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Doom scene in Breakdown

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Anybody watched Kurt Russell's breakdown?

In one scene near the end, you see a kid playing a version of Doom II. It's obvious they used sound effects other than those of Doom's for the gun firing.

What I always wondered was what version of Doom II could it have been? I always assumed it was either the Saturn or PSX version, but now I think it could be stock footage on the TV, of the PC version, and the kids' not actually playing.

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Yep its the SNES version (I think) right before the kid comes out with his daddy's shotgun. That movie is awesome. Kurt did all of his own stunts and broke his legs delaying filming like 3 or so months.

Buttspit huh?

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buttspit said:

It's obvious they used sound effects other than those of Doom's for the gun firing.

I've always wondered why changes like this are made when games are depicted in movies and tv shows. Subtly avoiding copyright laws, obviously, but then how can you get away with showing a game's artwork in the first place but not it's original sound/s?

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I think that Doom used sound effects from copyrighted sources, but they got the game rights to use them. I know that I've heard Doom's sound effects on several movies and tv shows before and after the early 90s.

Some TV shows and movies fall into the sound trap when they come out on DVD. If the music makers want a high amount of cash for a movie or TV show, but the DVD isn't gonna sell that many copies, they'll go with generic stuff.

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geo said:

Buttspit huh?


About it being SNES Doom, I could have sworn i saw a Revenant in there. Just look at it real close; when the game comes into view, a revenant is killed up-front and then either a hell knight or baron of hell is being fought.

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I saw the Baron, but not the revenant. Plasma gun too if I'm not mistaken but I haven't seen it for 10 years maybe.

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Yeah I just confirmed it myself like less than a second ago :P

I'm no expert in identifying levels, but it really doesn't seem like a level from the PC version so I'm rooting PSX/Saturn.

EDIT: And it's actually a hell knight, too.

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that 9 minute review didn't have the doom scene in it :(

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Sorry. Guess we'll all have to watch it on FX or wherever its floating around.

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In the movie we can see 2 hell knights, a revenant and 256 length wall with MARBFACE texture:

Let's try to find this place!

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cbronson said:

Looks like he's iddqd'd.

The map could be something out of E2... maybe e2m3?

Yes, it's the mysterious E2 level with Doom 2 only monsters.

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TheDarkArchon said:

Yes, it's the mysterious E2 level with Doom 2 only monsters.

Uhhh, actually in the PSX/Saturn version, if you play on Ultra Violence, Doom 2 enemies appear in some of the Doom 1 levels.

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Yeah, the PSX has Doom 2 monsters in it. So perhaps he's playing one of those console versions.

I don't think he is, the HUD in the PSX and Saturn versions looks different, plus the picture from the movie shows the HUD has the amount of ammo each gun has on the right side of the HUD, something that no console ports ever had. I'd say it's the PC version playing on a TV.

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Mattfrie1 said:

I don't think he is, the HUD in the PSX and Saturn versions looks different, plus the picture from the movie shows the HUD has the amount of ammo each gun has on the right side of the HUD, something that no console ports ever had. I'd say it's the PC version playing on a TV.

You know, you're really good. That's a good point, we should have caught that first thing.

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