JavaGuy Posted February 21, 2002 I started reading the Gun control forum today and started seeing that Americans get a lot of shit. First of all, I live in America, and I agree one-hundred percent that guns should be out-lawed ('cept for paintball, but that's just a fun sport). Yet some people (won't mention any names) are acting as if just because someone is American, they won't be able to see any way other than the American way. C'mon, give us a break. If you're more specific about certain people being close-minded, that's okay. But don't stereotype. (Note author didn't read whole thing, but was having a really bad day and needed something to rant about, therefore choosing the beginning, middle, and end of the forum for judgement.) 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted February 21, 2002 Heh. I live in America, and I hate how 90% of the people in the god damned country act like stereotypes. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted February 22, 2002 Quote Heh. I live in America, and I hate how 90% of the people in the god damned country act like stereotypes. Expand Heh, that's because you're in school with a bunch of retarded kids. It does change once you get around the normal population. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted February 22, 2002 Quote normal population Expand Heheheheh L(daft U)T did an oxymoron 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted February 22, 2002 i've said it before and i'll say it again: hitler had gun control. stalin had gun control. mao had gun control. these mass murderers would agree with you, gun control works. 0 Share this post Link to post
Stitches Posted February 22, 2002 we have guns to protect us from an unjust government, take them away now and the government goes like commie or something, ya know unjust, if we dont have anything to uprise with we will be nothing and you wish you would have your guns to make thing s the way they were 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted February 22, 2002 If you think your few small arms can stop your government from doing something you are either naive or deluded 0 Share this post Link to post
JavaGuy Posted February 22, 2002 Quote i've said it before and i'll say it again: hitler had gun control. stalin had gun control. mao had gun control. these mass murderers would agree with you, gun control works. Expand You're comparing the leaders of the U.S. (not that they're anywhere near perfect) with dictator Nazis and communists. These were governments that ruled over people by causing fear, and if a soldier used a gun on an innocent, it wasn't a big suprise. The only reason that gun control wouldn't work in the U.S. is the people. If the government tried to take dictator-like advantage of the people, they [government] probably wouldn't last long. But let's face it, there are a lot of gun nuts in this country (I live near a town practically full of em). 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted February 22, 2002 Ask why America doesn't win gold in shooting at olympics, then look how many people in America own a gun, you would think one of them would have gotten good at it by now :) 0 Share this post Link to post
JavaGuy Posted February 22, 2002 My family is the only one in the area without a gun. Most people here are rednecks. *Yeeehawwww. Blam. Blam. I jest shot th' darned critter.* They're all drunk when they start shooting, so their aim doesn't improve much. 0 Share this post Link to post
Phoenix Posted February 22, 2002 Quote My family is the only one in the area without a gun. Most people here are rednecks. *Yeeehawwww. Blam. Blam. I jest shot th' darned critter.* They're all drunk when they start shooting, so their aim doesn't improve much. Expand You complain about stereo types? You telling us you live in RedNeck country, let me guess, Boston, right? No one forces anyone to have a gun, or shoot with it. What is getting on my nerves are people lamenting that some people own guns. In New York there was not even a police force until 1840, and was the first city requiring that every person has to get a license before they could get a gun. Results, most crimes committed, 'cause the decent people where unable to obtain a gun, leaving free room for the criminals. America has a different history then England or other fucking Euro States. The fact that civilians are permitted to bare arms may not sound effective to the sophisticated people of Europe, yet so far it worked. The key here is to able to build militias literally in minutes, making any strategic attack sides a military advancement very bloody. In other words the only way to conquer America is to eliminate everyone, except any one afraid to hold a gun. 0 Share this post Link to post
