'm in the middle of playing four different megawads, one from each decade.


I'm still chugging along with Solar Struggle (2022) and Plutonia 2 (2008). But also slowly making my way through Requiem (1997) and Eviternity (2018).

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Back in playing Lasting Light mod again. Testing the most recent map I created to see if I can survive it in Hard difficulty with jump, crouch, stamina and fuel all disabled.

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Just finished Lost Civilisation. Epic scale of the maps and some beautiful vistas every now and then. Also lovely gameplay that only sometimes borders on slaughtery:>

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I was looking at Eternal's DoomWiki page and spotted a WAD from 2018 I had never heard of called Bloodspeed that he had contributed a map to. The page for the WAD said it was born from a speedmapping compilation in the Russian Doom community. After seeing all the names who contributed to this, I had to check it out. I'm about a third of the way through, and I'm really liking it! Some of these maps I don't think are actually speedmaps cause of their size (see the first two maps made by Dragon Hunter), but they've all been pretty good so far! I'm kinda surprised this didn't even get a runner-up Cacoward or anything, since so far this is pretty quality. Maybe it just flew under the radar? Or maybe the other 2/3s of the WAD I haven't gotten to aren't that good?

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Finished Bloodspeed. Really enjoyed it overall. There were a few ok maps in there, but for the most part it was good. And it turned out I had played it before. One of the winter maps looked a little familiar, so I wasn't sure, but then I got to Stormcatcher's MAP29 and recognized it almost immediately. Oops. I'm not sure what that says about the rest of the WAD if it took until the penultimate level for me to recognize a map. It's a good map tho. 

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just finished cocktails rc1, then did some more autophagy with CC. also have other wads in various stages of completion.

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I recently finished episode 3 of Ultimate Doom, and had to jump from Ultra Violence to Hurt Me Plenty for episode 4. I've finished doom 2 on Hurt Me Plenty. The difficulty of E4M1 & E4M2 on UV was way too much for me. I even had to savescum my way through them on HMP. The episode tones down the difficulty after that, thankfully.

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On 7/30/2023 at 12:21 AM, ConMan3222 said:

As of now (07/29/2023), I am playing through Community Chest 4 (CC4) (2012)

And how is it? I am currently playing Abyss, but I am close to finish, so starting looking for the next one

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from recent forays: 

. Scorn is excellent. Interconnected, brief, just right in terms of challenge on UV for me, I had tremendous fun. This is an inspiring mapset in many ways.
. thoughts.wad I also enjoyed however I couldn't save her. 
. Anomaly Report solid as fuck oldschool nostalgia, clarified layouts and none of the '95 headaches, I've never played a Valkiriforce set where fun wasn't first priority. 
. Alien Vendetta w/ midi and frills, all smooth sailing until hillside siege as in the past, I almost had enough ammo to kill everything this time! Around map10 now, I always loved what I've experienced from this mapset and I still do, the new midis really help. I think I might try to finish this one up completely this time (usually attention wanders off around 15-16)
. Icarus: Alien Vanguard, in the same nostalgic mindset I thought I might as well try to learn all the maps here, know the secrets, perhaps I'll do a speedy thing with this eventually, however there's an obtuse teleporter yellow key in a box setup in an early map I couldn't figure out in 2023, so I noclipped through that and broke the whole illusion. Humans are a series of moods, I'll return to this later when I am not in this one.
. DBP59: Zeppelin Armada, fun, fairly easy, lots of pretty sights, solid combat and doom machinery to inspire. Quite liked the whole thing
. Cocktails, fuckin' loved Cocktails played it on the wrong complevel and then went right back in and played it all at the right complevel again. Intentional doom encounters that telegraph enough forewarning and then the encounters develop and change. Taxing and stressful but not really in the 'gotta be a doomgod' category, at least w/ saves. Much like thoughts.wad there are a few maps here that called to me for replay.
. Autophagy, blasted through this continuous, it was such a good flow of a map set, every map is kind of short but the point was clear. This by itself is such a virtue for a map set that just keeps going like this one. I found a picture of a cute dog, I killed everything, I left with positive feelings but dark thoughts, good combo.

I'm currently looking at: more Alien Vendetta, Icarus, and then Elyzium's Curse, taking another look at one of my favourites, Delirium.was as it's gotten an update, mudman.wad, Sekhemti, and some private playtesting

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So I'm reading the 25 years of doom - Roots series, and bookmarking every WAD mentioned. Got to when they mentioned Putrefier, and it got my attention enough to want to play a little bit at the end of my lunch break. 


holy hell

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  • 4 weeks later...

MAYhem 2018 - Orange Edition!


I expected to like this a lot more than I actually end up doing. Some of these maps are simply too mean, even by MAYhem standards. Some of the custom monsters also barely emit any sound, which can end up quite annoying. I'll see it through, but moreso out of stubbornness than anything else. I hope that the purple edition is gonna be a little less suffocating in difficulty, once I get to that one.

Edited by DrRock
little text improvement

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