Zaldron Posted February 27, 2002 Bah, now I have to quote stuff and edit it. To sum it up, why does EVERYTHING to you have to be better than the best out there? I got news for you, IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! What's more is that you belong to a group know as, as my dad would say, "wise-asses". Things have got to be PERFECT in order for you to be happy. You must not be a very happy person. What?? What!? Hello? I don't need things to be perfect. I don't know what are you basing this statement on? The fact that I don't like a piece of art? I mean, wtf, now you're just plain inventing stuff.Also, what kind of intelligence are you showing by making perfectionist comments in the first place? Where's the logic in that? You KNOW it's gonna upset somebody (no names given :) and cause you and your opponent to waste Ling's fourm space! Oh, my comments on certain topics annoy the fuck out of you, so I'm a waste of space and your out-of-nowhere attacks for me are not?And why is it that you have find SOME little weakness in what I say? The DW style, take it or leave it.If you think I'm through running myself into the ground, THINK AGAIN MOTHERFUCKER! I'll just keep coming back with my own arguments until you either say "You know what Cren? You might be right!" or "Jesus H. Christ! You just won't stop will you? Look at my postcount. Have fun. Bah, I don't care, I know I'm right [which you're not] Aah, the classical last resource for the resourceless. That's the kind of stuff that comes from 6 year old just stop wasting forum space and go get a fucking life you tasteless prick!" Yes, I'd stop on that one, because at that point I know it'd be in vain. But keep coming at me, and I'll do the same :) I do have a life, thank you. A nice bunch of friends, loving parents, great brothers, always willing to go out and have a bbq/party/whatever. Only thing I'm missing is a girlfriend, but I'm not that desperate.Lastly, before I start getting carpal-tunnel syndrome, let it be known that if I ever DID meet you in real life (which hopefully won't happen for BOTH our sakes), I'd shoot you on the spot. Wow, real-life hypothetical agression. Now you've reached Executor666, Username and The-Widow-Maker's level. I congratulate you. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 27, 2002 We'll continue this later...I don't wanna risk banning just yet :) Don't worry about that. I'm not going to ban someone just because he contradicts me. Don't underestimate me. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 27, 2002 Let's see, you just said that if that was true, you wouldn't be able to make any comments, uhhhh gee, that means NOTHING LIVES UP TO YOUR STANDARDS! And if nothing lives up to your standards, you are a GODDAMN PERFECTIONIST!!!! In that sense, you ARE a "screw-the-world" person. I don't get it. It's not like I criticize everything. I'm not, say...Shady :) or you. I mean look at this, I'm just replying cause you just keep coming. I do have faith in the world, I love this world actually. I don't know what being a "perfectionist" has to do with that. When I make something I instantly realize what were my flaws and how can I make it better. That pushes me to accomplish better things. If that's being a "perfectionist" then so be it. It works for me. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted February 27, 2002 What?? What!? Hello? I don't need things to be perfect. I don't know what are you basing this statement on? The fact that I don't like a piece of art? I mean, wtf, now you're just plain inventing stuff.All this coming from the guy who refers to 512 MB of RAM as "lousy". Don't even ask me where I got that from, now THAT is made up somewhat. But come on, every time somebody mentions processor speed or memory or any other type of computer issue, you say "on THAT piece of shit?" or along those lines. Let me tell you this buddy...I have a 500 mhz system with only 64 megs of RAM, and I'm FINE AND DANDY! Well, I do want to upgrade though, heh.Oh, my comments on certain topics annoy the fuck out of you, so I'm a waste of space and your out-of-nowhere attacks for me are not?When did I say anything about your original posts? I just meant the argument. Apparently you didn't see the word "opponent" (which would be me) on there. Yes, I waste forum space, not ashamed to admit it.The DW style, take it or leave it.Oh yeah? If I met you on the street and spit in your face, would you take THAT?Look at my postcount. Have fun.I'm not going anywhere. Heave all you want at me.Aah, the classical last resource for the resourceless. That's the kind of stuff that comes from 6 year old kids.Nice try. Sorry, you don't get a cookie. There is no right or wrong, it all depends on how one sees things. So, yes, there is no reason why I should be ranting and raving right now. Maybe it's just a way for me to vent, maybe I'm just obsessive-compulsive, maybe I'm just LOOKING for trouble for no reason, maybe I LIKE wasting other people's domain space and risk getting banned, or maybe I'm just holding a grudge against nothing to hold a grudge against! What am I saying right now? I don't even know! I'm just babbling useless mush! Gee, I think I really AM getting carpal-tunnel syndrome right now!I do have a life, thank you. A nice bunch of friends, loving parents, great brothers, always willing to go out and have a bbq/party/whatever. Only thing I'm missing is a girlfriend, but I'm not that desperate.Ummmmm, I wasn't talking about just saw the word "prick" and assumed that it was about you? READ THE WHOLE THING NEXT TIME! I was making a quote of what YOU might say to ME if this argument went too far, which it has already. Duh.Wow, real-life hypothetical agression. Now you've reached Executor666, Username and The-Widow-Maker's level. I congratulate you.Fuck you too :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 27, 2002 All this coming from the guy who refers to 512 MB of RAM as "lousy". Don't even ask me where I got that from, now THAT is made up somewhat. But come on, every time somebody mentions processor speed or memory or