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When do YOU use a Tome of Power?


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in heretic 2, i only use it if im way over my head in bad guys and i cant fight all of them i ust turn it on then

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I like to use 'em a lot. There's no real point in saving them as far as I'm concerned, the boss levels almost always have one for you anyway.

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I wish Doom had a Tome of Power. Coolest powerup ever, way better than that lame Quad.

My sentiments exactly. Hmm...BFG + ToP = :)

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I wish Doom had a Tome of Power. Coolest powerup ever, way better than that lame Quad.

They're the same fucking thing...just in different games and a different look.

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I wish Doom had a Tome of Power. Coolest powerup ever, way better than that lame Quad.

They're the same fucking thing...just in different games and a different look.

Except that the Quad doesn't create all these cool effects :-)
I dunno about a ToP in Doom. It fits in a universe with magic, medeival weaponry, but it would seem lame in Doom's high-tech setting - Some magic item which makes your shotgun fire thrice the amount of pellets and your plasma gun spray plasma pulses in all directions, nah.
The Quad damage in Quake already seemed kinda lame.

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I wish Doom had a Tome of Power. Coolest powerup ever, way better than that lame Quad.

They're the same fucking thing...just in different games and a different look.

Except the Tome of Power uses cool new graphics and effects and the Quad just increases the damage of each shot. Yeah, no difference whatsoever.

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[sarcasm]Oooooooo....the ToP changes the graphics....boy I'm compressed! (as my dad would say)[/sarcasm]

Seriously, liking the ToP over the Quad Damage just because of the graphics the weapons give is like favoring Quake over DOOM because of the graphics. Shhesh, you people never cease to kill me.

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[sarcasm]Oooooooo....the ToP changes the graphics....boy I'm compressed! (as my dad would say)[/sarcasm]

It completely changes the way most of the weapons work as well.

Quad damage is cool I guess but the Tome is infinitely cooler.

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I like using em a lot, not cause I suck, but there's so friggin' many of em, why not use as many as you can? Generally, though, I use them where there's lots of annoying monsters just to make the level go faster.

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I don't know. Heretic is easy enough to be beaten on Skill 4 without using the Tome of Power even once. I guess the only times I use the ToP without feeling wasteful is in the boss levels, when saving artifacts becomes pointless anyway.

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And then it isn't the same thing as the quad damage - you employ different 'tactics' with a weapon which has been altered by the tome of power than when you used the weapon withouth the ToP.
With the Quad on the other hand, you use the excact same 'tactics' when the weapon is powered as when it's un-powered - you just kill things quicker.

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I use them all except one when I'm approaching the end of the level.

And Cren's acting like an idiot.

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And Cren's acting like an idiot.



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Oh so the fact that it changes the weapon graphics and modifies the behavior to make it even more devastating means nothing? HELLO, WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO WITH A FUCKING SHOOTEABLE WEAPON?

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A little away from the current discussion but not completely off topic: The Quad damage would be so much cooler if there were some sort of blue energy-like tracers when you fire a hit-scan weapon (sorta like the bubbles when you shoot underwater in Q3A) and generally some blue sparks around the area of impact.

If there was just some sort of graphical addition to the weapon effects.

If the Quad is in Quake IV, I hope that something like the above mentioned is added to it :-P

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I've another question about Heretic weapons: how does Corvus fire the staff weapons, or the Dragon's Claw?

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You press the fire button (ctrl by default)?

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I've another question about Heretic weapons: how does Corvus fire the staff weapons, or the Dragon's Claw?


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