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Ignorance is Bliss?


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But the serpent said to the woman: "You certainly will not die! No, God knows well that the moment you eat of [the tree] your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods who know what is good and what is bad." The woman saw that the tree was good for food, pleasing to the eyes, and desirable for gaining wisdom. So she took some of the fruit and at it; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves. ~ Gen 3: 4-7


Which is better: To be uneducated and ignorant, and be happy and satisfied; or to have knowledge and a clear view of the world around you, and be depressed by it? If you had to choose between knowledge and happiness, which would you take? Do you think you'd be happier if you didn't know as much as you do?

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heh do you want to be doomboy or shadyxmr?



Sometimes I wish that I just didn't possess the ability to think. Period. Of course there are a sizable amount of you that already believe this to be the case...

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i wish i was something non-living, like a raindrop or a rock or something. all the time. but im not, so bäh.

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Which is better: To be uneducated and ignorant, and be happy and satisfied; or to have knowledge and a clear view of the world around you, and be depressed by it?



I'm frustrated and depressed when I DON'T know things. Figuring them out makes me happy.

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Lemme put it this way: There are certain things I could do better without knowing about, but if I didn't know certain other things, my life would be pretty miserable.
Besides, being uneducated means that you can't get a decent job, so that would definitely make you unhappy if you ask me.

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I wish i were a dildo


Third best post ever.

And before you even ask...


if you want to talk to me about getting through depression, email me at jxt@Misery.co.uk


Jayextee in close second


Fredrik is a god. i love his long swedish penis


Ralphis still there at one.

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Uh, I'd probably be a bird. Sounds kinda ghey I know, but I'd love to swoop and fly and stuff. Other than that I'd like to be invisible, or be able to freexe time so I can figure out just how big that girl in my seminar's tits really are, and if she's padding them out, or be able to remove evryone from the planet except me for a limited time and see what happens.

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i think it would suck being an animal.

kinda like nothing in between the ears, just making noises, eating, drinking, pissing, shitting, and sleeping. Hey! that's pretty much what people do too!

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i think it would suck being an animal.

kinda like nothing in between the ears, just making noises, eating, drinking, pissing, shitting, and sleeping. Hey! that's pretty much what people do too!


The worst thing about being an animal would be that you're always hunted by a larger animal (incl. humans in some cases).

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i wish i was something non-living, like a raindrop or a rock or something. all the time. but im not, so bäh.


Heh, you need my title then.

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hey, i think i conceal my stupidity very well

i dont like being human, though. too much work and no time for yourself.

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Which is better: To be uneducated and ignorant, and be happy and satisfied; or to have knowledge and a clear view of the world around you, and be depressed by it? If you had to choose between knowledge and happiness, which would you take? Do you think you'd be happier if you didn't know as much as you do?


i'm kinda in between, i just smart enough to know that i'm stupid. :(

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hey, i think i conceal my stupidity very well


Saying you wish you weren't human (the highest life form on Earth no less) is not a good way to conceal stupidity.


i dont like being human, though. too much work and no time for yourself.


You don't necesarrily have to work. You could just be a hermit and have all the time you want for yourself.

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Saying you wish you weren't human (the highest life form on Earth no less) is not a good way to conceal stupidity.


The highest life form on earth is a giraffe.

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Having a large mind is great. Unfortunately, you get to see how stupid most people are and wish you could just wipe them all out or something. You know, if I were ever reincanated, I'd be a lesbian.

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Saying you wish you weren't human (the highest life form on Earth no less).


Human = highest form on Earth????????????????????????++
Ohdearohdearohdear, this is so fuckin' hilarious!

WHY do you think humanity is the highest form of animal?
I mean the stuff we're best at is destruction and that doesn't make us particularly great.
Dolphins don't wage war on each other, they only defend themselves against sharks n' stuff, for instance - they might be the real highest form on Earth.

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WHY do you think humanity is the highest form of animal?


He said highest live form, not highest form of animal. There is a difference. If you think you belong in the hierarchy of the animal kingdom, I got a spot for you at the ZOO. No wars, but no beer either for you. Yet food for live as long as you make the 'dumb' humans laugh with your tricks.

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The reason why I thought "highest animal form" is that humans ARE animals.
I mean, we're mammals with the very special ability to imagine and turn our imaginations into real things.

Just because we have a more advanced brain and know how to build huge structures which don't look natural doesn't mean that we aren't animals.
I know that most people make the difference between "humans and animals" but that's really not fair because we're just about as much animal as cats and dogs etc.

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Yeah, not too far from it.
/Me climbs tree

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Saying you wish you weren't human (the highest life form on Earth no less) is not a good way to conceal stupidity.


bollocks! MICE are the highest life form on earth. it goes: Mice, then Dolphins, then Humans. Geez... everybody knows that!!

I... I feel this strange urge to say that somthing cannot be concealed... but can't quite rember what... Hmmm...

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'You know, said Arthur, 'it's at times like this, when I'm trapped in a Vogon airlock with a man from Betelgeuse, and about to die of asphyxiation in deep space, that I really wish I'd listened to what my mother told me when I was young.'
'Why, what did she tell you?'
'I don't know, I didn't listen.'


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I know that most people make the difference between "humans and animals" but that's really not fair because we're just about as much animal as cats and dogs etc.


Can't argue with that. I am one of those who think there is a major difference between animals and humans. One being, we able to think way beyond instincts. Basic instincts like food, shelter and sex. Once those are satisfied, we go beyond. Looking at my cat, I can’t imagine that she is going into this forum to kill time.

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