any other type of computer issue, you say "on THAT piece of shit?" or along those lines. Let me tell you this buddy...I have a 500 mhz system with only 64 megs of RAM, and I'm FINE AND DANDY! Well, I do want to upgrade though, heh. Eh? Links please.When did I say anything about your original posts? I just meant the argument. Apparently you didn't see the word "opponent" (which would be me) on there. Yes, I waste forum space, not ashamed to admit it. Still with the helmet deal? Fine, you like it. I hate it. I don't care, Paul Steed changed it for something cooler in Q3A and now it's even better.Oh yeah? If I met you on the street and spit in your face, would you take THAT? I meant that's the way we fight here. We quote every single sentece and rant about it. Fun fun fun.I'm not going anywhere. Heave all you want at me. COOLNice try. Sorry, you don't get a cookie. There is no right or wrong, it all depends on how one sees things. So, yes, there is no reason why I should be ranting and raving right now. Maybe it's just a way for me to vent, maybe I'm just obsessive-compulsive, maybe I'm just LOOKING for trouble for no reason, maybe I LIKE wasting other people's domain space and risk getting banned, or maybe I'm just holding a grudge against nothing to hold a grudge against! What am I saying right now? I don't even know! I'm just babbling useless mush! Gee, I think I really AM getting carpal-tunnel syndrome right now! Good, I don't even need to argue here.Ummmmm, I wasn't talking about just saw the word "prick" and assumed that it was about you? READ THE WHOLE THING NEXT TIME! I was making a quote of what YOU might say to ME if this argument went too far, which it has already. Duh. Yeah good call. Evasion is a pretty persuasive technique. Now I'm not even in the mood to check if you're right so I'm just not going to argue here.Fuck you too :) Verbal assaults already? We're only on round 3 or something. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted February 27, 2002 Eh? Links please.Didn't I just say I made that stuff up? Besides, it'd take eons to browse the forums for that. BTW, it DOES look like a box, now that I see it :)Yeah good call. Evasion is a pretty persuasive technique.Ummmm...maybe if you DID re-read that paragraph, you'd understand. But don't worry about it. Take my words as gibberish for now and hope this gets host pelled. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 28, 2002 A couple of weeks ago I told Lüt to rip the titlepic for me (he was on Wintex at that moment). I planned to recreate the Doomguy on paper just for fun. After some zooming I come to the conclusion that the helmet looked horrible from the aesthetic point of view. I could draw it right now but my F2S web space just died. Fucking great. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 28, 2002 Take my words as gibberish for now and hope this gets host pelled. What for? It's not about masturbation techniques or goatse man's death. It's pretty fun to read actually. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted February 28, 2002 I don't know whether to laugh at that or rant on some more..... Here's my answer: ROFLMFAO!!!!!! You see? I cool off easily :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 28, 2002 I'm glad you do. I don't need virtual enemies, I have my own share of real-life enemies. ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted February 28, 2002 I'm glad you do. I don't need virtual enemies, I have my own share of real-life enemies. ;)Thankfully, people just ignore me in real life ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted February 28, 2002 Take my words as gibberish for now and hope this gets host pelled. What for? It's not about masturbation techniques or goatse man's death. It's pretty fun to read actually. Masturbation and goatse man occur in the same sentance at poster's peril. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted February 28, 2002 Ok, it seems I have to take some time off my (for the time being) busy workschedule. I don't think Zaldron appears to be much of a perfectionist, I think you're over-interpreting his posts Cren. It looks to me like he's just stating his opinion which is fine by me - I just like people to elaborate their views so that I can see things from their point of view, which Zaldron was kind enough to do - I'm not sure that he put it in such a wise way, seeing as Cren interpreted it as something like: EVEN-A-3-YEAR-OLD-RETARD-CAN-SEE-THAT-THIS-HELMET-IS-SHIT! I don't think Zaldron meant anything like this, he just stated his opinion that he felt that the helmet had a too simple design for his tastes, am I right Zal? And I see lots of people stating their opinion in a far more aggressive manner (Crendowing claiming that Quake 1 is far inferior to Quake 2 in-a-certain-other-thread) than Zaldron did here. Jeez, I'm really regretting that I started this topic in the first place... Well, 'see' ya later... 0 Share this post Link to post
Vominus Posted February 28, 2002 Maybe "two stick figures standing alone on a sheet of paper doing nothing" would have clarified it.Doing nothing can be very symbolic. Have you ever heard the Simon and Garfunkel song, The Sound of Silence? I do understand where you're coming from, but I don't think it's fair to say what is and isn't art. 0 Share this post Link to post
