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What's in YOUR wallet?

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Driver's liscense, army ID, school ID/chow card, credit card, two debit cards, three phone cards, four "store club" cards, work timecard, insurance cards, eleven dollars cash and too damn many receipts.

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Driver's liscense, army ID, school ID/chow card, credit card, two debit cards, three phone cards, four "store club" cards, work timecard, insurance cards, eleven dollars cash and too damn many receipts.

how can you even sit?

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I don't keep condoms in my wallet. I heard that they tend to degrade if you do that. A faulty rubber is a Bad Thing.

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I don't keep condoms in my wallet. I heard that they tend to degrade if you do that. A faulty rubber is a Bad Thing.


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Army ID

Wait a minute...you mean to say that you're in the Army AND you attend UTD? Is it an ROTC thing or something?

Speaking fo UTD, I wonder if you and I will ever meet if I go there....

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Wait a minute...you mean to say that you're in the Army AND you attend UTD? Is it an ROTC thing or something?

No, actually my dad's retired from the army. I'm considered a "dependant" until I graduate.

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Ok, let's do it, it could use a clean-out...

NUS student's card, Univeristy Identity/door card, Debit card, Bus saver pass (fucking no longer valid on my route those BASRADS), Driver's License

More receipts than you could throw a stick at

four 20p pieces
three 10p pieces
two 5p pieces
eight 1p pieces

and that's it

I have to ditch this spare change...

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I'll say what's in my wallet once people pay me back, cause now it's looking kinda shy.

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I'm considered a "dependent" until I graduate.

Oh, yeah, I got that too, but my dad was in the Air Force.

BTW, in case anyone hasn't noticed, the title of this poll is a ripoff of the CapitalOne TV ad slogan.

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you arent supposed to put condoms in wallets according to 10th grade sex ed, it like breaks away at them and such

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Let's see...right now, about 37 bucks and some change, to last me through the next couple of weeks food-wise...a few pictures of friends, the ex, etc...no credit cards (yet), no driver's license (yet), no condoms, although I think I have a few of those in the bottom of my backpack...but they're probably broken by now.

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"What's in YOUR wallet?"

Well, not my Dad's phone number...I found that out the hard way on Friday. But I do have:

-$27...1 twenty, 1 fiver, two ones
-A check for my senior yearbook that I was supposed to turn in several months ago
-A UFO liscence (novelty item....I think)
-A coupon for one free hour of LAN time at WotC
-A gift card for Warehouse Music (currently empty)
-A student I.D. with a crappy photo and no DOB (so it's worthless)
-A Hot Topic frequent buyers card with $80/$100 filled for 15% off any purchase.
-A Warehouse Music Used CD card with 4/10 CDs bought so I can get a free Used CD.
-A Washington State Youth Suicide Prevention Program emergency card
-A Kitsap Regional Library Card (probably obsolete)
-My Mom's Business Card (from the place where she got laid off)
-My Dad's business card (without his home #)
-My friend's 'Business' card, with his home #, ICQ #, AIM ID, and E-mail, along with some 8-bit theatre character.
-Dust bunnies

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you arent supposed to put condoms in wallets according to 10th grade sex ed, it like breaks away at them and such

I don't keep condoms in my wallet. I heard that they tend to degrade if you do that. A faulty rubber is a Bad Thing.


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* Katgut pulls out his wallet

$31.33 ($20, $10, four quarters, two dimes, two nickels, and three pennies);
my debit card;
Costco membership card;
Safeway Club Card;
expired learner's permit (never did me any damn good, anyway - I don't drive... but at least it's still good for ID);
local community college ID card;
Social Security card (what a joke);
and assorted receipts.


Eight pens: red, green, purple, and black Pilot Precise V5s, a blue Pilot Precise V7, and red, black, and blue Uniball Vision Micros (crap pens that claim to be 0.2mm, but write like 0.7mm).

So yeah, I'm set.

* Katgut ambles off towards the nearest DDR machine

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UPDATE: An extra £16.09 in wallet since last post.

And a slightly more dented current account :(

The fucking price of biscuits these days...
Still, my birthday Saturday. At least three people are getting me a present as well as a card, so it's all good...

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Even if they're in the individual package. Really.

I was referring to whoever made the statment in the first quote. The "Durrrrr......." was towards him, meaning that he must not have seen your comment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, not my Dad's phone number...I found that out the hard way on Friday

Whose phone number was it in that case?

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Well, not my Dad's phone number...I found that out the hard way on Friday

Whose phone number was it in that case?

No one's! I thought I had written his phone number on the back of his business card.

Well, I have a lot less money in my wallet now...I bought coffee for my friends last night, I also bought some miniatures paint and Smashing Pumpkins - Melon Collie and the Infinate Sadness.

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I keep my wallet in the breast pocket of my leather jacket so it's not a sitting issue. I tend to collect business cards and receipts like a pack rat. I think I cleaned it recently, but let's have a look at what's in it right now.
[opens wallet and looks in]
*in order of appearance
-a debit card
-a credit card
-an IL driver's license
-SS card
-Dominick's Fresh Values Card (for savings on groceries)
-Wang's Chinese Buffet Dinner card (9/10 stamps before receiving a free dinner [used to be the official foodatorium following all-day-long forest adventures])
-Something that looks like it might be a flier for a band or musician named Johnny Moraco (it's got a scantily clad cartoon woman in leather with a wip which is probably why I have it)
-Best Buy Gift Card (about $1.30 left on it)
-John Hersey High School student ID for class of 2001 (gets me a discount at certain movie theaters that are lazy)
-a library card
-LoTR ticket stub
-business card for a used CD store called Music Recyclery
-Jewel-Osco Preferred Card (for savings on groceries)

and prying open the money flap reveals nothing but a ticket stub for Super Troopers (it was OK but definitely not worth my $8)

In the transparent sleeves we have:
-A collection of various phone numbers scribbled on torn pieaces of paper
-some abbreviated idea scribbled on a torn piece of a yellow post-it note (must be old cause I have no idea what it means)
-a number that must have some importance which I can't remember
-business card for Quad City Tattoo
-an official Aids Wallet Card (left over from an old inside joke that was started by Lüt)
-a vehicle insurance card
-an emergency identification card (with information that's 4 years old and totally inaccurate, meaning I've had the wallet for that long)

Well that's it. Congratulations to any who actually read all of that!

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i lost my wallet last year. possible causes of loss are the following:

dropped it on street
in my bedroom, somewhere

all the stuff (that i know their locations) that i own are:

about $140AU (saving up for plane ticket to see ralphis, and no, this is NOT a joke)
Student Library card, which has had no use whatsoever
Timezone (arcades) Power Card, which contains 15 cents

that's about it, really.

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