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doom is really becoming unenjoyable online

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My only bad experience in multiplayer is when I can't find any co-op servers that DON'T have those shitty weapon mods. If I wanted to play Call of Duty, I'd go play Battlefield: Bad Company.

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myk said:

Seriously... you're complaining people destroy you with their SSG aiming skills and they are the noobs? Heh.

He has not mastered the art of the delayed, predictive SSG shot yet ;-)

I mean the one where you shoot your SSG into THIN AIR, and after 2 seconds, someone passes there and dies for no apparent reason. 4 DIGIT PING H4XXXXX!!!

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Bucket said:

My only bad experience in multiplayer is when I can't find any co-op servers that DON'T have those shitty weapon mods. If I wanted to play Call of Duty, I'd go play Battlefield: Bad Company.

that is hilarious.

I have to agree, I'm not going to play doom anymore if CoD kids get interested in it.

The experience will become dead, and I'd fall back to wolfenstein3d.

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The ultimate irony about this is that 90% of the "CoD kids" I know are more mature than you are. Please do us all a favor and quit whining about it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Please.

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Xaser said:

The ultimate irony about this is that 90% of the "CoD kids" I know are more mature than you are. Please do us all a favor and quit whining about it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Please.

he said something about CoD, and I quoted it.

It was on subject.

Was your comment on subject? Did it have anything to do with his post or this thread?

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Bucket said:

My only bad experience in multiplayer is when I can't find any co-op servers that DON'T have those shitty weapon mods.

Yeah, I remember how they ruined Invasion Uac :(

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yellowmadness54 said:

he said something about CoD, and I quoted it.

It was on subject.

Was your comment on subject? Did it have anything to do with his post or this thread?

Yes, because Xaser was replying to your comment about your CoD-playing friend, which is on topic because your comment was on topic. Incidentally, my post about Xaser's post about your post about your CoD-playing friend is also on-topic.

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Yellowmadness makes me look like a modern gamer by comparison. And I only bought a next-gen console to play Mega Man 9.

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Maes said:

I put the line of doing anything competititively for real when actual prizes, monetary or otherwise (including official recognition), are involved, within a controlled environment with leagues and enforced rules and referees.

Online playing is as competitive as an improvised football match or a street fight: sure, it can be challenging, it can be pretty damn hard and you can make a name for yourself by being pretty damn good at it (moreso than the occasional player/partaker), but you're not actually a competitive player. And just like street fights or improvised football games, you cannot count on guaranteed rules or even elementary fair play and sportsmanship: figuratively speaking, you may go in there looking for a fair, straight fight, and all you'll get will be a bottle getting smashed on the back of your head, or some switchblade lodged between your ribs when you least expect it. Even at the highest levels of the so-called "internet leagues".

Compare e.g. a Karate competition at the Olympic games: you salute, fight, land one hit, the referee yells "point", you salute again, and that was the match. Boring? Maybe, but that's what "competitive" means in the real world.

Wow, bitter much?

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DoomUK said:

was that worth the bump at all?

Its time to let this thread die down.

And that quote isnt very good, either. I've never been repeatedly vote kicked by a ban evader, blown of edges by some faggot, etc etc until playing zdaemon. I stick to skulltag now.

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Idea! If that doesnt work, you could try Quake! Or wait, if you're not too connected with id.. Oh my! Great idea - Any FPS or 3rd person on the market.. Why you must ask? Because! They all have multiplayer that could allow yourself adjust to the gameplay and features.. Woah, I know blows my mind as well. Not much will be done by coming here and complaining about it, we get the points but very little will be changed. Make your own server maybe and if no one joins? Well then move on, buddy.

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Solarn said:

Wow, bitter much?

Just facts, bitter or sweet as they may be.

Exactly where do you disagree?

The fact is, especially if you come from a REAL competitive sporting background, including chess, that you come to expect a certain degree of sportmaship and fair play conduct from your opponent, that simply doesn't exist in online play, unless you cherry pick your opponents (hence, why clans are formed). Do you disagree?

