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Hmm, looks like sleepy_boy made a half-decent poll there (although I see that some people don't share that opinion).

I kinda like the shikadi.

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Tool quote of the week:

"But I'm still right here, giving blood and keeping faith. And I'm still right here."

Musicthoughts.com is such a bullshit website.

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If you have never played commander keen, you are WAY over your head.

you can check the eneimies Here under Encyclopeidia and then vote.

Shit, CK was the 2nd best series by Id.

By the way, I don't get my tool quotes from musicthoughts.com, I get them from Toolband.com

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By the way, I don't get my tool quotes from musicthoughts.com, I get them from Toolband.com

How about them "Maynard James Keenan quotes of the week"?

Hell, I don't really care, sounds like you got them from MusicThoughts, which has about 5 pages worth of MJK 'quotes' which are just line after line of lyrics from Tool songs.

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Hey, some people haven't tried Commander Keen because platform side-scrollers ain't their style, besides, CK is really a kiddie game, which just happened to be very addictive to children and adults alike.

Personally, I found the first CK game (the three first episodes) boring and way too hard for my tastes.

It had good enemies though.

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You ain't seen nothing till you play 4,5 and 6, DSM.

Hey, I HAVE played at least 4 and 5 - haven't tried 6 though :-(

I just pointed out that the first three episodes where boring imho, but I love 4 and 5 - they rock!

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