Lord FlatHead Posted February 21, 2002 [rant] I'm definetly not the first to say this, but for the past few months, this forum has been stone cold DEAD. This used to be a good place to meet fellow Doom fans who had some interesting opinion, something they would like to see discussed or some technical question. Today, however, most of it can be broken down into the following : - Posts by my fellow Dutch-speaking compadres, zoost and geerdy. These are generally along the lines of "Hey Doom 3 is gonne be cool It's gonne kick ass :)) LOL Let's see some discussion dudes". Now, don't misunderstand me, I'm sure geerdy and zoost are perfectly fine people with loads of interesting opinions on Life and all that. But people need to understand that maybe an empty forum is slightly better than a forum filled with boring crap. People, don't post unless you have a REASON to do so. - Links to things vaguely related to Doom, id Software or games in general. This includes Brian Hook quotes, interviews with Epic or meaningless five-word quotes that Dima managed to get from game designers on ICQ. - Things that belong in the General forum, a Kreed forum or nowhere at all. - The things that have been said and asked a hojillion times before. "I think (insert artist/band here) should do the music". "What are the system requirements ?". "Someone should make a new Hexen, Heretic or random game with swords and codpieces". Now, I know the one big reason for this is id Software not releasing any new Doom 3 info. There is nothing to discuss; many people leave and those who stay have no choice but to lose focus and post crap. I know I'm not a moderator. I'm not the one to make or break rules, netiquette or common sense. All I ask is to think twice before posting something. [/rant] Maybe I need some rest. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zoost Posted February 21, 2002 I respect you FlatHead, But this forum is definitly not for bitching! Don't read my stuff, or learn to appriciate it! As you were saying: everything is said; no news. Just to make you (and myself) happy, I shut up, and come back when there is something to talk about. Adios. 0 Share this post Link to post
EsH Posted February 21, 2002 I hope you don't get discouraged-- like you said the game isn't even out yet, and the few morsels we've gotten from id have been talked to death and beyond. For what it's worth, I think this is a great forum-- even the off-topic posts are mostly interesting, so they're not so bad. What I'm trying to say is that the members are just trying to make the best of what scant news and info is available. The forum should be commended for going on so long with so little, even if it does have it's boring patches... 0 Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted February 21, 2002 All I ask is to think twice before posting something. before i post something (besdies my own opinion),i'd like to think that is it worth-reading or not?some off-topic game (raven stuff)that i has posted ,i tried to post as the reply of other thread,hoping that some people may be interested in it, or agreed with my own opinion.if you don't like to read,skip it.easy,isn't it? No doom3 info ? ok, take a rest,play some other games,no need to be serious about that. no one force you to stay here and read everything,leave and come back whenever you want. 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted February 21, 2002 I only visit here to check if new stuff has been found about the game, Dima is a constant source of stuff tha tI haven't seen before, as I don't really have the time to check it out for myself. It's always going to be that this particular forum will suck a bit when there's not much new stuff on the game, but remember when it's released it will be as big as the main General forum and will no doubt spawn a number of other forums like Classic Doom has now. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted February 21, 2002 Whenever I come to this forum, I glance at the first five or so threads to see if anything is of interest to me. If not, I move on to the Fan Fiction forum. Recently, this is the typical first five topics I've been seeing: New Unreal II Screenies! - I don't really care about Unreal II or Unreal: Tournament II. New Kreed Vid Released - I don't care, I don't even know what Kreed is. What Enemies do you want to see in Doom 3? - I've heard this too many times. Romero gets a haircut!!! - I don't care if he dyed his hair blue started a JPop band! Blah Blah Blah (off topic) - If its off topic, put it in General, or R&P! So I havn't been posting here that much anymore. 0 Share this post Link to post
Amanichen Posted February 22, 2002 I agree with Flathead. The problem isn't everybody, just a few immature individuals with nothing better to do. And here's my rant also... The following is my rant. If you dont' want to read it, you dont have to. If you would like to agree or disagree with the opinions presented hereon, please do it in a logical and respectable manner. IF you want to flame then you can go chop off your genitalia, boil them in Mac's coffee, and suck on them until they've shriveled up. BEGIN RANT I came here about a year ago, for Doom 3 info. Then I stopped posting about 3-4 months ago, because the forum went to hell (both due to a lack of news, and just general suptidity from people who don't have anything better to do except spam-up their postcounts.) Now I will say that I don't have to read everything in the forum, and reading something is my own choice. But when I see a post with a misleading title, that I think is worthwhile, and see somebody like The-Widow-Maker is just making another one of his ignorant and annoying comments -- I hate having to sort through the bullshit to find anything of substance (of what little substance there is). And as far as Kreed goes...I don't give a fuck. I have nothing against the game. Yes it has a cool engine, No it won't beat Doom 3. Please post kreed related shit somewhere else, and if you can't post it somewhere else then I'm going to shove it straight up your asshole where it belongs! We have a religion and politics forum here, where most of this shit could go, but a good portion of the spam seems to get dumped here. END RANT 0 Share this post Link to post