JavaGuy Posted February 22, 2002 I know I sound hypocritical when I call the majority of my town RedNecks. But really most of them get drunk every night, hunt a lot (including out of season) and live in ratty old backwater shacks. And lots (but not all) of them are assholes. Maybe redneck isn't the right word, but it's the best I can think of. Not All Americans are close-minded though. Just a lot of people in my area. 0 Share this post Link to post
JavaGuy Posted February 22, 2002 I'm glad fodders is here. He keeps things from gettin' serious. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted February 22, 2002 now the boyz from the hood ar arming :)buy here :) BY WILL JONES TIMES-DISPATCH STAFF WRITER Jun 18, 2001 For a few hours, Birdman Weapons Systems and the HoMeBoY Nyte-Sytes were prime targets in Richmond. "They're advocating destruction on our streets, and they're targeting our people," Councilman G. Manoli Loupassi said. "That's about as bad as it gets." Police Capt. Walter Allmon expressed similar outrage. He said a flier promoting the HoMeBoY is disturbing because it's designed to appeal to young black men, who often are the victims of gun violence in Richmond and elsewhere. Allmon, who leads Richmond's detective division, brought the flier to the city's Public Safety Committee about three weeks ago and said it had been distributed that weekend at a gun show in Henrico County. The flier, actually a printout from a Web site, urges would-be buyers to "be the first in the hood to have the HoMeBoY brand Night Sights installed on your New-Model Glock!" It says orders are being accepted and shows pictures of a Glock handgun outfitted to allow sideways shooting "as seen in today's hit movies." "Allows firing from car windows, over fences, bar counters, or simply while chasing someone through the hood!" Birdman Weapons Systems promotes itself as providing "Unfriendly Products for an Unfriendly World." The flier gives specifications for the HoMeBoY, including its weight and size, as well as the Glock models on which it can be used. Before realizing the HoMeBoY apparently isn't an actual product, Loupassi, chairman of the Public Safety Committee, was outraged. "I believe that is indefensible, and I'm part of the pro-gun lobby," he told a reporter. A few hours later, Loupassi gave copies of the flier to City Council members and said the state attorney general's office and the federal prosecutor's office should be asked to investigate. "In my opinion, it does not get any worse than this," said Loupassi, a lawyer and former city prosecutor. By the next day, Loupassi had discovered the HoMeBoY isn't real, and the Web site,, isn't a link to a weapons company. He expressed relief and considered the matter dropped. "It's a freedom-of-expression issue." But he added, "I don't see the humor in it, because I've seen so many people die because of guns." is registered to an address in Covington, Ky., according to the Web site The Times-Dispatch contacted Birdman by e-mail and got a coy response. The person refused to be identified except as Birdman. The Times-Dispatch also contacted by phone a woman who described herself as Birdman's mother. Birdman's Web site includes a lengthy commentary on modern society and says it offers the best and most powerful weaponry concepts. "To gaze upon these images is to gaze upon your inner soul and the cold, brutal war waged within. Look, study, 'think' . . . and then ask yourself, 'Do I really fear this?'" Allmon said he learned the HoMeBoY wasn't real soon after returning from last month's Public Safety Committee meeting. He said the rights to free speech and to bear arms are to be respected, but, he added, Birdman's Web site raises serious concerns even if its products are only concepts. He noted other night sights are available, and Birdman suggests they be used for shooting people, particularly young black males. "This gun show was held within a mile of predominantly African-American communities," he said. Paul F. Jannuzzo, vice president and general counsel for Glock Inc. in Smyrna, Ga., said the company has been aware of the HoMeBoY. He said he sent a letter to Birdman a while back, asking that the company's name no longer be used. "This is the first we've heard of anyone taking this seriously," he said. "I can't believe a police officer would look at that and not know it wasn't real. They've been watching too many movies." A Glock could not be outfitted and work as the Web site suggests, he said. "Except to look like Antonio Banderas, why would you? Who holds their gun like that?" Bill Dunham, agent in charge of the Richmond office of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, said his agency has been familiar with the Birdman site for some time. He said it's believed to be a satire, in part because it doesn't give prices or any opportunity to buy weapons. He said some of the weapons described could not be made legally. He