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The Doomguy's helmet


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Okydokey, I've had a good look at the titlepic for ultimate Doom and I'm actually beginning to think that the Doomguy's helmet isn't so badly designed as some people claim.

So, let's see if everyone else than me thinks that it looks like shit.

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voted 2.the helmet fit with the Doom marine's suit.(both looks OK)but the game was in first person perspective so i did't care about it much.

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I really didn't care that much about it. I mean, like DarkTenshi, I really never paid too much attention to it because the game is first-person. But honestly, I don't have any major problems with it, except that it needs to be modernized slightly for the new game. The new helmet, as seen in the short clips, looks pretty good...

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IMHO, the helmet is just a decoration. He's not wearing it in the mug, so is he really wearing it?


I'm not sure I'd want to run around on one of mars' moons without a helmet.

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I don't mean to desecrate DOOM with this comment, but one of the few things that made sense to me in the novels was the mentioning of the "gravity zones" and the air dome that pressurized the bases.

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helmet doesn't really matter to me, the worst part about it is his haircut which is shown in the doom2 title pic, the style of his haircut looks just like an octopus laying on his head, it's totally different from what we have seen in Doom1, the flynn guy with a normal humane haircut, wonder what id was thinking back in that year

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Where's the "Don't care" option?


It's disguised as "dunno".
Hmm, a lot of you don't care because of the first-person aspect of the game. I'm not really referring to the ingame sprite, I'm just referring to the basic look of the helmet on the title pic.

I think it looks better on the box art than on the title screen in the game - doesn't look quite as bulky as on the game's title screen.

I don't really know about the helmet in the macworld video - it gives me awful flashbacks to Quake1 and the Quakedude's ugly helmet.
But maybe the new helmet can be flipped down in which case it would be awesome (provided that the flipped down helmet doesn't look like shit).

About the Doomguy's haircut - I didn't think it looked too good on the Doom 2 titlepic, but it looks great on the endpic of E4 in Ultimate Doom. The haircut on the mug in the display doesn't look too great imho - the shaved haircut suits the Doomguy better.

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The haircut on the mug in the display doesn't look too great imho - the shaved haircut suits the Doomguy better


My thoughts exactly.

But have you noticed this? In centered mug graphics, he has a high-and-tight (kinda like my haircut), but in the graphics where he's looking left/right, it's longer and combed over to one side. Freaky, eh?

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Yeah, I've noticed that. Boy, he looks ugly when looking to the sides in-game.

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Its not the helmet that bothers me, its the lime-green suit with the bare middrift.

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Its not the helmet that bothers me, its the lime-green suit with the bare middrift.


That "bare midrift" is a hole in the armor from battle damage, though it may not look so on the titlepic. I mean, you don't see it in the player graphics, do you?

[edit]Look closey at the Doomguy in the painting (NOT the titlepic)...you'll see a rip in the armor where his abs are showing.[/edit]

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Well at least his suit has a more khaki clour to it in the Macworld video and it doesn't have this ridiculous opening in the belly section.

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The helmet is horrible. Proportions-wise and detail-wise. It's just that for a 320x200 pic it worked.

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Can you explain to my what it is that looks so horrible about it?
It looks nowhere near as horrible as the helmets that the GDI troops wear in C&C:Tiberian Sun and it looks nowhere near as bulky as modern helmets imo.

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Perhaps there is some sort of innovation in the art of helmets between now and when DOOM is said to have taken place.

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The thing which makes the Doom marine's helmet look like a realistic suggestion of a futuristic combat helmet, is that it looks like it combines physical protection (against grenade shrapnel n' stuff) with an NBC mask (protection against gas and the like).

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It's shaped like a GODDAMN >BOX<


Replicate the helmet line by line at a greater scale, you'll see how obnoxious it looks. Armor pieces should be somewhat curvy.

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What in the blue fuck that's supposed to mean? It can be either utter sarcams or a sign that I'm a Graphics God that knows Everything. I'll take the second, but you might want to clear that one up.

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Well, when I asked for an explanation, I expected Zaldron to tell me a little about bad design (I'm an ignorant prat, who doesn't know a whole lot about that sort of thing). I more or less got what I wanted (thanx Zal), but I still have a question: Isn't the new helmet (in the macworld video) shaped a bit like a box too? That's the impression that I get and the reason why I don't like the look of it.

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What in the blue fuck that's supposed to mean? It can be either utter sarcams or a sign that I'm a Graphics God that knows Everything. I'll take the second, but you might want to clear that one up.


Niether...it can be taken as "Zaldron, the most conceited, perfectionist prick on these forums." Come on dude! When will it get through your thick skull that not EVERYBODY knows how to use a computer, let alone install hardware! Hell, just because they can't doesn't mean they're a total DOLT! In fact, there's people out there that would make you seem like a retard, yet don't know the first thing about Windows or Mac. They're old geezers (older than Fods :).

Plus, understand that not EVERYBODY sees art the way you do. Truth be told, EVERYBODY HAS DIFFERENT FUCKING TASTES!!!!! Don't get me wrong, two stick figures is not art, but Jesus H. Tapdancing on Mary and Joeseph's dick so he can give God a message Christ.......don't make negative comments about something just because it's not up to YOUR standards. It's people like you that make we wanna nuke the world.