Amanichen Posted February 22, 2002 Liar. Ling, I really think that he'd be a good mod. He's been here a long time, doesn't spam, respects people. (And oh...if you do make him one, you have to make me one also because I reccommended him =) EDIT: Looks like he's a mod =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted February 22, 2002 [rant]You JUST realized this? I stopped coming here for Doom3 stuff a few weeks after this forum opened =PLiarHeh, welcome to the fray =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 22, 2002 Heh, welcome to the Brotherhood. :) About the original topic, yeah well. What else can we do? It would be nice of you people to post those rants on General, not here. Afterall they'll be welcome down there. If I see one more "System Requirements" thread I'll go nuts. id's pretty much forced to display some new Doom-related info on Quakecon 2k2, but I wouldn't discard the possibility of seeing new information sooner. Bitching about the lack of activity is not an accepted solution. Offtopics are useless too. I can't imagine a topic that we haven't covered already but maybe you people do. It's about not posting just for the sake of posting. 0 Share this post Link to post
Revenant! Posted February 22, 2002 Hmm, isn't there a DooM3-Forum-FAQ/InfoText where you can link to any Newbie who gets registered ? Or at least any person who wants to write his/her first message in this forum..... umm I wanna be a member, maybe I should post some crap too ';| 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted February 22, 2002 Hmm, isn't there a DooM3-Forum-FAQ/InfoText where you can link to any Newbie who gets registered ? Or at least any person who wants to write his/her first message in this forum.....who are you referring to? 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted February 22, 2002 I still visit the forum regularely, but if there´s no interesting discussion - no post. This forum isn´t dead, it´s just sleeping ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
Psyonisis Posted February 22, 2002 Just wait till Doom 3 is released... then this place will be the most popular forum On the day of release, I expect over 200 new threads within 2 seconds... thereby crashing the forum software and destroying doomworld. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted February 22, 2002 Ugh! When "Doom 3" gets released, we'll get all these stupid n00bs overrunning the forum, posting the same questions on and on again - "Haow du I fine teh red key on levul 1?" Aaarrrgh! 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 22, 2002 Mmmm, fresh meat. The best thing we can do is answer these stupid questions of -VERY- lazy people (c'mon, I'm pretty sure what you wanna know is in here, even in the first page) with some sort of summary, probably DW's Doom FAQ. 0 Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted February 22, 2002 i think we should update doom3's unofficial FAQ and put the link on DOOM3 forum page. 0 Share this post Link to post
Dima Posted February 24, 2002 This forum used to be a very nice place with nice people and good posts. The old times are still partly here, but it's just not the same anymore... id hasn't released any new informative DOOM info since QuakeCon 2K1 and probably won't till QuakeCon 2K2, so there's really nothing intresting to post about here. I stopped posting here sometime ago and won't post here again until something intresting that is actually DOOM related is up (no more Kreed stuff, UT2 stuff, etc... - this is not the place to discuss all this as seen by the comments from the people above). I partly take the fault for this on myself, as I was the one who started this chain of "offtopic" posts... I completely agree with FlatHead and all other people here, this forum is DEAD right now, but will be alive and breathing again, when new DOOM info arrives. Till then - cheer up people! :) 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted March 4, 2002 bah, as long as it get's me one post closer to 2000 I'll do it =] 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted March 4, 2002 Oh, so _that_ is the reason why you've been replying to ancient threads like this. 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted March 4, 2002 Oh, so _that_ is the reason why you've been replying to ancient threads like this.I'm still on probation, so stop whining about your postcount. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted March 5, 2002 Oh, so _that_ is the reason why you've been replying to ancient threads like this.I'm still on probation, so stop whining about your postcount. HEY DISORDER! WELCOME BACK! We missed you (we being me, myself, cause I didn't really miss you) ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
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