Draconio Posted March 6, 2002 I think the Doom Guy's helmet fits the setting. His armor seems to me to be a militarized version of a space suit, and even if the Phobos and Deimos bases are air sealed, it might sometimes be necessary to fight outside the base, right? Plus, he goes into Hell now doesn't he. The atmosphere there can't be too healthful. I mean when the sky is blood red, wouldn't you want to be wearing some sort of air filtration system? The brown Doom 2 sky doesn't look to inviting to breathe deep from either. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 6, 2002 Well, his armour really ain't the most fitting, taking into consideration that he's a space marine, but his helmet fits perfectly as you said. My only guess is that spacemarines in that universe wear some heavy jump suits when they go into outer space, but when they land they wear a more regular "ground troop" outfit which the Doomguy wears in the game. Did I mention before that I like the helmet because it seems to be combining the protection of a combat helmet with the protection of an NBC mask (NBC = Nuclear Biological Chemical, an NBC mask is primarily designed as defense against lethal gases - every modern soldier carries an NBC mask among his equipment). 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted March 7, 2002 (every modern soldier carries an NBC mask among his equipment).Yeah, that's right....they think about the soldiers and not the helpless civilians..... 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 7, 2002 (every modern soldier carries an NBC mask among his equipment).Yeah, that's right....they think about the soldiers and not the helpless civilians..... You're not forced to stay on the battleground, you know... 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 7, 2002 (every modern soldier carries an NBC mask among his equipment).Yeah, that's right....they think about the soldiers and not the helpless civilians..... Civilians have a sort of freedom, soldiers don't. And civies aren't forced to work when they're ill... 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted March 8, 2002 But the key for the enemy in battle is to kill the civilians so the soldiers can become emotionally broken apart. Sure, their platoon buddies may die in battle, but at least they weren't helpless. Now if a small helpless village was gased, then the soldiers grown angry. It leaves a deeper impact in them since those people were helpless. I hope you get what I mean. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted March 8, 2002 I disagree: Killing enemy civilians can drive enemy soldiers into a killing frenzy above and beyond what they feel already. September 11th is the perfect example: The terrorist fucktards went in to kill a couple thousand civilians and destroy some landmarks to bring the morale of American civilians down and force them to back off. What ended up happening? We've got an entire nation cheering for a crusade against the "big scary terrorists." Scaring civilians is much better than murdering them. Let them know that you can blast them into their component quarks effortlessly, but you're not, you'd rather toy with them because they have all the signifigance of half a grub in an open sewer. Note that I don't want to turn this thread into a flamewar about 9/11, I was just making a one-time example. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 8, 2002 Well I guess a military gas-proof mask that supposedly never fails and can resist some pretty strong enviromental conditions for a long time costs $200 or so. It's not like you can afford one of these for every single civilian. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 8, 2002 But the key for the enemy in battle is to kill the civilians so the soldiers can become emotionally broken apart. Sure, their platoon buddies may die in battle, but at least they weren't helpless. Now if a small helpless village was gased, then the soldiers grown angry. It leaves a deeper impact in them since those people were helpless. I hope you get what I mean. Bull-SHIT! You're confusing war criminals/terrorists with actual soldiers. Most of you probably think that there are no rules in a war, but as a matter of fact, there's a set of written laws for warfare. The following quote is an extract from these laws which I have attempted to translate for you:Rules for acts of combat 8. Attacks may only be directed at military targets. Attacking civilian people and objects are strictly prohibited. 9. It is prohibited to inflict heavier damage on people and things(objects) than necessary in order to accomplish the military objective. Incidents where it is likely that humans and objects are accidentally damaged should be avoided whenever possible [...] Civilians 25. Civilians are to be treated humanely and with respect. They are to be protected as much as possible against impending danger during wartime. Especially, they may not be used as "shields" during military operations. coercion, torture, collective punishment and taking hostages is prohibited. There. Now I know that lots of soldiers have broken these rules, either as individuals or because their superiors broke the rules, but that doesn't mean that "soldiers are meant to do that". Soldiers/superiors breaking these rules are to be considered as war criminals or terrorists. Got it? 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted March 9, 2002 (dsm's post)Does Hitler ring a bell? Saddam Hussein? Gah.... 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted March 9, 2002 (dsm's post)Does Hitler ring a bell? Saddam Hussein? Gah....Uh, Crendo, I suggest you run a search on Godwin's Law. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted March 9, 2002 on paper....serves no purpose....gah..... 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 9, 2002 (dsm's post)Does Hitler ring a bell? Saddam Hussein? Gah.... Well, these dopes ARE considered war criminals. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted March 9, 2002 Just because something is written on paper, does that mean people are going to follow it? My point is, there may be written rules, but no TRUE rules. There's no rules to life if I put it that way. Gah....Lüt, turn this thread green please. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 9, 2002 Just because something is written on paper, does that mean people are going to follow it? My point is, there may be written rules, but no TRUE rules. There's no rules to life if I put it that way. True, but it still kinda pisses me off that you more or less accuse soldiers as being a kind of terrorists - and furthermore it pisses me of too that you bitch about the government caring more about soldiers than civies, because that's totally BS. 0 Share this post Link to post
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