Grazza Posted October 17, 2006 Nice job. While watching that, it occurred to me that the Speed and Pacifist (and NM too I suppose) routes on this map could be improved a fair bit. Here's how... pp21-007 Just a casually-recorded route-demonstration demo. I suppose 0:05 or 0:04 should be the target time. So have at it, speed demons. Edit: Ignore what I say in the txt about the jump being strafe-50. In fact, it can be done without running, never mind strafing. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kristian Ronge Posted October 17, 2006 Nice find! Heh, I did notice that the jump doesn't require strafe50, but I guess you found out yourself. Why don't you record a COMPET-N run with that route? :-) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Grazza Posted October 17, 2006 I'll leave that to someone else. Besides, it would feel wrong to beat Sedlo's amazing pl21-007 with a sloppy pp21-006. I'm more inclined to record a stroller using this route, actually. :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kristian Ronge Posted October 17, 2006 Grazza said: I'll leave that to someone else. Besides, it would feel wrong to beat Sedlo's amazing pl21-007 with a sloppy pp21-006. I understand exactly what you mean... And you're right. I don't think I'll attempt it myself, either, for the same reason. I'd love to see a stroller! :-))) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
entryway Posted October 17, 2006 Grazza said:pp21-007 Just a casually-recorded route-demonstration demo. I suppose 0:05 or 0:04 should be the target time.How do you perform such tricks so easyly??? Do you know something or it is based on luck only? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Grazza Posted October 17, 2006 Kristian Ronge said:I'd love to see a stroller! :-))) Funny, your posting this wish coincided almost exactly with me getting an exit. Maybe we should create a collector for demo luck energy or something... Ahem, anyway, here's the demo: pl21s011 So, two Plutonia strollers done, just 30 left. :p entryway said:How do you perform such tricks so easyly??? Do you know something or it is based on luck only? I used cack_handed's method, which seems to make this type of glide a fair bit easier. I presume people had looked at this before, but decided it wasn't feasible (due to the lack of room for a run-up) without a speed boost - thus the rocket boost being used for the compet-n runs. cack_handed's discovery was that these glides could be done by a low-speed method, using mouse move. You line yourself up, and move the mouse forward very slowly - so slow that you're barely moving at all. And for some reason you slip through the gap. Sometimes at least. There's still a big element of luck involved, but the odds seem less heavily against you. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
z0diac Posted October 17, 2006 PP21-006 done and sent to Opulent. 5 seconds is definitely possible but I'm working on PT09 so someone else will have to make it happen. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
xit-vono Posted October 17, 2006 Wow pt09 is hard I think. I tried it in practice but there is not enough bullets to finish the end without mancos fighting revenants, which is a big hassle, so if you can do it then props to you. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
z0diac Posted October 17, 2006 Yeah I'm not even close yet but with savegames I was able to kill every monster and the time was something like 50 minutes or more. I actually had just enough bullets for the final room but it would be very hard (impossible?) to get every single monster and have enough health left in a legitimate demo. It would take a lot of patience and practice to pull it off. One trick would be to kill a chaingunner close to the arch-vile and get some extra ammo but that costs health and is frustrating to do. You can also get the revenants to shoot the mancubi (by standing close to them) in the final room to save some bullets. I'm not even sure I seriously want to try it but it's possible. I think PT13 is a more realistic and easier run to do. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
xit-vono Posted October 17, 2006 Yes pt13 should be possible. It would be difficult but not really more difficult than the ones that have been complete already. I would also look at 16 and 25 but they would probably be a little harder. I believe et31 is still undone so that should be fairly simple. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Turkkish Posted October 17, 2006 Congratulations for your PT21, z0diac! I'm very glad that my incomplete runs inspired people. Please don't overlook PT19, since it's actually not much (if any) harder than the levels you have mentioned currently. The level layout allows many sneaky tactics with teleports, door (near the exit) and a lift (near the exit). Careful and lucky infights is the key here. The only really hard monsters to kill are 1) the cyberdemon and 2) the arch-vile in the yellow key room. Other than that it's not very problematic for a skilled player. Here are some PT19 observations: It might be good to try using one of the arch-viles to kill the cyber. Killing the arch-vile at the yellow key room may take a while with infights, but it's probably the only choice. It's quite easy to get revenants stuck on the edge of the narrow lift near the exit. Well, I'm not sure if I can complete any undode tysons, but I'd be glad to contribute with ideas and possibly some incomplete demos. I hope we'll see some new final doom tysons done in the (near) future. Good luck! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
z0diac Posted October 17, 2006 I have tried PT19 and the cyberdemon pretty much kills the run. There are just not enough bullets to kill him. Otherwise the level is quite easy with all the teleports and the lift you mentioned. PT25 is hard but definitely possible. The hell knight room is tricky but you have over 200 bullets for them. You can even telefrag one or two of them with some luck. ET31 has another cyber and he cannot be punched and the lack of bullets makes it pretty much impossible (as far as I remember). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Opulent Posted October 18, 2006 Zodiac: 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
abyrvalg Posted January 30, 2008 I've played Plutonia map01 with Tools-Assistance TAS UV speed - 0:09 TAS UV max - 1:23 Max looks improvable, because i have 2 rockets left unused. It leads to some possible variations, so maybe i'll come back to this map later. Still satisfied with the tricks though. Enjoy! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
z0diac Posted February 4, 2008 I recorded a demo of plutonia map27 tyson-style. See 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
tatsurd-cacocaco Posted December 24, 2008 I Attached so-so demos Plutonia Map 11 UV-Max in 2:51 (Two same time lmps) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
z0diac Posted February 26, 2009 I guess I'm going to post this here: Plutonia lv13 tyson. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
z0diac Posted March 9, 2009 Another Plutonia tyson: level 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
z0diac Posted March 12, 2009 Plutonia level 25 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
vdgg Posted February 2, 2011 Evilution MAP17 UV Max in 3:13. New route/tactics - hopefully someone will record a better one based on my 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
j4rio Posted April 25, 2011 Yippee :)) plutonia map 16 in 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
j4rio Posted May 17, 2011 Well here we go. Plutonia map 32 (go2it) uv-fast in 5:05 My hands were ridiculously shaking in the last battle so no minute barrier 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
j4rio Posted June 4, 2011 Plutonia map 2 tyson in 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Memfis Posted June 4, 2011 Sweet! I like those long non-berserk tysons, utilizing monster infighting to the max. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Daiyu_Xiaoxiang Posted June 4, 2011 Here's a plutonia run which I done 3 weeks ago. Plutonia Experiment map21 - Slayer(UV Max) by 2:40. Credits goes to stx-vile for the 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
j4rio Posted June 4, 2011 Memfis said:Sweet! I like those long non-berserk tysons, utilizing monster infighting to the max. Thanks. :)) Yeah tysons are awesome. Also... tnt map 3 tyson in 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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