also found the site's high number of "hits" - more than 100,000 in the past year - a bit disturbing. "It puts ideas in people's heads," Dunham said. "We don't need any more creative weapons than there are." I couldn't write this stuff :) 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted February 22, 2002 Quote The key here is to able to build militias literally in minutes, making any strategic attack sides a military advancement very bloody Expand Yes, America is safe as long as guys like these are on the case :) 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted February 22, 2002 Quote Quote i've said it before and i'll say it again: hitler had gun control. stalin had gun control. mao had gun control. these mass murderers would agree with you, gun control works. Expand You're comparing the leaders of the U.S. (not that they're anywhere near perfect) with dictator Nazis and communists. Expand no i didn't. i simply said advocating gun control is a very dangerous thing. the government already has too much control over our lives. i qoute benjamin franklin: "they that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety." 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted February 22, 2002 I would say having no gun control is not a bad idea in itself, but americans always find a way to screw everything up. If gun control were introduced, they'd still screw everything up. 0 Share this post Link to post
pilottobombadier Posted February 22, 2002 BTW, Nazi germany was not a dictatorship, Hitler required a lot of middlemen. And I agree, I think that gun control in the u.s. should not go beyond "safety, semi-, and fully automatic", if you catch my drift. I live in Canada, we don't have near the crime rate as the US, but we are getting there, and we do have a certain kind of gun control, which is magazine handicaps. However, we don't have the firearm proliferation of the US nor the bad attitudes caused by overly-patrioric propaganda. And, in regards to weapons, the water to quench the flame is the catalyst as well. Ghandi-shit ain't gonna save you from a trigger pull, after all. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted February 22, 2002 Quote which is magazine handicaps Expand Do I misunderstand or are you saying they fire a full clip into handicapped people? 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted February 22, 2002 cuts down on wheelchair-by shootings 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted February 22, 2002 Quote BTW, Nazi germany was not a dictatorship Expand Uhhhh..... 0 Share this post Link to post
pilottobombadier Posted February 22, 2002 Well Fod...a little from column A, a little from column B...No, what the mag handicaps are are that you can only have so many rounds in the mag. I think for rifles it's no more than 4, shotguns it's no more than three, and handguns no more than 10 or 12. So, if you owned, let's say, a Beretta M92, your magazines would only hold 12 rounds instead of the standard 15...but you can always get them modified :p And large caliber pistols I believe can only be purchased with a Restricted Weapons license, which is our equivalent to the US class 3...but with more restrictions (No anti-tank rifles, etc.) Large caliber pistols are any of the Desert Eagle models, for example. But then again, any pistol that's got as much punch as a hunting rifle should, in my opinion, have such restrictions :p 0 Share this post Link to post
pilottobombadier Posted February 22, 2002 Nazi Germany was not a dictatorship, it was an autocracy. Slight difference between the two. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted February 22, 2002 So...disabled people cannot have as much ammo as "normal" people? That sux 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted February 22, 2002 Quote Nazi Germany was not a dictatorship, it was an autocracy. Slight difference between the two. Expand Strange, one of my German teachers (she's a native German) claims that Hitler's rule was a dictatorship. I would have thought that a native German (especially one who teaches German history) knows about this stuff. 0 Share this post Link to post
Phoenix Posted February 22, 2002 Quote Quote Nazi Germany was not a dictatorship, it was an autocracy. Slight difference between the two. Expand Strange, one of my German teachers (she's a native German) claims that Hitler's rule was a dictatorship. I would have thought that a native German (especially one who teaches German history) knows about this stuff. Expand One does not exclude the other 0 Share this post Link to post
JavaGuy Posted February 23, 2002 Quote but americans always find a way to screw everything up. Expand See, this is my original topic of discussion and generaly unpleasant bitching. 0 Share this post Link to post
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