One of the very first things they teach you in ANY sport, is respecting your opponent whether you win or lose. E.g. at the chess club we were taught not to taunt or insult an opponent after defeating him, nor to be bitter and spiteful after being defeated. This kind of respect goes both ways. Do you disagree?

For the same reason, martial arts and other sports such as tennis also insist on properly saluting your opponent, even if they are individual, highly "versus" sports. Any "bitch making" or "pwning" stays in the ring, court, or chessboard as it may be. Do you disagree?

A certain degree of laxness to that rule may be found in football and soccer clubs, where a coach may choose to tolerate a degree of bullying, boasting, taunting, open insults, cocky arrogance etc. from members of his team in order to boost morale etc. but there's a good reason why you don't see this e.g. in National League soccer. Do you disagree?

But in an online game you can have no reasonable expectation for any of this, pretty much like in a schoolyard or street game or fight, and even trying to appeal to obvious rules or reasonable conduct will be fruitless. Do you disagree?

That's yet another reason why real competitive "cyberathletes" only compete in controlled tournaments (where rules and sportsmanship are enforces) and outside these tournaments, they only play/train within closely-knit "clan" servers, pretty much like e.g. a first-class athlete would train only in an olympic-class gym or his team's stadium, and not in a seedy gym or gang-ridden ghetto basketball court. Do you disagree?

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Radon said:

Idea! If that doesnt work, you could try Quake! Or wait, if you're not too connected with id.. Oh my! Great idea - Any FPS or 3rd person on the market.. Why you must ask? Because! They all have multiplayer that could allow yourself adjust to the gameplay and features.. Woah, I know blows my mind as well. Not much will be done by coming here and complaining about it, we get the points but very little will be changed. Make your own server maybe and if no one joins? Well then move on, buddy.

dont be getting cocky with me, jackass.

Its the doom forums. It use to be enjoyable and now others are messing it up. Why should it not be posted here?

Its relevant entirely and is something rather important for us who do play it online.

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I use Zdaemon for most of my online fixes and I come upon(heh) dumbasses frequently.

Doom is a game that really only appeals to the enthusiasts, so finding idiots would find of XBox live seems odd.

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Marcaek said:

I play online frequently. Idiots don't bother me and honestly, I don't run into too many anyway.

That. It's the only mentality that works, online, other than being the idiots yourself. Both turning oneself into a whiner or a paladin of online sportsmanship doesn't help.

And once again I can't help but find a similar analogy between official league sports and improvised, street-level challenges, in terms of the required player mentality. If you receive a foul in an A-league game you can complain to the referee. If your opponent in an illegal street drag or a three-card monte cons you....well, you gotta suck it down and move on, or be more of an asshole and beat the shit out of him outside the game.

The latter point also explains why many "competitive" online players typically have a trollish/cocky attitude that extends well beyond the game, and carries into IRC, forums: their gaming "might" must form a continuum with their bragging and flaming abilities vs their opponents everywhere. I'll be bold and say that "pwning" one's opponents verbally. inside as well as outside the game, is almost more important than someone's actual performance in the game.

I've seen players safekeeping undefeatability reputations purely on careful staging, planned challenge avoidance, and aimed flaming/trolling, so at least for me that's also part of the "winner's mentality", at least for online gaming.

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Maes said:

The latter point also explains why many "competitive" online players typically have a trollish/cocky attitude that extends well beyond the game, and carries into IRC, forums: their gaming "might" must form a continuum with their bragging and flaming abilities vs their opponents everywhere. I'll be bold and say that "pwning" one's opponents verbally. inside as well as outside the game, is almost more important than someone's actual performance in the game.

partially true, but the real top tier players usually don't get involved in petiness. it's the average wannabes, hasbeens that don't realize the world turned and most importantly stupid kids that are the loudest. good players usually know what they are going into and trash talking is used to hype the game. aftermatch bragging is generally frowned upon as distasteful and unsportsmanlike.

I've seen players safekeeping undefeatability reputations purely on careful staging, planned challenge avoidance, and aimed flaming/trolling, so at least for me that's also part of the "winner's mentality", at least for online gaming.

just to counter your karate example... you just described prize fighting. pro boxing is guilty of every single point you made - unlike amateur olympic boxing, haha.

