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23 hours ago, Agent6 said:


You have confused the topics though mate. This topic is related to Doom, this is the one for other video games:



LMAO, sorry, i should have checked that out before writing, thanks.

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To get things back on track, I've been playing through Moonblood again. Man, that set's still great. Except for E2M3; that one's got a couple of very annoying traps that bring the rest of the map down with it. It also apparently has a bug where the red skull door isn't actually set to the red key, so you can just walk on in, but I'll gladly take that bug if it speeds up the rest of the map :P

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Gonna start a playthrough of Doom: Threshold of Pain, Doom: Threshold of Pain 2 Episodes 1 and 2 ( @scalliano still waiting patiently for the full release of TOP2 ;V <3), and Kaiser's Console Doom megawad with the Doomzone mod, playing as the Mercenary class.


@galileo31dos01 Community Chest 2 is a lot more cohesive than the first Community Chest. Highly recommended.

Edited by Nems

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@Nems It's an improvement without doubts. There hasn't been a truly "bad" map yet, besides a bunch of weaker entries, but that's expected. If one level stands out is "The Mucus Flow", finally went through the pioneer (maybe?) of the "mint chocolate" design style that I've seen in Speed of Doom and other later releases. Wish I had more patience to build a route, as it obviously was designed for, but thanks to some guidance, it flowed more pleasant once I could put everything in its place. That however doesn't excuse the sheer amount of pain elementals which represented maximum annoyance given how meager supplies were (in spite of not pistol starting each map, it's still a personal choice to acknowledge the mapper's intention and follow it as much as possible). 

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I have a lot of nostalgia for the CCP's, I think they got continually better with CCP3 probably being my favorite. CCP4 is probably the best and most coherent, though with all the new textures it almost feels like a different project name would have been more fitting.


I'd love to see another Japanese Community Project since I beat that one last weekend. Definitely had some hit or miss maps but it was a fun weekend romp.

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57 minutes ago, Xeogred said:

I'd love to see another Japanese Community Project since I beat that one last weekend. Definitely had some hit or miss maps but it was a fun weekend romp.


If you're specially interested in community projects from specific countries, check Tangerine Nightmare and/or 3 Heures d'Agonie series from the French community, all of the Russian mapsets like Heroes' Tales, Da Will, Whitemare, etc, and there's one by Czech people called Zones of Fear that I haven't tried yet. Or else, Newdoom CP is a decent choice that should keep you busy for a while, though I don't know the nationality of that one. 

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1 hour ago, galileo31dos01 said:


If you're specially interested in community projects from specific countries, check Tangerine Nightmare and/or 3 Heures d'Agonie series from the French community, all of the Russian mapsets like Heroes' Tales, Da Will, Whitemare, etc, and there's one by Czech people called Zones of Fear that I haven't tried yet. Or else, Newdoom CP is a decent choice that should keep you busy for a while, though I don't know the nationality of that one. 

Nice! I think there's two Newdoom's? Been curious about those, but I didn't know about the others.


Sometimes it's fun to have a really varied megawad and have no idea what to expect between the maps. For better or worse!

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3 minutes ago, galileo31dos01 said:

Going to be playing Wonderful Doom (no, it's not a mod) with crispy and joy, this claims to be a little different from plain ol' Doom, and I hope it's more than that. 


It's basically Ultimate Doom REMIXED. I liked how the levels are basically the same as the IWAD's, but the rearranging makes for some fun surprises. I really enjoyed it, anyway.

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Been playing Speed of Doom. I'm at map 24 and it's been great so far (except for map 32, I wasn't a fan of that one)

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Currently playing through UAC Ultra and Unholy Realms using the Doomzone mod, playing as the Heavy class.

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Currently playing through Doom 64 for Doom II.
There's a lot to like in this set, and it seems faithful to the memories I have from the Doom 64 : Absolution TC back then (never played the real thing).

