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Pronunciation no.4 !?!?!?


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I pronounce it 'Meu-see' but heck, English ain't my first language and besides, I pronounced Archvile 'artch-vile' before you stated that that pronounciation was retarded and that the only true pronounciation would be 'ark-vile' ;-)

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You know, 'mewse' is actually a rather cute name imo. It makes me think of a cute little kitten :-)

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Edit: Damn you, Crendowing. Maybe it's time I started reading the whole post before I reply, instead of replying to things one by one...

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Edit: Damn you, Crendowing. Maybe it's time I started reading the whole post before I reply, instead of replying to things one by one...

Jeez Archvile, get on the trolley.

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Edit: Damn you, Crendowing. Maybe it's time I started reading the whole post before I reply, instead of replying to things one by one...

Jeez Archvile, get on the trolley.

mmh, I prefer the bus myself.

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