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Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

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vdgg said:

In 2010 I came to a conclusion that movies were so rare (at least then, now it's a bit better) because of "I won't record it because it will contain mistakes" attitude.

well, i can understand that. when i'm recording, i tend to get pissed at obvious mistakes and rather start over. i should ignore the mistake and just try to make the best out of the remainder, as the succesful players do.

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kunkun said:

Map08 is doable in around 30 seconds even in a movie, especially if you use cack_handeds method for the glide. It requires playing without novert though so at least I can't use it. Details for that are in his pn08-019 run.

I wasn't having much luck replicating those glide tricks in a reasonable time so I may have to try that method sometime.

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Vile said:

I wasn't having much luck replicating those glide tricks in a reasonable time so I may have to try that method sometime.

To do glides the way I do you have to walk, so you can't use autorun which is a bit of a pain in the ass, unless there's some way to toggle run on/off. Also cack's way of doing them probably doesn't work on map09 terribly well because it's a south instead of west facing glide. If it did work I'd assume he'd have done it since he did all the other levels with glide shortcuts.

Regarding people not wanting to record movies, that's probably always been the case in doom speedrunning :) On compet-n archives doom2 30uv goes from 36:09 in 1996 to 30:54 in 1999 with no records in between which is kinda crazy, especially since this is likely the most speedran (is that even a word) game ever. Usually in speedrunning completing the whole game is the standard category but I guess it's much more satisfying to record that perfect one minute demo than a less than perfect 10 minute one.

Here's another training run, this time actually somewhat decent. I promise I'll stop posting these now until I get something I'm happy with, heh.


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It would be cool to see more people doing the 30nm, though I would understand if less did the 30ns... that one isn't as fun, though you can be more relaxed at times when you have access to more resources.

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I always considered 30nm THE doom category if only because I always thought a run like that would be impossible before I actually saw one. I might try it one day but I probably lack the magical superpowers it requires.

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  • 1 month later...

Plutonia ep2 UV-Speed in 10:28
Bunch of silly tricks which all fall into place surprisingly well allowing faster routes on the rest of the levels. Also highest text file length to demo quality -ratio of all time.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am working on the pl30 run, but I wouldn't call myself a great player haha. So no promises that your time will be beaten anytime soon.

Also, im playing on chocolate doom so it does not quality as competn anyway. I always hated dealing with the original executable, never had much luck getting the settings to my liking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This time second instead of first (which was awful) exit. This route isn't that much faster than the old one (compared to the other eps) but doing 22 without armour makes this fairly difficult. In fact I might even get better times if I just did 21 normally and only did the rj in 25 so I'd get more chances to get good times in the rest of the levels but oh well.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Plutonia map 05 tyson fail in 23:20. Forgot to kill the two chaingunners at the beginning, so the demo does not get 100% kills. Anyway, the route is much better than the one Xit Vono used in his tediously long run. Under 20 minutes should be possible with some luck. This is an old demo and it seems that I'm not going to run this level again anytime soon, so looking forward to somebody doing it properly! :)


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Yeah, please check the last post from here before posting your demos. Most megawads and other popular wads already have special threads dedicated to them.
(I would say "please read the whole Welcome thread" but I understand that it is very long and perhaps not very well organised)
Oh, and don't let Plut discourage you. :) Just because a demo isn't a record doesn't mean that it is worthless or anything like that.

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Almost all of the failed 30pl attempts after switching to a different dosbox version. I used the one which came with the steam release at first but later fx recommended SVN-daum and god damn did that work MUCH better, all the compet-n stuff I did before this was with low graphics and no sound just to keep the frame rate constant and the controls were really laggy (or maybe I just didn't know how to set the other version up). So yeah, thanks fx. Obviously no one is going to watch these, I can't see anyone other than maybe a statistics student using these for some school project being interested in these.

There's some duplicates, the non-numbered runs are just copies of some of the numbered ones. Mostly just to see which attempts to check on prboom to see how I was doing timewise in the better attempts (ie past map10). pl01real is just a fluke where I get through map01 without taking damage (someone had a 1:41 reality on dsda so I beat that by over a minute, pl01real.lmp clearly demo of the year).

Oh yeah, no need to put all of these on dsda.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Map 28 Sewers: UV-Max in 5:48
Done in chocolate doom 1.7.0

Going to keep working on this one, wasn't all that happy with
the end sections considering the strong start.


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Map 22 Impossible Mission: UV-Max in 5:08
Done in chocolate doom 1.7.0

Final update of impossible mission for now. Got some nice infighting where the arachnotron killed off the baron of hell in the lower bridged off area with the nukage.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Plutonia Map 25, NoMo in 0:23

Never realized there was an east-west glide on this map. Thanks to All_Bogs for getting me to recheck this teleporter.


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