There, now I've made my rant for the day.

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Niether...it can be taken as "Zaldron, the most conceited, perfectionist prick on these forums." Come on dude! When will it get through your thick skull that not EVERYBODY knows how to use a computer, let alone install hardware! Hell, just because they can't doesn't mean they're a total DOLT! In fact, there's people out there that would make you seem like a retard, yet don't know the first thing about Windows or Mac. They're old geezers (older than Fods :).


Ok...I don't know where that thing came from. From helmets to PC operators.

/me fails to see the relation.
/me ignores sentence.


Plus, understand that not EVERYBODY sees art the way you do. Truth be told, EVERYBODY HAS DIFFERENT FUCKING TASTES!!!!!


Exactly, so that's why we put up something like a "Polls forum" and argue about our different points of view regarding lots of diverse topics. Art is a great topic IMO. I'm not sure why I can't say "that's ugly" in here, maybe because I'm insulting your beloved Doom in some form or another? For crying out loud gimme a break. You think is perfect, I think is crap. "Tastes". You know the meaning of that?


Don't get me wrong, two stick figures is not art


Wrong. There's some incredible stick animation out there. Can't remember the name...XiaoXiao or something like that.


don't make negative comments about something just because it's not up to YOUR standards.


That means I'm not allowed to make negative comments about anything. Great. That renders this forum pretty much useless, don't you think?


It's people like you that make we wanna nuke the world.


Actually I'm the kind of guy who hates whining crybabies who bother me with half-assed assumptions.

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Ok...I don't know where that thing came from. From helmets to PC operators.

/me fails to see the relation.
/me ignores sentence.


That's for all the other times in the past you moron.


Exactly, so that's why we put up something like a "Polls forum" and argue about our different points of view regarding lots of diverse topics. Art is a great topic IMO. I'm not sure why I can't say "that's ugly" in here, maybe because I'm insulting your beloved Doom in some form or another? For crying out loud gimme a break. You think is perfect, I think is crap. "Tastes". You know the meaning of that?


Bling Bling! THANK YOU!


Wrong. There's some incredible stick animation out there. Can't remember the name...XiaoXiao or something like that.


Maybe "two stick figures standing alone on a sheet of paper doing nothing" would have clarified it.


That means I'm not allowed to make negative comments about anything. Great. That renders this forum pretty much useless, don't you think?


Do you realize that the above comment only further justifies my point?


Actually I'm the kind of guy who hates whining crybabies who bother me with half-assed assumptions.


Nice.....what does that have to do with me?

To sum it up, why does EVERYTHING to you have to be better than the best out there? I got news for you, IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! What's more is that you belong to a group know as, as my dad would say, "wise-asses". Things have got to be PERFECT in order for you to be happy. You must not be a very happy person.

Also, what kind of intelligence are you showing by making perfectionist comments in the first place? Where's the logic in that? You KNOW it's gonna upset somebody (no names given :) and cause you and your opponent to waste Ling's fourm space!

And why is it that you have find SOME little weakness in what I say? If you think I'm through running myself into the ground, THINK AGAIN MOTHERFUCKER! I'll just keep coming back with my own arguments until you either say "You know what Cren? You might be right!" or "Jesus H. Christ! You just won't stop will you? Bah, I don't care, I know I'm right [which you're not], so just stop wasting forum space and go get a fucking life you tasteless prick!" Yes, I'd stop on that one, because at that point I know it'd be in vain. But keep coming at me, and I'll do the same :)

Lastly, before I start getting carpal-tunnel syndrome, let it be known that if I ever DID meet you in real life (which hopefully won't happen for BOTH our sakes), I'd shoot you on the spot.

Next case please your honor.

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That's for all the other times in the past you moron.


Still with that? Sheesh grow up.


Bling Bling! THANK YOU!


Uuh what? I expressed my opinion, you did too. They contradict each other but I did not attacked you. It's not like I went "CREN IS AN IDIOT TEH HELMET SUXX!1"!"
But you did attacked me, and since I'm bored I just had to reply.


Maybe "two stick figures standing alone on a sheet of paper doing nothing" would have clarified it.


That can be called art.


Do you realize that the above comment only further justifies my point?


Fah now you're not even trying. Ran out of ideas already?


Nice...what does that have to do with me?


Well you're the one who cries everytime I post something you don't like and, on top of that, also made the assumption I'm a screw-the-world person.

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It's not like I went "CREN IS AN IDIOT TEH HELMET SUXX!1"!"
But you did attacked me, and since I'm bored I just had to reply.


Well, that's how I interpreted it. If there's one thing I've learned in the short 17 years of my life, it's never assume anything. The wrong words out of one's mouth could cause an unintended spark. In this case, that spark has turned into an inferno, metaphorically speaking.


Fah now you're not even trying. Ran out of ideas already?


Let's see, you just said that if that was true, you wouldn't be able to make any comments, uhhhh gee, that means NOTHING LIVES UP TO YOUR STANDARDS! And if nothing lives up to your standards, you are a GODDAMN PERFECTIONIST!!!! In that sense, you ARE a "screw-the-world" person.

We'll continue this later...I don't wanna risk banning just yet :)


That can be called art.


To either a 3-year-old or a retard....

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