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Playing through Scythe2 for the first time. Just reached map 24.
Absolutely fantastic wad. Erik is a genius Doom megawad maker, who gets Doom. I have yet to make it through many of the other famous megawads, but if they are 1/2 as good as this, I will be very happy.

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  BilboHicks said:

Playing through Scythe2 for the first time. Just reached map 24.
Absolutely fantastic wad. Erik is a genius Doom megawad maker, who gets Doom. I have yet to make it through many of the other famous megawads, but if they are 1/2 as good as this, I will be very happy.


Yes, you're right :)
MAP24? It was the last level that I've seen without cheating. :D

  omegamer said:

I played UDoom Episode 1 and 2 at least.
3 and 4 are shit!!! (in my opinion)


Well... Ep4 maybe, but don't say bad things about Ep3! Regular episode (it means original Doom contains that) and it's the inner core of hellspawns! how to be that shit?

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  Katamori said:

Yes, you're right :)
MAP24? It was the last level that I've seen without cheating. :D


I've been playing with ScoreDoom, and the nuke alt-fire came in handy in the canyon you get ambushed in at the end. Still it was very intense and a challenge to complete the map.

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I'm playing Scythe map11 (yes, it's very cool and not so easy) and trying to make a speedrun route for this.
P. S. I'm just like this map very much :)
(I'm making a Nomo speedrun of all 30 levels, I'm at this map yet)

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Just finally finished Whispers of Satan with scoredoom with the add-on pack in Hardcore and No-Infighting mode.

...after that, I'll probably be finishing up Hell Revealed once again.

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Perdition's gate is really good. There are some small levels but they're still fun. The first secret map is one of the best secret levels I've played.

I'm on map08 of Plutonia 2, might start SUDTIC soon.


3 and 4 are shit!!!



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  Marcaek said:

Perdition's gate is really good. There are some small levels but they're still fun. The first secret map is one of the best secret levels I've played.


Agreed, and while I wasn't too impressed with the beginning of MAP32, the ending had a really cool idea.

So far I think MAP15 of Hell to Pay is my favorite, just for the concept of the second half.

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  Megamur said:

Perdition's Gate. Up to Level 13 now, I believe. Boy, some of these levels are really small.


Yeah, it kind bothered me at first, but it makes the more difficult maps much more palatable. I like a lot of the gimmicks/ideas that the Mustaines and the H2P crew put in. The end to MAP18 definitely stands out in my mind.

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Right now, I'm tearing through Speed of Doom on Scoredoom with the add-on pack and No-Infighting mode. So far, I'm all the way up to map19 (I knocked both secret levels out of the way)

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Up to map25 on my Speed of Doom Scoredoom run. Something tells me map28 and Map30 are gonna be fun, and I've been dying quite a lot of course. (Map21 was painful because of the whole pistol start thing.)

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Boy, you all weren't kidding about the secret levels of Perdition's Gate. So warped and weird that DOOM 64's "In the Void" looks like a casual stroll through suburbia by compare. Wow.

Up to Level 21 now, I think. Barring the Casali Brothers suddenly appearing out of nowhere, this shouldn't take long.

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  Marcaek said:

Perdition's gate is really good. There are some small levels but they're still fun. The first secret map is one of the best secret levels I've played.


However, as I remembered, the cyberdemon room was very, very, very glitchful. There was a lot of HOM effects so my work was hard. (a bit like WOW.WAD omg :O)

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I more or less finished my Scoredoom Speed of Doom run (I had to beat Map30 without the add-on pack, as with the add-on pack, the lag was just too much. Not to mention I skipped map29 as map28 was crapping out my framerate)

I would be able to take on that map and map30 if only I had at least something to run with GZScoredoom to reduce the lag when it comes to big maps like that even without the add-on pack. (Map30 was not too laggy without the add-on pack)

I'm not sure if I would want to take on Sunder next, seeing that the highest monster count I found so far was on the order of 5000-something.

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Kama Sutra Doom. I love these realistic feeling maps, though I'm not keen on some of the solutions in connection with texture alignment and "edge da floor with a friggin' texture" (though it still has more bearable solutions than most of the Wads).

My favourite realism is the high metropolis can be seen from the top of a building in MAP13. I'm also fond of MAP29.

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Currently on the last level of UTnT (again) and CIF3's ZDoom.org level (second no-cheat run). Yeah, I'm a GZDoom whore.

Also replaying Deus Vult before I finally start on the second one.

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