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On 12/12/2023 at 10:31 PM, Dragonfly said:


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Off topic. I just got this on a message and can't stop laugh.




Edited by Aeddes666

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14 hours ago, Aeddes666 said:

It's hidden so as not to scare people.

You look like Michael Stipe.

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The night i bought my 1992 Audi 100 S... what a brilliant piece of mechanical engineering. The European spec of an Audi 5000 sold in Canada, imported to New York State, then 19 years later i got her from a used car lot on the north side of chicago for $1200, 1550 after tax title tags, new tyres and a tank o 93. plenty of problems with her but in the end she was a tank. made from philly to chicago and back again and only broke down once each way. First was me spinning out and cracking a sway bar, and on the return my alternator went. had to limp from Brookville, PA to Punxetawny with only reserve battery power, in the snow. Eventually got the generator rebuilt and made it back on the road. that was 10 years ago...


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already in my avatar but here you go


 i have a resting bitch face lol

 jesus those dark circles, calm down aging & insomnia 



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I'll be 43 soon. People keep saying I don't "look it". I sometimes wonder if they're just trying to be nice and make me feel good about myself but I would appreciate if they were just honest. I sometimes feel like I'm 1000 years although I don't drink anymore and I've cut down big time on smoking and I've always tried to have a balanced diet. I don't really eat meat, tinned tuna is about the only meat I have, and I very rarely eat takeaways or McDonalds or stuff like that



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Shitty month, so here's some matching pictures.



My hair is actually clean believe it or not, I need an industrial strength dandruff shampoo or something.

Edited by Lila Feuer

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4 hours ago, Bedingungsl.Grundeinkommen said:

What does this hand gesture mean?

Itanimulli Confirmed.

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Me- right, green shirt, and my friend- middle, pink vest, Heathen shirt, got to meet Heathen after their concert with Symphony X. Both bands were incredible and Symphony X said that they're going to work on a new album after their tour concludes.



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