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I don't know what's going on, but when I try to download any file from the internet nothing will happen. No dialog box will open. It's almost as if downloading has been disabled which I can't see how that can be.

We haven't touched the internet settings and options, so what happened here?

Edit: My brother had Alligator installed on here once but recently uninstalled it. It's not on here anymore. Maybe that has something to do with it, because it would open up automatically whenever we attempted to download anything.

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virus scan, then play with some settings. if nothing works, switch to another browser

kill all the white man

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I just found the folder where Alligator used to be, tried to delete it, but some dll file is being used in there so I couldn't. It's something called ieho.dll, and I don't know how to get rid of it if that's what's preventing the ability to download.

Edit: There are 2 of those files: One in the C drive and one in the Alligator folder. I'm guessing that whenever I attempt to access a download link, the browser tries to find and launch Alligator, but can't find it because we don't have it anymore, so nothing happens. All I want to know is how to correct it without having to toss the entire browser.

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Restart in MS-DOS mode and delete the directory from there.

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Download Accelerator plus works for me...Although it's kinda useless for a 28.8k landline connection (56k Flex modem, my dad has V90, so I get the shaft), it has an automatic resume option...and I still get better download speeds than normal...but it works, that's why I use it when I have download problems.

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Don't get a download accelerator, get DSL :)

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