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Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

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dammn. looks like a lot of absurdly finicky strats that require a boatload of consistency on your part, even when the ducks line up in a row. congrats on the badass feat! Those AVs man, even on 1000% I started drifting off :p, I can't even imagine recording attempts on this.

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Funny to read that health was scarce while you reach the exit with 170% :-P But I probably understand. Anyway, this was hard, fascinating, amazing for me even just to consider beating this, not to mention doing.

Time to watch all Tysons now (just kidding, here's the list sorted by time):


MAP11   4:20
MAP18   4:36
MAP04   4:42
MAP02  11:41
MAP27  14:27
MAP17  14:47
MAP15  16:05
MAP14  17:51
MAP03  19:27
MAP05  19:59
MAP20  21:40
MAP01  24:43
MAP06  25:48
MAP25  27:25
MAP21  29:48
MAP16  32:32
MAP19  34:57
MAP13  35:04
MAP08  35:22
MAP07  36:08
MAP31  37:22
MAP24  41:29
MAP09  45:36
MAP26  47:43
MAP10  48:02
MAP12  67:46
MAP22  86:13
MAP28  88:14
MAP23  92:56
MAP29 114:37

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j4rio said:

Well, looks like those anger management classes paid off.

plutonia map 12 tyson

I watched this in a few sessions, most at normal speed, all the AV stuff at like 50x or whatever it goes up to. My favorite part was the ending, that slight hesitation. "Oh wait, I can leave now!"

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Amazing perseverance, j4rio! Watched the demo mostly in normal speed (except the AV parts)... exceptionally nice!

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Thanks guys, appreaciated!

If anybody is into that sort of thing, here's an attempt that gets to the very end and dies with 4 monsters left, it was basically an attempt I got relatively quickly so some strats may be different.


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Hey noob, the failed demo should go to the failed demos thread.

By the way, I watched the arch-vile part with normal speed. It was great! The forest imp fist fight was pure horror at that point in the run. It is incredible how effectively you punch some of the monsters including the hell knight and the baron. Such speed and precision. I didn't expect this so soon, even after seeing maps 28-29. What next? What is the limit of tysoning? Maybe some AV, HR, HR2, MM, MM2 map?

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j4rio said:

It's also most likely the last IWAD tyson holefiller, with only maps 30 of final doom and go2it remaining, without TAS tools possibly forever.

I'm a big fat liar, hahaha.



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Cyberdemon531 said:


I keep thinking about grinding underhalls for a substantial amount of time, but I know it's virtually impossible :(

Plus no one would believe me if I actually got an exit, I'd be banned for assumed cheating :P

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j4rio said:

I'm a big fat liar, hahaha.


lol if it was me playing, I think id die at last mancubus or id be to tired to shoot with plasma rifle at minute 103 when you finished bullets XD

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Yousuf Anik said:

Are you gonna fill up the TNT Tyson table?

Nope. I don't like anything above map 16. Just wanted first 2 maps.

Also map 2 tyson 7:07.


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Plutonia Map 26 "Bunker"
NM100S in 1:03

Been a while since I spent a day grinding out an IL. From routing to finish only took about 6 hours. <1:05 was a real headache, though.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Plutonia Map 04 "Caged"
NM100S in 1:08

This level's a blast. I'm usually too zapped after work most days to do NM runs, but I couldn't wait to get home to grind this one out. Really fun level.


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  • 4 months later...

I just picked this one 'cos I really like the song.

TNT Map 26 "Ballistyx"
NM100S in 2:12


**Complete rubbish, read at own peril**

So, Nightmare runs involve a lot of trial and error. I've always been curious about the thousands of failed attempts that go into runs of all kinds, but particularly NM runs, so here's a list of things that can go wrong on this level and completely tank the run. i.e. everything that didn't happen to make this run possible.

-The first spectres block you from entering the lift maze.
-The spectres bite your bum as you shoot the first pinky.
-The pinky runs off before you switch to the SSG, taking and blocking the lift.
-The pinky after the next two does the same thing.
-Losing too much health in the first cave & tunnel to survive the dash across the open to the soulsphere.
-Pinky runs off on some wild path, then comes back to box you in with the manc.
-Imps respawn too quickly and jam up the hub corridor.
-A Hell Knight spawns in at the top of the stairs of the chainer/imp room. 90% of runs ended here. The run pretty much depends on him not spawning in. I don't know why he does or doesn't.
-Missing the shot on the chaingunner. He could be anywhere on the platform, so I slow down to give myself time to react to where he is. If you miss, he's more difficult to hit from the other side as you come back and if he can't be hit from there at all, you'll get peppered to death trying to deal with the monster jam at the top of the stairs.
-The closet with the chaingunners doesn't open, meaning you don't get a chaingun and have to use the SSG to clear the stairs back to the YK, which is much, much slower.
-Missing the shot on a pinky in the round room. Sometimes he'll stay out of reach in his cave and be around to bother you as you teleport back in.
-The pinky in the adjacent cave blocking you from behind.
-The firing squad in the YK room, natch.
-Pinkies either block you from leaving the tele, or eventually follow you down the tunnel and chomp your butt while trying to rocket the monster cages.
-A pinky and spectre block the shortcut to the main cave. You just have to fire a couple rockets and hope they either get hit or piss off somewhere else.
-Being completely exposed while trying to rocket the manc, who isn't always staggered by rockets and can shoot back.
-The autoaim notices a thread sticking off the chaingunner's jacket in the little dead end that activates the manc lift and sends your rocket hurtling into the wall instead of straight ahead.
-Pinkies block the red key door.
-You have barely any health and are pathetically gunned down by the final zombieman. This happened many times...

All this on top of having to navigate shitty TNT corridors. :P

I don't have nearly the encyclopaedic knowledge some of you lot have, so I don't know if the individual hazard scenarios of each level like this are just inherently known and understood by most people. I'd be interested in hearing more deconstructions of the specific challenges of each runs.


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