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Well yeah, when prizes/money/advertising is involved, rigged games and staged events do occur even in pro sports (even though, officially, they are frowned upon by federations, if they happen to be discovered). But we're entering sport politics here, which is yet another can of worms. The politics of online gaming are mostly characterized by the subtleness of schoolyard bullying, at best.

In most sports athletes become very easily the object of gossip and moral criticism because they're supposed to be role models that excel in everything and are well-behaved inside as well as outside the playfield, so e.g. a promiscuous or abrasive mainstream football player may find himself catching flak. For a heavyweight champion boxer or a heavy American Football attacker, some "bad attitude" may be tolerated due to the violent nature of those sport, but even then there are limits
beyond which they are simply given to the yellow press to devour.

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yellowmadness54 said:

sounds like the average griefer on doom.

And what do you mean 4Chan level stuff?

"Yo dawg, I herd you like old catchphrases so I put a catchphrase in your catchphrase so you can annoy people while you annoy people!"

"In Soviet Russia, catches phrase you!"

"Can I has ketchfraiz?"

I assume he's talking about annoying catchphrases like the above that start out in 4chan and spread all over the internet, being gradually overused and run into the ground to the point where people groan at the first sight of them.

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I get off work at 10 and cant play till midnight and whos on Mr Mom this has to stop he corners me then kicks me Im done with doom online he stalks you around and kicks you it just not fun anymore and the only time I can play is after midnight and hes always on I hate bein kicked for no reason yellowmaddness your right doom is no longer fun online

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boooooooo_who said:

I get off work at 10 and cant play till midnight and whos on Mr Mom this has to stop he corners me then kicks me Im done with doom online he stalks you around and kicks you it just not fun anymore and the only time I can play is after midnight and hes always on I hate bein kicked for no reason yellowmaddness your right doom is no longer fun online

This "MR Mom" sounds like a stupid poopy head!


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That post started a contest between my eyes and my brain to see who could bleed the most.

Anyways, it's not completely terrible, atleast the competitive gametypes aren't.. I just find myself in a position where I'm better than the newbies, but way worse than everyone else, so finding a suitable competitive player for me is a bit of a challenge. In the case of the 'everyone else', usually end up with a humiliating, demoralizing defeat, which in large doses, drains the fun from the game. On the occasion that I end up with a mid-level player, I actually have quite a bit of fun.

I'd like to point out at this time, I've began running into poor-sported clan members more recently, especially in CTF (which is normally fun). I won't name names, but I've been sided with clan members who decided to dick around rather than actually play. Then I see them in private servers, which is kinda odd, since I thought the reason of private servers was to keep those kind of people out. Depressing, but there's not a whole lot to be done about it.

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Duels only fun with an evenly matched game or a winning game? Playing the hardest players I find the most fun. You will learn their strategies and force you to play around them.
Dont count a 5-50 as a terrible defeat, take it as a benchmark. Keep raising that benchmark with the same player. Eventually scoring 10/15-50 against the same player should be thought of as a accomplishment.
Will take a long time to get to the point of beating that player, but the practice will help you come out on top of other players.

Playing against lower skilled players mostly helps with aim and movement practice and a bit of strategy. Playing higher skilled players will make you good.

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^agree completely.

Regarding Mr Mom, he's terrible so besides votekicking he's harmless. If you do get votekicked by him, consider that playing 1on1 with him isn't entertaining anyway, and go to a different server or rejoin when more people show up. AFAIK kicks only last about 10 minutes.

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Get over it, online Doom is not any worse than any other "competitive" game where there is a FFA element, and where fast pacedness, particular map-specific tricks and anonymity allows egregious assholes and griefers to "shine".

Like an acquired taste, you need to pick up some of that mentality yourself before you really start to enjoy the game, for what it's worth.

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Hey, be happy you at least find players. I can rarely find a skulltag server with people on it that isn't easymode invasion or 4chan zone(a.k.a. that GrandVoid zombie survival server).

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