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Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

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That was amazing Ancalagon, you've convinced me that I'm not very good at UV-Max :D I suppose it's my approach, I just look up the record and just try to do the same thing just a bit better without practicing the harder parts properly. Getting 3:28 was quite hard for me, but then I get 3:16 after some small changes to the route and some practice. I guess I should stop being lazy with my efforts if I do more max demos :)

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ZeroMaster010 said:

That was amazing Ancalagon, you've convinced me that I'm not very good at UV-Max :D I suppose it's my approach, I just look up the record and just try to do the same thing just a bit better without practicing the harder parts properly. Getting 3:28 was quite hard for me, but then I get 3:16 after some small changes to the route and some practice. I guess I should stop being lazy with my efforts if I do more max demos :)

I found the same thing when I was doing maxes zeromaster, the attempt would feel amazing but it would still be a peg slower than anca.

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^ 4:54

I wanted to try this map because it looked fun, I was wrong.

At least I spent some time on improving the route this time, but I'm sure it can be even better. Also plenty of time to be saved, "have fun" having your perfect run destroyed by a monster not teleporting though.


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Final Doom: TNT Evilution D2all UV-Speed in 39:57

This is 4:19 faster than the previous record, includes a key grab on map 05 and a linedef skip on map 25 (kinda as in ev25p013 by 4shockblast, but with rocket)

I would be lying if I said that 39:57 was the time I predicted, only 3 seconds more and I would feel like all my efforts in this run would have been wasted, I'll never complain about low .xx time in IL's again :)

I am uploading this to my youtube, should be up by tomorrow, youtube.com/c/zeromaster

This run was also done on stream\twitch.tv (zeromaster010 is my channel name)


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Hmm, I'm sure one of my failed attempts has a better ep1, I'll consider going through them. Maps 5 and 25 UV-Speed IL's are already done by 4shockblast (25 is pacifist), NM-Speed is still possible to improve though :)

Edit: I forgot how easy it is to check time with prboom, ep1 in 30ev3957 is 13:52, failed attempt with ep1 in 12:56, I have no idea how to edit demos, so I am not sure if I should bother with submitting ep1 record.

Same goes for ep1 of doom 2, current record is 5:44 by Looper which was a failed 30uv attempt, 30uv1959 has a time of 5:30, a failed attempt of mine at map 16 has 5:23, I'm quite sure Looper might have had even better time.

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Thanks, I will look into it myself, can't be too hard I guess. (doom 2 ep1 was 5:25, not 5:23)

... I can't let anyone see how I died, it just looks so stupid (well ok, I couldn't get the glide for like 5 seconds while the imps killed me on map 16)

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ZeroMaster010 said:

Same goes for ep1 of doom 2, current record is 5:44 by Looper which was a failed 30uv attempt, 30uv1959 has a time of 5:30, a failed attempt of mine at map 16 has 5:23, I'm quite sure Looper might have had even better time.

Heh, I also have a failed attempt at map16(map13) but with a bit better time 5:17. It seems it was my second last attempt, and it is not a big surprise as I did (finally) get over of the train tracks and changed the map03/map04 AND map07 tactic to similar (if not exactly the same) as yours(ZMs). Also grabs the map06 megasphere at the beginning and not after the blue key to save the extra sec! I think there's a slim chance I have a bit better time but unlikely, as I think I played with very high risks at the beginning of my streaming which had couple insane times, I think. Like one was all the way to map27 where I failed with 'sub 20min time' (only average times were required for maps27-30), and it felt like nobody was even watching as there was no reaction in chat even after I mentioned about it :D (Though I can understand that as my streaming was a 'bit' dull at times) I will check the remaining demos later because there are quite many of them, but for now, here is the 5:17 (uncut).

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TNT episode 1 UV-Speed in 12:56.

I used -recordfromto as cyberdemon531 suggested, I used prboom for that, so I guess it's actually a prboom demo now? Either way I put sourceport as cndoom in the .txt since it was originally used, I assume nobody cares anyways.

Looper said:

Like one was all the way to map27 where I failed with 'sub 20min time' (only average times were required for maps27-30), and it felt like nobody was even watching as there was no reaction in chat even after I mentioned about it :D (Though I can understand that as my streaming was a 'bit' dull at times) I will check the remaining demos later because there are quite many of them, but for now, here is the 5:17 (uncut).

I never saw you fail at map 27, so I must have not been there for that run, I can only assume it was during a morning stream which might explain the lack of reactions :) I'm curious about the exact time though.


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ZeroMaster010 said:

That was amazing Ancalagon, you've convinced me that I'm not very good at UV-Max :D I suppose it's my approach, I just look up the record and just try to do the same thing just a bit better without practicing the harder parts properly.

You're better than most who are still active today. I've been doing Maxes on and off for years yet I'm still low tier :P Don't be hard on yourself.

I've noticed that most Slaughtermap Experts are really deadly when it comes to Plutonia-esque map design.

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plutonia map 09 max 03:07.14

I said I would never do this map again, but I'm a liar... well, since I got beaten by as much as 8 seconds I needed to convince myself that I'm not terrible at uv-max :)

2:59 is possible if everything goes right, this time I had a really good ending, but it was wasted on a bad run, my best would have been a 3:03 if 1 damn revenant would not have survived.

Edit: comment to run below, at this point it just comes down to pure luck if I ever want to try and beat that time, so I can feel a bit better about letting this one go :D


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