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About to start Hordes of Chaos X, a megawad for Heretic to be played in zdoom ports, and I'll use GZDoom for the first time ever. I've been on the lookout for this wad for a long time, based on commentary, it is portrayed as the hard Heretic slaughterwad. I gave it a quick try to see what was about, indeed it gets in the genre territory but more like past interpretations of "hard" gameplay, which aren't the same conceptions of nowadays slaughter. Or in other words, looks like it's going to be the Hell Revealed of Heretic, so a lot is going to be plain grindy. A particularity is that includes selections of the Hexen and Doom bestiary (minus hitscanners). Hopefully it'll be interesting, with a special decorate of mine to boost the stock Heretic minions. I might regret to use it, or not (;

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Gonna do a triple feature this time. Valiant: Vaccinated Edition, ZPack, and Whispers of Satan with the Doomzone mod, playing as the UAC Elite class (essentially the Doomguy class of the mod but a kind of amalgamation of each Doomguy variant, from the classic and N64 versions to even the Doom 3 and Doom 2016 versions).

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On 28 August 2018 at 1:11 AM, galileo31dos01 said:

Or else, Newdoom CP is a decent choice that should keep you busy for a while, though I don't know the nationality of that one. 

Late, but Newdoom wasn't a nationally specific forum, it became something of a rival site to Doomworld because the admin was a nutjob who started banning people who had any association with DW. The place was a tomb for several years and went offline completely 3 years ago.

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Lately I've been playing REKKR, and also The Golden Souls 2 sort of on the side. I just recently finished the first episode of REKKR, and that wad turned out to be a lot better than I initially expected. As for TGS2 I played the first few levels, but I still have yet to really get into it. I enjoyed the hell out of the first one though.

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Decided yesterday to stop with Hordes of Chaos X for a while, I don't want it to consume my time and energy for nothing anymore. So I went back to Doom and found Dark Resolution 2008 in my list. Tested a little bit of the later maps to see if UV is a wise choice, and I think I want to go through it on UV even if I die a lot. Hopefully, it'll be actually fun and challenging/rewarding.

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Going throught Avactor. Some massive levels here, so I can only play one per day :P


Mas 4 was my last one and my favorite so far. Loving the aesthetics and the sprite replacements. Monster placement isn't much my taste , sometimes being quite annoying, but on other hand there's a lot of nice and clever usage here too.

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I've been playing Doom PSX lately, the legit release on Playstation and it finally clicked with me. I don't really have any nostalgia from playing this at any point back in the day but wow, it really evokes the feeling of playing Doom back in the mid 90's. The gamepad controls are chunky but still ideal and workable, the aspect ratio is slightly off but in a charming way, the low resolution, pixelated grit, and fuzzy images in the distance give it such an awesome vibe. I also love the Doom 64 styled music and sounds, so I don't have an issue with that.


I'm about done with the first 30 maps, so it was interesting to see the Doom maps arranged, what was cut, some of the new Jaguar exclusives, etc. I actually didn't expect Episode 4 maps to be in this so that was a nice surprise.


Excited to see how Doom 2 is and I'll also checkout Final Doom PSX.

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OH NO NOT a double post


Gonna try to play through KDIZD with Doomzone, see how far I get. If that doesn't pan out, then I'm gonna try Doom 64 for Doom II with Doomzone. For sure I'll be playing Vile Flesh with Doomzone and I'll be trying them all with the Samurai class.

Edited by Nems
KDIZD didn't last long lmao; neither did Doom 64 for Doom 2 lmfao

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On my way to play Mars War with crispy, a very old megawad with its own custom music. Dark Resolution 2008 was at times great and at times weird, recommendable to SSG lovers. A shame that the BFG is nonexistent in spite of its shape in the status bar, which made me think there was going to be a BFG bonanza sometime. Actually there is one in a secret, but the method is convoluted and requires automap usage, not that it's any useful by the time you can find it.

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2 hours ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:


Just to see what slaughter actually is, apparently.

I'm not liking what I see so far, though MAP05 was my favorite of the ones I've played, even how annoying it was with the pain elementals.


Good to see I'm not the only one who found the PEs in that map to be incredibly frustrating.


Also, who the hell though placing obscene amounts of shotgun shells and barely any other type of ammo was fun lol. I personally wouldn't recommend Sunder as your first stop however, I had lots of fun with Combat Shock 2, you should try that out instead.


By the way, how did you do on MAP02? I had to lure the Revenants out from their room at the end in order to escape, all I had left was, you guessed it, shotgun ammo.

Edited by Agent6

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OH NO NOT another double post (yes I'm playing through a lot of these megaWADs pretty quick)


Playing through Doom 64 for Doom 2 using Zagemod.

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